Chapter 2 – I Lost The Bet
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Evelyn smiled as she watched Eva come down the stairs with red cheeks, and wet hair. She gestured to the chair Eva was already familiar with.

"Come, sit down, Eva. Your hair is still soaking wet." She went to the closet, pulled out a large towel that wasn't quite a bath sheet, and walked up behind her. She wrapped the towel around her head and started to gently massage her scalp and dry her hair. Evelyn leaned down.

"Did you put your clothes in the wash?" She asked, her lips near enough to Eva's ear that her warm breath landed on her ear, and neck. Eva nodded, while Evelyn smiled gently.

She continued to massage her scalp, and dry her hair as though it were a simple matter of friendship. Though Eva tried to stay calm, she blushed brightly the entire time. She put the towel around her shoulders, and put her hands on Eva's shoulders.

"I'll be right back. Continue to dry your hair so you won't get a chill." Evelyn walked away with a last small squeeze of her shoulder, while Eva turned her hand and watched that slender waist wiggle while she walked.

"Why is she so sexy?" Eva asked, and covered her head with the towel. "So beautiful with full plump lips, perfectly flowing hair, and make up so perfect that it looks like she doesn't wear any." She wanted to cry, but soon felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Come on, Eva. Uncover your head." Eva slowly peeled the towel away, and became perfectly still as a hair pick began to move gently through her hair. "I hope you don't mind if I spend some time combing your hair while you rest a bit." Eva lifted her chin to look up at her.

"You want to?" Eva asked carefully. Evelyn leaned forward, and moved so she could look down into Eva's eyes. She moved closer and gently kissed her forehead.

"Yes, I want to." Evelyn slowly moved the pick through her hair until she was sure there were no tangles. Afterward, she switched to a fine brush, and gently brushed her hair until it looked smooth and shiny. Once she was done, she put the brush and pick into a small box, and put it on the table.

"Here. You should have your own things to take care of your hair." Evelyn said, and watched as Eva looked up at her, tears in her eyes. She leaned down.

"You make it difficult to rest, Eva. Now I have to sketch this new look of yours."


* * *


Evelyn sat down and picked up her sketchbook, quietly observing the young woman beside her, and began to draw. Eva felt uncomfortable in the silence, and shifted in her chair.

"Eva." Evelyn spoke quietly.

"Yes?" Eva looked at her fearfully.

"There is no obligation other than what I've already spoken of. Keep me company, and let me sketch you." She said softly, and had a small smile for her. "All other things that either of us think of, flirting, touching, kissing, or anything that comes into our minds..." Eva swallowed a lump in her throat as Evelyn looked back at her sketch.

"Yes?" She asked quietly.

"There is no obligation to do any of it." Evelyn said softly. "It may or may not happen. We may become lovers, or we may not. Over the next several months, if it is meant to happen, it will because we let it." Evelyn looked back at her simple sketch, and smiled. She turned it towards her.

"Do you see what I see here?" Evelyn asked. Eva looked at the sketch.

"I see fear." She said. Evelyn smiled.

"Fear, and hope. That is the beauty I saw in you when you passed by my door. That is what made me call out and invite you in." Evelyn said with a soft smile.

"Beauty?" She asked, and frowned. "I've never heard anyone use that word when they talk about me." She said. Evelyn sighed a little.

"Well, I said it. I meant it." Evelyn said firmly. "I am an artist, and a sculptor. If ever the day comes where you feel comfortable enough to model for me, I would gladly sculpt that beauty I saw, and preserve it forever."

Eva looked at her carefully, and examined her eyes. She felt confusion, because there was no deceit in Evelyn's eyes. She wanted to sculpt her. She wanted her to be her model.

"But you flirted." Eva said. Evelyn chuckled.

"Of course I flirted, Eva." She grinned wide, and laughed without reservation. "I did say you had beauty, didn't I? How come it's not appropriate to flirt with such a beautiful woman?" Evelyn let out a sigh and stood up.

"You have so many scars on your heart, dear Eva. Maybe in the future, you'll trust yourself enough." She smiled and walked towards the kitchen.

"Or maybe trust me enough."


* * *


After supper, while they sipped the good tea, Evelyn sketched and drew like mad. Her papers were filled quickly, and she had to find a new sketchbook.

Eva tried to have a conversation, but was unsure, and still had doubts in her heart. Evelyn didn't push her, but she still chatted with her casually.

When it grew dark out, Evelyn went to the doors, closed and locked them, drew the shutters and barred them, and pulled down the blinds. Eva watched her intently, so when Evelyn turned back, she noticed how intense her gaze was.

"I'm not locking you in. I did not trick you when I said that I'm offering room and board.  After all I sketched today, I'll be giving you an allowance as well." Evelyn reached out her hand. "Come. I like to head to bed early, and get up early."

Eva took her hand, was pulled up from the chair by surprisingly strong hands.  She followed obediently behind her up the stairs. At the top, Evelyn took out a pair of shorts and tshirt. She turned and handed them to Eva.

"Clothes?" Eva asked, her head tilted.

"Bed clothes." She gently turned her towards the room she showed her earlier. "I'm over here, so if you need me for anything, do not hesitate to come over." Evelyn smiled gently, and turned to enter her own room.

Eva went to the room she had been offered, took off her robe, and slipped into the clothes she had been given. She sat on the side of the bed, and looked at the open door.

After several minutes, she stood up, and walked over to Evelyn's room. She quietly sat down on the edge of the bed. Evelyn didn't open her eyes, but she smiled gently.

"It looks like I lost the bet." She said. Eva frowned.

"Bet?" She asked, now feeling uneasy.

"My bet with you. A silent one where I bet you that you would sleep in the other bed, just because you could." Evelyn said, and opened her eyes, and saw the blush on Eva's cheeks.

"I am quite glad that I lost." She lifted the blanket, and revealed that she only wore a thong to bed, along with a short silk robe for a shirt. Eva could see the muscles ripple on her belly, and thighs. These are what she covered up earlier in the day with pants and a long sleeved shirt. Eva blushed.

"I'm glad you lost too." Eva whispered.