Chapter 37: An Explanation.
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The Demon Lord began pacing even more quickly after Brenna explained everything.

“How do you know my brother Loki?-“


“I don’t, at least not personally. But I am familar with another person with such a name: your parents naming schemes are on point apparently; only Benedict would have been a more fitting name.”


“Are you insulting my family?!” Brenna shouted.

“Not your family, just your brother.” Crystaria told her. “Can you please explain some more about what happened in regards to your family’s death… Uhh, if you would please.”

Brenna looked at her harshly after she said that. But she felt the Demon Lord’s chagrin, so she shrugged, deciding to just let it slide.


Since when have I become so comfortable around this goblin?


“The attack was sudden. None of our scouts even saw the army of dark races approaching. We only realized they were there, just about the time they were knocking on our doorstep.”

“What about the battle itself?”

Brenna shrugged.

“Not much to say about that really. The dark races shouted, “For the Demon Lord!” Then just started throwing themselves at our walls and gate.


“They said that?”

“Yeah, they said that.” Brenna confimed.

“And you understood them?”

“Of course I understood what I heard! Do you think I am fucking simple?!” Brenna defended indignantly.

“No, I don’t know you well enough to accuse you of that yet.” Crystaria teased.

The just earned her a scoff from Brenna.

“I don’t get why you’re asking these questions.” Brenna grumbled a complaint.

“Do you speak lizen?” Crystaria asked.

“…No? Their language has escaped scholars for years. It is a really hard to learn, let alone master it. I think like, only three people in Alva Elof, might be able to speak it at all, if only amateurish at best.”

“Then you speak orc?”

“Little phrases here and there. You pick things up when you’re scout-“


“*SCOFF* No one knows goblin. Why would we ever need to speak with vermin…” Brenna mocked, but then her eyes went wide. “I mean!-“


But all she got for her trouble was a mirthful laugh from the Demon Lord.

“No offense taken. Most goblins are no better then vermin. But that is mostly because, no one has given them the chance to be anything else.” Crystaria explained. “If you talked with some of my citizens, you would see goblins as anything but the savages you would know and hate.”

“You know? I am not really here to play and make nice with the dark races.” Brenna pointed out.

“But you could though, if you really put your mind to it. You could if you really gave it your all. I am sure you could very well make one or two friends with us.” Crystaria told her flippantly.

“Cheeky Demon Lord.” Brenna quipped with a lazy smile as she resumed her relaxed posture on the sofa from before.


“…… But this comes to my conclusion… You said you heard them shouting “for the Demon Lord”? Like they were serving under me?”


“That’s right I heard them say……” It finally clicked for Brenna.



“They shouted in elvish… didn’t they.” Crystaria asserted what she had already figured out.

“But- But that makes no sense for them to do that?! Why would a bunch of dark races be shouting in elvish “for the Demon Lord.”?!”

“You won’t believe me, even if I tell you. And you definitely won’t like what I am thinking, of that I’m am almost certain.”

Brenna’s eyes narrowed at the Crystaria.

“You’re probably right, but I would like to hear it anyways. Let me draw my own conclusions, thanks.” Brenna told her firmly.


“…There really is only one conclusion that comes to mind. I know, that I did no such thing, nor did I plan any sort of collaborative attack with the Lizen; in-fact, I have not been able to once get the lizen to respond to my messages, formal or otherwise.” Crystaria informed her, as she stopped pacing to face Brenna.

“I do believe that, by all accounts that you have given me. That your family was betrayed by someone within your own walls.” Crystaria told Brenna.


“No way! That is just not possible!” Brenna shouted defiantly. “There is no way! There is not a single person, that would betray the royal family!”


“Not even if they are the royal family themselves?” Crystaria countered.


Brenna was off the sofa in an instant. Holding Crystaria by the collar of her shirt.


“YOU DARE ACCUSE ME OR MY ONLY LIVING FAMILY MEMBER OF FAMILICIDE!!!” Brenna shouted in rage as she lifted Crystaria off of the ground by the collar of her robes.

“If I thought for one moment I could kill you, I would have challenged you to an honor duel right here! Right now for this perceived insult!” Brenna threatened her.


