CHAPTER 1: Exploring the Chat group
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//Welcome to Dimensional Chatgroup//

//This chatgroup is connected to the Myriad Worlds//

//Host Asamiya Ren is hereby given Owner rights for the Chatgroup//


//Rights include:

Sending Invitations (4 Random and 1 Specified, one time)

90% discount on the Chatgroup Store

20% of the Combined points of all the members’ rewards for every mission

Unlimited travel to the members’ world//










//Gift Pack Given//

//Owner received//

Skill Upgrade Coupon 2x

100,000 Points

Mission Card 2x

Guaranteed SSR Gacha Ticket 1x


//Does the Owner want to initiate invitation?//

//Yes or No//


Ren clicked Yes


//Select Specified Invitation//

Ren thought for a while. He wondered who would be a good choice. He thought of inviting Urahara Kisuke because of his wits. Also, he can make use of his somewhat researcher hobbies, especially the Hougyoku. He proceeded and invited Urahara Kisuke without further delay


//Invitations sent//

//Shinigami Scientist has joined the group//

//Oldest Godslayer has joined the group//

//Loki has joined the group//

//Pirate Empress has joined the group//

//Black Cat has joined the group//


Oldest Godslayer: Hmm? What’s this? Some sort of Authority?

Loki: Huh? What’s this? Am I still drunk

Pirate Empress: Is this a new Devil fruit??

Shinigami Scientist: Dimensional Chatgroup?? Interesting…

Black Cat: HUH?! Who dares disturb me from my slumber?!

Ren was amused with the reactions of his members, especially Kisuke. He expected that he might not bubble because of his cautious nature but it seems the he’s wrong. He viewed they’re profiles to familiarize they’re identity. He then replied to the chatgroup.

HONKAI: Welcome to the chatgroup

HONKAI: What’s up with my name?

Oldest Godslayer: Who are you? Are you the owner of this Authority?

Black Cat: Are you the owner?? How dare you awaken me!


Ren just laughed at their response and proceeded to change his name before replying


Ren: Yes @Oldest Godslayer, I’m the owner of the chatgroup and no, this is not an authority from a god

Oldest Godslayer: Not an Authority? Then what is this?

Ren: You could say that it’s a platform that connects the infinite universe. Some of these universes may or may not have a supernatural side. Just like your world, some of these worlds have literal gods while some is just a peaceful and quiet world like the world of @Black Cat.

Shinigami Scientist: Interesting… So, you’re saying that you- no we came from a different universe, and each of us may or may not exist in the same universe?

Ren: Correct.

Shinigami Scientist: Then why do you act like you know us?


Ren was happy that he invited Kisuke, this is what he expected him to be, to be the brain of the group.


Ren: Because I do know all of you

Pirate Empress: How did you know us?

Ren: Let’s just say that the universes have a way to share information through some kind of medium. @Shinigami Scientist, are you familiar of the Parallel world Theory?

Shinigami Scientist: You mean that there exist some kind of parallel world to your own?

Ren: Yes, the universes would share information in a large scale that sometime humans would get that info in some form of epiphany or dream.

Shinigami Scientist:…

Ren: Ever read a manga or novels?

Shinigami Scientist: Yes, of course… NO WAY

Black Cat: So, you mean that those works are actually a result of human catching information about other universes??

Ren: Correct, Gokou Ruri.

Loki: You mean to say that in some other dimension, I exist as a character of fiction? And there exist some kind of counterpart of me in some of them.

Ren: Precisely, you perverted goddess, And now, I’m gonna share you some info about your world

Loki: I’m not a pervert! I’m cultured!


//Ren has sent ‘Campione’, ‘Bleach’, ‘OreImo’, ‘One Piece’, ‘DanMachi’//


Ren: watch those first, I have something to do. Campione for Voban, Bleach for Kisuke, Oreimo for Kuroneko, One Piece for Hancock, and DanMachi for Loki


Ren turned off the chatgroup and head out to get some fresh air. He figured out that he might as well enroll to a school, considering that he looks like a 16-year-old. He had fake papers that came from R.O.B. so he has no problems about his credentials. Because the school that Kiana and the others attend is an All-Girl school, He looked for school near that school.  He found a school nearby named Koryuu Gakuen and decided to enroll there. He went to a convenience store to buy some food before heading to Koryuu and quickly did the transfer process. He then took his schedule and bid farewell to the faculty. 

While he was walking, he ended up in front of a school he was familiar. The school where the Lilies blossomed, Senba Gakuen. He was wondering if Kiana and Mei already met, or if the lilies are already in full bloom. Shaking his head to vanquish his weird thoughts, he went on his way back to his apartment. But before he even took a single step

“Hey! What are you doing here?”

A familiar voice called at him. He looked at the owner of the voice and was in nostalgia. He was surprised that she, Kiana Kaslana, was here.