Chapter 24 – Stay With Me
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Jill felt her middle flex with excitement. Her breath came in slow stuttering gasps. She found herself pouting properly, which stuck her lips out further. Evelyn smiled.

"Good girl. This will hurt. If you are good, there will be a reward." Evelyn said, and lined up the needle. She pinched Jill's lips between her fingers, and with firm pressure, she pushed the needle through Jill's plump lips.

She heard Jill groan as the needle went straight through her bottom lip, and up through her upper lip.

"Excellent. No flinch at all." Evelyn said softly, and pulled the needle through the lips, and aimed for the second stitch. After she put the second, and the third, Evelyn smiled. She put in three more stitches on the other side, and cut the thread.

"Now, stay here. I must close the doors so I can have my way with you upstairs." Evelyn turned away, her face reflecting her sadness now that her eyes had moved out of sight. She closed the doors, shutters, and blinds. After that, she cleared her face, and turned back.

To her surprise, Jill stood up, moved from the chair, reached out, and grasped Evelyn's hand. That was what she needed right now. Some comfort she didn't deserve.

Evelyn was quiet, and walked up the stairs ahead of Jill quietly. Evelyn stripped off her clothes, and removed Jill's in a slow methodical way, which sent shivers of delight down her spine. Evelyn laid on the bed, and though she tried for seductive, Jill could see her melancholy flow. Jill slid into the bed beside her.

Jill pulled the blankets over them both, and held Evelyn's face to her ample chest. Soon, she heard some soft sobs on her chest.

"I didn't see her, Jill." Evelyn whispered. "I didn't see her completely before she was gone." Evelyn's face was on her huge breasts, which she had not seen fully until now.

Her tears wet Jill's skin, but soon Evelyn's lips found a nipple near her lips by accident. She felt drawn to this lovely shapely woman, and sucked on that nipple.

"Mm." Jill murmured, but the stitches kept her quiet. She didn't attempt to remove them, though they could have been easily pulled out. She didn't have permission to pull them out, so they stayed in, like a good submissive lover.

Jill could only breathe through her nose as Evelyn sucked on her nipple, and fondled her other breast. Fingers slid downward, slid through her soft fur, and down over the edge.

"I am so glad you stayed tonight, Jill. I miss her so much." Evelyn whispered. She slid down between Jill's thighs, going down on a woman who had never really experienced good sex before, and now had an expert eagerly going at her.

While Evelyn served Jill's needs, and gave her an appropriate reward, Jill served Evelyn's needs, and stayed the night to comfort and soothe the sourness inside her heart.

It was a mutually beneficial relationship.


* * *


'Evelyn? My love? Where are you? Why can I not see you anymore?' Her soft voice reverberated within the confines of the silicon sealed, and preserved body she once called her own.

Roberta's sculpture sat on the chair, the last wisps of consciousness let go of her body, unable to hear a response to her calls. She could hear nothing, her eyes glued shut, unable to see her beloved Evelyn.

A soft mist escaped from Roberta's 'sculpture' seated on the chair, completely unnoticed by those in the room.

Roberta would have stayed within her body for longer if she could see her beloved again. Even as a doll, a sculpture seated on her chair, Roberta would have stayed, just to see her beloved Evelyn.

Those soft wisps of consciousness did not dissipate into nothing, as Eva's did. Roberta's consciousness let go of her physical form, her body finally died, but that energy sought a place to take root.

As a soft mist, her consciousness floated along the ley lines, buffeted upon the ether winds of the planet, until she found a place to rest.

Roberta had strength within her consciousness, a power she didn't know she possessed, while the place she sought was now empty.

A girl's eyes opened, and where misery once resided, black eyes glared outward.

Roberta was not as dead as Evelyn thought she was.


* * *


"Hm, my poor Jill. So obedient." Evelyn whispered. The couple had only been asleep for a few hours when Evelyn woke up. Jill woke as the last stitch was pulled out, and Evelyn gently wiped the blood off those full kissable lips.

"Ah, it was so difficult to stay quiet, and not open my mouth." Jill said, and rolled her eyes. "That was amazing." She whispered. Evelyn smiled gently, and kissed her gently.

"I can not pierce them again for at least another few months or more. Let them heal properly." Evelyn smiled. "I shall make you a mouth mask, a muzzle as it were. Next time I want to keep you silent while I play with your lovely body, it will allow you to have the same affect."

"Do you want me to bark?" Jill said sourly as she looked away. Evelyn reached up, gently pushed her head back towards her, and kissed her again.

"You're not a dog. I will make you a collar, to show that you belong to me, but that doesn't make you my dog." Evelyn grinned. "You'll be my pet though. When you're obedient, I will reward you generously. When you're disobedient, I will punish you accordingly." Jill blushed brightly.

"Can I move in?" She asked in a small voice.

"Are you homeless too?" Evelyn frowned slightly. "I am just asking. I wonder if I missed how unhappy you were while I did the same for Roberta and Eva." Jill sighed.

"Not homeless. I would have needed a home in order to be without one. I have lived in different places, but I am tired. I do not belong anywhere." Jill said softly.

"That makes sense." Evelyn grinned. "How can my pet live elsewhere?" Jill blushed a little more, and felt Evelyn's fingers on her chin, so she looked into her eyes. "Only in the bedroom can you be my pet."

"I don't understand." Jill said softly.

"In the bedroom, while our purpose is sex, or more specifically, we will be playing those games of bondage, dominance and submission, that is when you will be my pet." She lightly traced her breast. "One can not always be playing those games, or it grows stagnant. Sex and love must also be pursued in order for a relationship to grow properly. I can not make you submit for food, during sleep, or even during our times where we are just chatting." Jill slowly nodded.

"That makes sense. Only when you wanted to take me up here did that happen." Jill said. Evelyn grinned.

"And only because you needed it. If you do not need it, you won't receive it." Evelyn sighed, and put her face back on Jill's soft pillowy breast.

"Tonight, you will find out how a lover is supposed to treat her lover." Evelyn didn't say another word, though she wanted to.

And I will not waste a lover's embrace so easily again.


* * *


Jill moaned softly as she lifted her head. She heard the gentle sounds of something moving, and quickly understood what it was.

"Did you sleep at all?" Jill asked. The pencil moved quickly over the page, but Evelyn only smiled softly.

"A little. More than I deserve right now." Evelyn sighed. "I did not look deep enough for my lover, Roberta. I did the same thing to Eva. I shall not do the same to you." Evelyn opened a container beside her chair, and handed Jill a pad. "It's an ice pack. Use it to take the swelling out of your lips." Jill licked her lips.

"Oh!" The painful swelling in her lips surprised her.

"It is a natural response to the damage. It will heal, and the swelling will come out." Evelyn smiled gently. "I'll go make some tea. Take your time getting out of bed. A robe and some towels are in the bathroom. Take a shower when you're ready." Jill felt Evelyn's lips touch her cheek, and she watched her walk out. She touched her own cheek.

"So odd. Is this what is referred to as normal love life?"