But to Brenna’s surprise, it wasn’t shock of anger she felt from the Demon Lord for Brenna’s harsh actions. Instead, it was elation.


“Does this mean your people have an honor code system?”

“Huh? What does that matter? Of course we elves have an honor code system: every race does.” Brenna explained to her with an incredulous look.

“Excellent. This might be just the answer to both of our problems.” Crystaria then looked from her, to the floor, then back to Brenna again. “Would you mind putting me back down again?” She asked her politely.

“*TSK* UUUGGHHH.” Brenna growled while rolling her eyes. She unclenched her hands, dropping Crystaria from a few yalms off the ground.


She landed as if she hadn’t just been dropped. Like it was her hopping off a chair.

She stared at Brenna for a moment before asking her.

“I don’t suppose I could just get you to cooperate with me and help me sort out this mess?”

“*SCOFF* You want me? To help YOU?! Next you’ll ask me to just go spit at the Gods’ Crystal. You realize by asking this of me at all, and that if I were to accept even the slightest deal; even if it meant saving my life, even if I were to do it for the chance to later betray you. I would still be branded a traitor. Do you understand what you’re asking of me?”

“I realize what I am asking.” Crystaria confirmed. “But I really could use your help. I have a sinking suspicion that trouble is bound to come and be knocking on my city’s door step relatively soon. And the only way I see to help catch the ones responsible for this, with evidence to prove they did it. Is to help each other.”


“And I for one!” Brenna argued. “Am still not convinced this isn’t some sort of sick game of yours, where you’re tricking me into helping you betray my people! This could very well have all be set up to be a ploy.”

“… I guess I can acknowledge that… but how would I have known you would come here, so I could convince you to help me?”


Brenna reached down to pull something from her pocket.

“With this!”

Crystaria looked at the folded note.

“I thought they searched you guys?” Crystaria commented.

Brenna harrumphed smugly.

“I also snuck a knife into the sole of my boot.” She told her proudly.

“Touché” Crystaria conceded.


The Demon Lord then took the proffered piece of parchment.

She unfolded it, reading through the contents.

“Well… this is… umm… where did this come from?”

“From the corpses if the lizen invaders that killed my family.” Brenna explained with venom dripping from her words.

“Umm…. This is…”

“Damning evidence of your crimes?” Brenna said triumphantly.

“…I was going to say ridiculous… This orcish is horrible! And besides! We don’t even use orcish lettering like this anymore.”


Brenna had to do double-take at that.


“Yeah, sure… umm… where can I get some… oh whatever!” She walked towards one of the three doors at the end of a small hallway.

“Oglran? Can you go and see about getting me some paper?”

“Certainly.” Came an effeminate voice on the other side of the door.

“Paper! You guys have paper!” Brenna shouted in shock. “Where are you stealing that from! Merchants all over have been trying to find the source of Gibson-and-Sons trading route for years to get paper! Are you telling me you’re robbing them?!”


As Crystaria entered back into the room, had to stop to support herself on the wall with an outstretched hand, as she doubled over from laughter.

This, for the first time since Brenna had started speaking with the Demon Lord. Had ever seen her break away from her stoic cold persona, that she had been displaying towards her.

“Stealing?! Hahahhahaha! Oh my god! Hahahaha! More like robbing them blind!”

After a moment, the Demon Lord calmed back down and began wiping the tears from her eyes.

“Oh god! I haven’t laughed like that in ages!” She looked back towards Brenna, who was scowling at her. “We not stealing from them. We are selling to them.”

Crystaria could see Brenna’s brain had shut completely down as she processed what she had just heard.


Brenna.EXE has stopped working, lawl! Crystaria thought comedically.


“Wait.” Brenna held up a hand while pinching between her eyes at the bridge of her nose. Her eyes closed so hard, it looked like it might threaten her with another headache, if it didn’t already look like she was using every once of her brain power she had to spare at that moment.

“Are you implying that… YOUR THE ONE? supplying the whole world with paper?”

“That would be me… or us rather.” Crystaria corrected. “I am not really in-charge of that anymore.” She told Brenna.


