Chapter 5 Our AI YOHAI!
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[Gundam Nova] 


April 1st 6:30 P.M. 191 I.J.C. Siga-8


“Noooo! I don't wanna! I want to play more! I want Haro!” …How did I get into this situation? Ah right…Before I knew it, it was already time to go home.


As for the child throwing a tantrum over here? Well, that Sylvia, she didn't want to leave Haro, it seemed she took a fancy to him even more than I thought.


Right now she is hugging Haro with all her might, and I could feel the cry from Haro, yeah, it come from his beeping for her to let go…


Ha…why do I need to deal with this?


“Miss Sylvia,” I walked toward her and lowered myself a bit, so that I could face the crying child. “Let's play again tomorrow, and even the day after tomorrow too. If you promise you won't cry I will let you play with Haro all you want.”


I slowly wipe away her tears with the handkerchief I got from the bodyguards.


“Sniff…Really…? You won't lie? Like Father?” That statement…hit me a bit…


“Um, I promise. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or the day after that, if you come then let's play together. Or just give me a call and I will do my best to come to you.”


Her face brightens, and hesitatingly, she hands over Haro to me.


“You promise, right? Then make a pinky with me!” She handed out her pinky, which I intertwined with mine.


“Then the person who breaks the promise has to eat a needle!”


“Sure. I will eat a needle if I break a promise, but I will prepare a needle myself.” Yeah, if I break a promise I just make the needle out of chocolate, hehe he…


“Then it's a promise!” She suddenly lunged at me and hugged me out of nowhere. With her weight and Haro combined, there was no way I wouldn't fall over but it's a good thing that the grass is softer than before.


“Call me Sylvy! That's what Big Brothers calls me! Since you are my friend now you must call me Sylvy!”


“Ok, OK.. Miss Sylv-”


“No! No miss! Just Sylvy!” her eyes start to water up again?! Just from that!?


“Alright! Sylvy! I will call you Sylvy, OK? OK, so stop crying!”


“Ehehe…I got a new friend…” What the? She was just about to cry a moment ago and she was already smiling and giggling! What with children and their rapidly changing emotions!?


Urg…With the last thing done for the day, that is consoling the child, I bid her farewell, which she returned by waving at me…and not Haro. 


Before I knew it, I was already in a car, with Mama driving me back home.


You won't Lie? Like Father? 


Somehow…that statement is still ringing in my head…I look over to Mama who is still focusing on driving.


“Ne…if I ask you something…and you don't want to answer me…will you lie?” the car suddenly stopped, in the middle of nowhere, no other cars and no people on the road…just us.


“Why do you ask that? No…you won’t change your mind even If I change the topic…Well, then a better question, what would you do If I said yes?”


I stared at her, and for the first time, I saw her serious expression, not angry nor happy, just straight calm, with nothing to show on her face.


“I trust you, because if I can't then who could I trust? I…just want to be sure.”


A soft hand landed on my head, she did it a lot…just slowly caressing my head.


“Baby, I will lie to you, sometime…the truth hurts more than a lie and it is better for you that way. But someday…maybe I will tell you everything.”


“Then…can I ask you something now? I don't care if you speak the truth or lie.”


She nods, and I take my time to think about a question. The one thing that always bugs me for the longest time.


“Who…is my father? And who are you really?” A lone mother, in the middle of nowhere, on a space colony that is far away from conflict, she…knows more than just basic coding, her helping me is proof, that she is better than me…Probably years of experience…


“...He’s…already dead. And I'm just your mother, there is nothing more to it.” 


“That was a lie, right?” I could tell you know, you who always answer confidently suddenly hesitate.


I looked at her face, and I saw it, a smile that hinted at sadness, I don't know why I'm able to pick out her emotion like this, maybe it's because I'm a child and I was more sensitive to it, that's why I knew she really happy and sad at the same time.


“I wonder? Well, let's get you that 10 puddings I promise you about…Ah, we are already leaving the city. Do you want it tomorrow?”


“No, I want it today.”


“A bit selfish today, aren't you? Well, fine, let me turn back.”


And everything continues as if nothing happened, we talk on our way to get pudding, listen to music, and go home, like nothing happened.


[Gundam Nova]


April's 14th 191 I.J.C Siga-8 


“Yoha! I got us snacks! I even got pudding!” 


“Really! Yay!”


April's 15th 191 I.J.C Siga-8


“Haro upgrade complete!”


“Really? Let me take a look.”


April's 16th 191 I.J.C.


“Look at this! Haro uses thundershock!” at that moment Haro's arm extended and just a little spark of electricity came out.


“Amazing!” “Right!”


