Chapter 4 – Share Our Firsts
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Every morning, Evelyn would go downstairs, think about how to properly set up her room, and organize her materials. She went through the steps carefully, and planned to buy a few more materials that were a necessity for the process.

After she came upstairs, she would sit and talk with Eva, and sketch her carefully before deciding which sketches would be displayed, and which ones would go into her scrapbooks.

The ones she was fond of would go into her personal collection. The rest were put in envelopes, and filed. While it seemed like a lot, it was barely a package of paper for a copier.

The afternoon was filled with chatting, drawing, and gentle companionship that Evelyn greatly treasured.

Since that first evening, Eva never slept in the other bed. She always slept with Evelyn, and both enjoyed their time together.

"Do you see the differences?" Evelyn asked her after a week. Eva looked over the sketches, the ones she first did, and the ones she did now.

"I'm a bit fatter." She said, which caught Evelyn by surprise. She laughed, but shook her head.

"Though your skin is thicker, you are still far too slender for your frame. Your breasts are a bit larger, as is your lovely bottom." Evelyn said, but Eva lightly slapped her shoulder with a pout on her lips. "However, that is not what I meant. Look." She pointed to her eyes.

"Shyness." Eva said. "A real smile." Evelyn nodded.

"Yes. It is a good change. I haven't chased away the shadows yet, but it is obvious that you feel different from when you first came to live with me." Evelyn said. She watched as Eva's cheeks colored brightly.

"I guess I do feel differently." She pursed her lips a little. Evelyn smiled gently.

"Don't think too hard, love." She said kindly. "Everything is still so new. Just enjoy it, and let it change in its own time." Evelyn returned to her sketchbook and steered the conversation to less personal subjects.

Every night, Evelyn would love her until she passed out from exhaustion. It took over three months before the moment came that Eva asked her to take her virginity.

"Please."  Was all Eva had to say.  The way she blushed, and looked up at her, Evelyn knew what she wanted.  It was perfect for both of them.  While she took Eva's virginity, she kissed her endlessly. Eva climaxed hard, and had her anal virginity taken as well.

When Eva passed out from the heavy amount of physical love she enjoyed, Evelyn stood up, and looked at her sleeping peacefully. She went down the stairs, and went through some poses in her mind.

"Though she has given me this gift of her first time, she still has shadows on her heart. I can't sculpt her yet, or those shadows will be preserved, and not the look I want." She shivered and squirmed.

"She will be my first, and once I start, I won't be able to stop." She squirmed again, and rubbed her thighs together.

"Calm. Calm. It will be her first time modeling, and my first time putting my all into a sculpture. Everything has to be perfect, and the sketches are the key to it all." Evelyn put her all into these plans, so they had to be perfect for her first time.

As Eva shared her first time with Evelyn, she would share this first time with Eva. She had spent ten years planning, studying, and dedicating her art to this first model, even going so far as to reject other models who applied.

For every year that passed since she decided to make her first sculpture, she's had to reject at least two models per month. As her art lie within the realm of drawings, sketches, and paintings, as with each medium she worked in, the first time was always a huge milestone.

Evelyn walked back up the stairs, slid back into the bed with her lover, and held her tightly.

She had to be patient. The first time had to be perfect, and Eva was not quite there. She had recovered a lot of her original self, was more eager in bed, and gained some weight on her frame. She looked healthier than ever, but still held back a bit, until tonight.

Her first time was given to her, both her virginity, and her anal virginity. Both allowed her to climax, and she was quite eager to experience it.

However, she still held back. She treated herself as a guest that had to watch her words. She behaved as though afraid to have an opinion, and not an equal partner.

Evelyn didn't want that. It wouldn't lead her to the peak that she knew was close. She wanted Eva to act like she was an equal partner, to be upset because she was her lover, not a guest, and to have an opinion.

She wanted their relationship to shift gears in order to reach the point that being her model was only a matter between lovers.

It would be an exchange of firsts between lovers.


* * *


"These are exquisite." Jill said softly as she examined the new sketches for the month. Evelyn smiled warmly.

"My model patiently lets me observe her in all her glory, and at all times. I might take out a pad and sketch her when she's eating, or even in the shower." Evelyn rolled her eyes. "She pouts so much when I do that, you could almost hang a teacup off her lip."

Jill smiled, and pulled three sketches from the book.

"I'll take these ones." Jill said, and watched as Evelyn put them in a kraft paper envelope, and handed her the receipt.

"See you next month?" Evelyn asked. Jill smiled.

"Always." After Jill left, Evelyn found a set of eyes on her that were unfriendly.

"You look unhappy." Evelyn said.

"You sold some of the sketches of me?" She asked.

"This is an art gallery, Eva.  And you allowed me to sketch you.  She enjoyed those sketches immensely.  I would not sell her my personal collection, as those were special."  Evelyn said.  Eva looked quite unhappy.

"But it's to her, the one who comes every month!" Evelyn lifted an eyebrow, a bit surprised, but also happy.

"You're jealous." She said softly. Eva was about to retort when she saw a smile spread on Evelyn's face. "I've waited for so long to have you act this way." Eva stopped.

"You have?" She asked. "Like a jealous shrew?" She frowned a little.

"No." Evelyn said with a warm smile. "Not like a shrew, and not like a guest who had to watch her words for fear of being tossed out. Like a lover who had a hold of her lover's heart." Eva's wind was stolen when Evelyn embraced her tearfully.

"I never thought you would recover enough to think of yourself as an equal partner." Evelyn said softly, while Eva blushed.

"I guess I did hold myself back, didn't I?" She whispered. "I've been filled with fear about how you would react, but now I feel so much better about it." Evelyn leaned back, and looked into her eyes.

"This is exactly what I've waited for, love. This look in your eyes is exactly what I wanted to see for so long." She put her hand to her cheek, and cupped it gently. "This look of freedom, and happiness." Eva smiled, and felt her heart leap.

"Now it's time for us to share our most important firsts. Be my model, and be my first sculpture ever."