Brenna staggered backwards until her lets hit the sofa and she sat down.

“Are… but…— If the empire found out about this! Paper would be outlawed!” Brenna said as she connected the dots.

“Probably.” Crystaria shrugged while answering casually.

“BUT YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND!” She shouted desperately. “Paper is already a desperately needed item for the lives of everyone in the world! Even peseants use it! If the empire ever found out about its origins! It will be outlawed! Everyone will either be forced to part with paper, or be branded as heretics and burned at the stake for consorting with dark races!” Brenna panically explained. “Thousands of documents and tomes are being rewritten and transferred to paper! All of which will be burned if this is leaked!”


“Then I guess that you and your men have got to keep this a secret then. My little accomplice.~” Crystaria teased.


UGH!” Brenna bent forward to hold her head in her hands.


A knock came at the door.

Crystaria walked back over to answer it.

“Thank you Oglran.”

“My pleasure Crysta.”


Then the door as closed again.

“…So, you have my room guarded…” Brenna said as a statement of fact, less of an accusation.

“Well… yeah… I would hope that would be obvious. We can’t have you get attacked by any citizens who would see to do you harm, just for being part of the light race.” Crystaria explained.

Brenna scoffed.

“Okay yeah, sure. And that guard is simply there to protect me, not to stop me from escaping?” This time, Brenna did make her question sound accusatory.


“Not really? Oglran would make a poor guard to capture you again if you tried to leave at the moment. Seeing as she is like twenty weeks along.”

“Twenty weeks along?” Brenna questioned.

“Err… she is pregnant.”

Brenna stood up from her sofa.

“You made a pregnant woman guard me?! Have you no shame?!”


“Look. She is a very capable ranger, she speaks elvish, and everyone in the city either knows her, or respects her out of fear. Her being pregnant would discourage those who would come by to do you harm. Besides! Have you seen an orc mother get mad? Not pleasant!”

“*SCOFF* And I suppose it is also to discourage me from harming her as well, I take it?”


“You got it in one.” Crystaria confirmed.         


“Great.” She flopped back down onto the sofa looking for all the world as defeated. “So to escape, I have to kill not only a woman, but a pregnant woman on top of that. Way to hold my morals hostage.”

“Oh there wouldn’t really be any need for that.” Crystaria told her. “Oglran wouldn’t try to stop you from leaving anyways.” Crystaria informed her.


“So you’re telling me I can just take my men and go?”

“Well no,” Crystaria corrected. “I just mean she won’t: I have other rangers patrolling around the parameter of our city at all times. They would catch any of you if you escaped your guides.”

“See!” Brenna pointed out accusatorially.

“Look. If you want to though. You can ask to leave the room or to explore the city at any time. Oglran would be more than happy to escort you.”

“I doubt that.” Brenna said in disbelief.


“You still don’t trust me do you?” Crystaria asked her from the table she was writing on.


“Not. At. All.”


“Is there anyway you would?” Crystaria asked her.

“Not really. As far as I am concerned. Your a liar. A cheat. You murdered my family. You attacked the fort I was currently stationed at. Mind controlled me into killing one of my own men. On top of just being the Demon Lord; my sworn enemy of the light races.” Brenna listed off. “So, no.” Brenna said with a shake of her head. “I doubt there is anything you can do to convince me into believing you.” She told Crystaria with finality.


“Not even if I show you our paper production?”

“*SCOFF* Hardly.” Brenna scoffed.


“Not even if I explain that I didn’t mind control you?”

“Like hell you didn’t!” Brenna shouted as she stood up.

She then walked over to point at Crystaria’s face.

“I lost control over my entire body! You don’t even understand what it was like for me! To be staring out from inside your own body! Not even to be able to control your own actions!” She berated.


“…… I might know more than you think……” Crystaria whispered quietly.


Brenna blinked at what she had just heard, as she felt the profound sadness wash over the Demon Lord.

But she shook her head to dismiss it.

“And on top of it all! You made me kill Bryan! I will never forgive you for making me do that!”

“……” Crystaria was quiet for a while as she finished what she was writing. She then turned to Brenna. 

“There.” She said as she handed the paper towards Brenna. “The front has the elven translation of the note, and the backside has it in english… or err. goblin primer.”


“Goblins have their own letterings?!” Brenna asked in astonishment.


Crystaria nodded.

“We do now.” She answered as she got back up to walk towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Brenna asked, wondering if their time together was done.

“I am going to ask Oglran to do me a favor.”

“Ah! Okay…” Brenna replied dismissively as she had gone back to skimming the paper she was given.

“To my most precious subordinates.

I would like to thank you for volunteering for this mission on sacrificing yourselves for the greater good.

Your deaths will not be in-vain. For soon, our race shall be the most supreme of races.

By doing this, you are securing me a chance with an audience with the Demon Lord.

Once I have their powers, we will sweep through the land, conquering every single race on this filthy mud ball of Alstaria.

Your supreme leader, Sepetus.”


While this was damning treachery from the Lizen people towards Crystaria. This was hardly evidence that anyone from her side was involved.

Brenna was contemplating all of this, and comparing the front of the note to the letters and words on the back of it, where this supposed “goblin writing” was located.

Got to admit, it looks like actual words and writing. Not just a bunch of scribbled lines

As she was reading. She noticed Crystaria return from the hallway along with a new figure in-tow.

“Back alread- Bryan…” Brenna called out breathily. The paper slipping from her hand. Falling to the floor.


“Hello Commander! It’s good to see you!”


They then moved towards one another, embracing in a full body hug.

“Oh by the Gods of Light! Bryan! I thought you were dead!” Brenna cried into his shoulder.

The produced a chuckle from Bryan.

“You think I am going to die and leave you behind Commander? Not even on your life.” He assured. He pulled back to place a hand on her cheek.

“It is good to see you whole.” He whispered.

“You too Lieutenant.” She whispered back.

They leaned in and softly kissed each other. Heads turning to the side into a loving embrace.


“Oh wow! Now I see why you were so pissed at me.” Crystaria remarked.


This broke the two apart, looking like two heads about to burst into flames.

GODS! I forgot she was in the room!

Brenna shot Crystaria a glare.

“You know!” Brenna shouted in embarrassment. “You could have just left or given us privacy!” She complained.

“How was I supposed to know you would be sucking face.” Crystaria argued playfully.

This made Brenna’s face turn crimson at the Demon Lord’s crude remark.

“You know! I would appreciate it if you just not try and make my face burn away in shame!”

“I don’t even need to try apparently.” Crystaria countered.

“You know what-“


“Umm…” Bryan interrupted. “Brenna? What is going on? Why are you acting so casual with the Demon Lord? You realize who that is right?”

Brenna had a look guilt cross her face.

“I…” Brenna hesitated.

“You what? Commander! Please tell me you haven’t forgotten what she did to Fort Vidar? Are you really becoming buddy-buddy with a Demon Lord?!”

“I… No! Of course not!” Brenna denied. She felt slightly uncomfortable. Why she wasn’t lying per-se, but she also felt guilty because it was hard to refute his accusations.

“What have you told it? What has it told you? Did you leak any sort of information? Did you-“


“Okay. That is enough.” Said a tall hooded figure behind Bryan. It put it’s hand on his shoulder. It was long lanky green, with long black nails.

“Demon Lord?…” Called out Brenna in confusion.


Bryan was also stupefied at what he was seeing.

Instead of a small tiny miniature goblin. It was a tall cloaked skinny figure.


“While I think it is good thing for soldiers to have a close camaraderie with each other; I think it is inappropriate for someone of a lesser rank, to be questioning a superior officer.” The Demon Lord reprimanded.


Gone was the bell like voice. There was a serious sounding mezzo-soprano that was slightly on the higher end, closer to soprano. Her voice still had a soft sort if quality to it.

Bryan was the first to recover from this baffling and startling change.

“Who the hell do you think you are Demon Lord! How dare you intrude in on elven business! This is our conversation between a subordinate and their commanding officer!”

“You just answered your own question: who am I? I am the Demon Lord. I have grown bored of this conversation, now sleep.”

“What are-… not… ag…-“ Bryan then started to collapse to the floor. But was caught by a lanky arm of the weirdly human sized goblin.


The Demon Lord did a gesture with her hand. Then Bryan’s slumped form started to rise.

Brenna looked at Bryan’s sleeping floating form and began to protest.


“Don’t speak.” The Demon Lord told her.


Her command set a shiver down her spine. There was so much more  authoritarianism within her words now, that Brenna was compelled to silence.

Bryan floated towards the door. The Demon Lord knocked on it receiving an answer right away.


“Yes?… *SIGH* Crysta…” The orc head with dirty blond long hair pulled into a ponytail, was peeking around the door. “Just what did you do?” She accused with a bored disappointed voice, but her emotions were jovial with laughter.

“It’s not my fault!” The Demon Lord defended. “He was-“

“It’s never your fault. But he must have done something to annoy you for you to take your bigger form.”

“I just… okay, you got me there…” The Demon Lord conceded.

“What do you want?” The orc asked with narrowed skeptical eyes.

“I casted a floating spell-“

“I noticed.”

“… I casted a floating spell-“

“Demon Lord… I’m concerned. You seem to be repeating yourself.”

“Just take him to his room! Gawd! You’re just as bad as Artemis now!”

“And I take that as the highest form of complement you can give me.” Oglran gloated.


The Demon Lord just shook her hand at the orc.

“Just take him please…”

“Yes, ma’am.” She saluted above her brow.

After the orc left with Bryan, it was just the two of them again.





An awkward silence permeated the room for about five minutes.

“……I am sure you have many questions…….”


“Several!” Brenna shouted.


Crystaria nodded.

“You may go first. But please save your questions on why I just did that to your lover for last.”

“…….” Brenna was about to ask about that regardless of what the Demon Lord told her to do. But decided better on it, rather than just do it out of spite.


“What did you do to me the other night? You obviously didn’t make me kill Bryan. It’s obvious why you brought him over to see me: you wished to gain my trust in some sort of fashion… but I am worried about what you did to me.”

“That is fair. I suppose… the simple answer is: that I made you see, what I wanted you to see. I casted a certain spell on you, to make your mind believe what I suggested with my words as I spoke them to you.”


“!!!!!!” Brenna was stunned by what the Demon Lord was suggesting.

It was almost worse than mind control!

“So you still controlled my actions!”


“In a sense. But more to the point. I can manipulated your sight; I made your brain think your muscles were moving, when they weren’t: there is no true way to manipulate a persons mind; at least… not without breaking it entirely.” Crystaria explained with a sad melancholy tone.

“Have you done such a thing before?” Brenna questioned.

“To a criminal once: his charges were rape and murder. We…-“ She stopped speaking, then corrected herself. “I… I sentenced him to be used by the research institute of magic for his crimes. We needed a test subject. But did not wish to experiment on people without first testing the consequences: the results were… shall we say, he is now drooling perpetually mindless husk, one  that cannot think for himself.”


Brenna shuddered.

“That is horrible!” Brenna protested.


Crystaria shrugged.

“He was slated to be killed anyways. His death, at least this way. Was a step forward in our magical research. At least his life meant something at that point.” Crystaria told her firmly.

Brenna thought she sounded cold. But she could tell she felt guilty just the same. But it felt like it was to separate things of guilt at the same time.

“You hated him for what he did, which you think he deserved to die. But you hated what you did, because it was cruel.”

“Once again, you got it in one.” Crystaria told her remorsefully. She then looked at Back at Brenna’s face. “That is why we banned the research on dominating minds, also know as, mind control. Research into the how magics operate and affect the mind is still acceptable, but must be supervised by either myself, the head researcher at the RIM, or our headmistress at the academy of magic.”




The information dump was to much for Brenna to keep up with what the Demon Lord was saying.

What the in the dark hells is a RIM? I haven’t even heard of that word.


Brenna couldn’t understand the new word, because Crystaria had said it in english.

“This is why mind control is forbidden. Because all it does, as far as we can tell. Is just completely dominates one’s mind; most likely just killing the person: and I do so detest killing people.”

All she could sense was honesty from Crystaria.


What kinda Demon Lord hates killing? honestly…


She almost shook her head without realizing. Just by the shear absurdity of what she was just told.

“Okay… my next question should be pretty obvious.” Brenna informed her. She made an up-and-down gesture with her hand. “How the hell are you so big?! I mean! I thought your tiny sized goblin form was cute and all, but whoever heard of a human sized goblin?!”


Wait? What did I just call her?


But before she could self analyze further, Crystaria replied.


“Ah! This was also part of some research we have done not too long ago. At first, I didn’t think it was possible. Because the first time I attempted this, I thought I nearly killed myself.”

Brenna was startled to hear the Demon Lord say this.

So the supposed all powerful Demon Lord of legends, that was suppose to come about three years ago. Nearly died from a magical accident? That would have been a loss.

“So… obviously it was a success then. I mean, if you are able to transform like this.” Brenna pointed out.

“Not really… In fact… in just about-“




Gone was the tall goblin in a puff of multi-colored smoke and steam. Back was the adorable miniaturized one, with wisps of colorful steam rising off of her.

“…About to end.” Crystaria told her. Sadness and longing permeated her being.     


“Ahhh! So it is only temporary?”

Crystaria shook her head.

“Only for me… if you don’t believe me. Ask Oglran outside the door. She used to be a man.”


Brenna couldn’t help but double-take at the door.

A man?!

“A man?!”

Shit… I didn’t mean to say that out loud!


“Surprising right? When she was a he at the time; he came up to me with that request, I told him everything about my attempt at it. You know what he said to me?! He was like: “I’m so tired of Cindy flaunting about the house with our two kids teasing me about not being able to get pregnant with our Yamin!”

Crystaria was amused to watch Brenna through the whole explanation. As her expression had gone from curious, to astounded, now shocked. She currently had her jaw dropped open with her eyes wide, with just a hint of pink on her cheeks.

She seems pretty innocent for someone with a lover.

Crystaria then Shrugged.

“After seeing my modified spell work on her. I of course had to try it… but many attempts and magical back flow later. The only shape I can take, is one that is only slightly taller……. And nothing more.” Crystaria voice had a tinge of sadness leaking into it.


Brenna gave her a sad smile.

“Do you know why that is? why it isn’t permanent for you?”

“We have a guess.” The Demon Lord hesitated for a moment before pulling down the front of her robe to reveal the middle of her chest.

At first Brenna was scandalized. She felt her face start to heat up once again, but then her eyes had gone wide at what she saw.


“Is that?!…”

Crystaria nodded.

“When I was born into this world. The shard of god that the goblins had kinda erupted. Leaving me there with this shard buried into the center of my chest.” Crystaria quickly pulled her robe back up quickly. Shame flowing from her.

“…! So does that mean the shard of the evil God is gone?!” Brenna asked astonished at what she just realized she had been inadvertently told.


“That is right. Along with the orcs’.”


“Theirs is gone as well?! How?! I know how the goblins’ vanished from what you just said; because apparently it’s in you now. But what happened to theirs?!”

Crystaria tilted her head to the side in a pondering fashion. Looking up at nothing in particular.

“I… it’s sort of a long story… so let me abridge it a little: when we goblins arrived, I was taken to see the gray and lifeless crystal filled with the energy of the void. Anything that touched it just disappeared; erased as of it had never existed in the first place.”

Crystaria explained then shuddered at the memory of a broken dagger the orc had shoved towards the crystal as a demonstration.

“But for some reason. One that even I can’t explain… I… I was compelled to walk towards it… I placed my hand on it, despite being yelled at by everyone. Then the shared broke into countless pieces of dust. Then were absorbed into my crystal.” Crystaria emphasized by tapping her chest between her breast, where her crystal lay.


“Fascinating…” Brenna said astounded.

“Right?! Oh boy! You should have seen my retainers that day! It was almost for two weeks that they stayed mad at me. I felt really bad for worrying them.” She lamented.

Brenna smiled down at her.

“At least your hunch paid off? Everything turned out alright.” She defended.


Why did I defend her?


“Mmm… try telling that to my best friend and her grandparents. I thought Artemis was going to talk me to death for the rest of my life.”

The brought a giggle out of Brenna.

“Sounds like my mother. She nagged me to death when her first princess wanted to be a knight. “No! It is to dangerous! Find a nice husband to defend and show off for you if you like knights that much!” She said.” After Brenna jokingly mentioned her mother. She felt a sadness wash over her.


I miss you mom…


Apparently it was written all over her face. Because the next thing she knew. Her hand was being held by Crystaria’s tiny one.

“I want to tell you, that I’m sorry for your loss. I can almost feel it pouring from your aura…” She explained.

Damn… Brenna realized she had started leaking tears.


“I’m fine, damn it….” She lifted her free hand to wipe the two errant tears that leaked out of her eyes. “I just had something in my eyes!” She excused away.

“I promise. I will help you catch and bring those responsible for this to justice.”

“*SCOFF* What good does the words of the Demon Lord get me back home? I couldn’t even suggest your name, without being branded as a heretic.” Brenna argued.


“Not with my name or title:” Crystaria told her. “With my life.”


The froze Brenna into place.


“I promise; that I will bring all of those responsible for all this. Or my life is forfeit.” The Demon Lord vowed.


“…………” Brenna was at a loss for words. She could not sense a single trace of deceit running though the Demon Lord- Crystaria’s words.


What kind of fucking Demon Lord promises their life to a member of the Light race? Brenna questioned. I must be the first fucking person who has even told of such a thing.

“That is a bold and some might say, what foolish promise Demon Lord… are you sure you should be throwing promises around like that so casually? What would your people think of you?”


Crystaria shrugged.


“I’ll probably get more lectures from Artemis and my Master General.” Crystaria told her flippantly.

“*SNORT* Are you so used to causing problems for your subordinates, that you are ready to be scolded at a moments notice?”

She felt chagrin exude out the—… Crystaria.


“Well… when you put it like that… it makes me sound as if I am a bad person who just does things impulsively.” Crystaria murmured.

This brought a genuine laugh out of Brenna.

Seriously! This fucking Demon Lord! She thought mirthfully.

As she settled down from her laughter. She eyed Crystaria with a serious look.

“Why did you do that to Bryan just now?” She asked patiently.

“*SIGH* I don’t trust him.”


“Of course you don’t trust him! He is part of my knights that’s come on a unsanctioned mission to assassinate you! Why should you?” Brenna looked at her incredulously.

Crystaria was quiet for a while before she spoke again.

“…Then let me ask you my question… how would you react if your guys’ roles were reversed?”

Brenna was a little confused by her shift in question, but she answered anyways.

“If our roles were reversed. I would have been relieved to see that he was okay. That he hadn’t gotten hurt.”


“…What would you have said to him if you saw him after reunited?”

“…I would have said: “I am so glad to see you’re not hurt! Has the Demon Lord hurt you?”

“You would have been concerned for his well being.” Crystaria pointed out.

“Yes! What person wouldn’t be concerned over their partner!”




Silence took over the room at Crystaria’s suggestion.

“…Get out…”



“I have entertained you for long enough hopefully. Even if I am a prisoner. I really have nothing more I wish to talk to you about. So get out.” Brenna told Crystaria with an angry finality.


Crystaria stared at her. Realizing she had done something that maybe destroyed any sort of trust she just built. So she would back off for now.

“Very well. I will leave. If you want or need anything, Oglran or some other will be outside your door to take or guide you. If you wish to visit or talk with your men. Your free to do so.” Crystaria informed her.

She got up to make her way towards the door. Before she reached up to open the door, she turned to look back at Brenna; who was scowling at her for the umpteenth time that day.

“I just want you to remember a few things before I go: I haven’t lied to you once. I will keep my promise to you. Even if you don’t accept it. Because this is now an issue I need to resolve on my end as well. Also if I could leave you with a bit of advice.” She looked at Brenna with a one of her rare expression changes.

“Question everything.” She told her as she opened the door.

“…Even you?” Brenna countered.

“…….” The Demon Lord looked back at her. “….Especially me…..”

She then turned and left through the door.