May's 15th 192 I.J.C 


“Happy birthday! Congratulations on becoming 3 years old, Yoha!”


“Quickly, Blow the candle!”


July 1st 192 I.J.C 


“Here, I got you a birthday present, Sylvy!”


“Eh? This is…Haro!”


“Umu! It took a lot to modify a look to suit your test but I'm glad it came out well! I even went above and beyond by adding security measures, self-protection, and more-oof!”


“Thank you! This is the best birthday present ever…”


January 1st 193 I.J.C 


“Haro, get me the juice.”


“Roger!” With his leg lid open, Haro walks toward the kitchen. My face was planted on the screen, and my hand moved rapidly as I watched, letter by letter. If I missed something, no there is nothing to miss here.


This would work, with a deep breath, I save the program and start the test.

My persistence of two years, the blood and sweat I pour into this… it's time to see if it would work…no it needs to work.


“Yoha! I got Juice!”


“Thank you, Haro. Now…come sit on my lap, we are going to see if your little sibling will wake up.”


Haro…my first work in this world, a scuff artificial intelligence that any pro would find to be no challenge to crack, but with time I managed to improve you to the point that even Mama would praise you as a prize work…


Now…let me see it…the hard work, my improvement, and my progress over the past 5 Years!


I start.

The computer screen…was cracking, no it was shaking…I could hear the Fan rapidly spinning as it tried to cool down the heating CPU but I won't stop.


I need this, even if my computer breaks I will just get a new one.


I watch, and watch as words rapidly appear on my screen, red means error, blue means clear…and so far there are only blue.


The line of words contains more than a hundred thousand letters. My eyes scan each one, with a slow breath that seems to almost stop, I watch as the line slows down and finally it stops…


The fan sound starts to calm down, and a single entity…appears on the screen. An egg…


“I…did it.” My hands are shaking, my mouse slowly moves as the cursor drags over a file…”Now…wake up, My child.” I drag the file that contains everything a human needs, Emotions, sensory, and most importantly, a sense of self-awareness.


The egg starts to crack, little by little, I watch as the shell slowly breaks, revealing a hand so tiny that you wouldn't have noticed.


The hands wiggled slightly, as it tried to pull itself out of the shell…and I finally saw it, a tiny little head, with hair the same tone as me… it looked around the 2d world as if it was in a 3d and when it noticed me, it smiled.


“M…MA…MA..” a sound almost incoherent, coming from the speaker. The little girl on the screen got up and started walking with an unsteady step only to hit the screen and fall.


I gulp my saliva, and took in a deep breath, taking a mic closer to my mouth.




The Ai smiles even wider, wiggling its arm around…This…is finished.


“it…sleep time, go back into your bed.” and by bed, I mean the egg. The Ai understood and slowly, walked toward the egg with unsteady steps and dropped down into the egg, which somehow turned into a bed…


I shut my mic and watch as the AI sleep…


My work…has finished…5 years…since I was reborn, 2 years working on Haro, and 2 years to improve and work on this. Being a child really helps me as it allows me to absorb much more information and digest it more quickly.


With my fist clenched I punch up in the air. “it's complete…My first, real Artificial intelligence. Right…what should I name her…”


Yoha…Yohai. Heh, what a silly name…but it's not bad…


It would take years before it could develop a full consciousness, able to reply to me and have a conversation. But it's enough…everything is for the future me and Yohai to figure it out…


Right…it's quite lonely…Mama has been leaving the house more than usual, and Sylvy has already started attending the academy since last year. That's why I didn't see her brothers anymore, cause they all started attending it.


I'm going to turn five next year and will start attending the academy too.


10 years of basic courses, then 3 years of specialized courses. I'm sure I could get into Elysium Academy but what matters is money…do we have enough? Sylvy is in Elysium too and that is mostly because she is rich…like Rich rich…


Arg, but just thinking about it won't get me anywhere! But just to be sure, let's search for the requirements for Elysium…


There is a test for kids, which will determine your class. There are 4 classes total, S-class for special kids, gifted and rich parents…A-class is for gifted kids that hold no connection, and B-for those who have connections but have bad grades. And C-is a class for commoners? What is this? A novel?


Urg…don't tell me there is going to be a bully or something…Arg, why do I care, kids bully each other all the time.


Well, other than that let's see…regular contest between students of each class to help promote rivalry…


Blah blah blah boring stuff…huh? An early first-hand experience piloting a mobile worker? Now that is interesting…


VR, simulation of cockpit control rooms, and much more…damn now that is a good benefit for me. There seem to be more but I think that enough screen for today…I already spend all of my mornings writing the code and testing it…I need to find Yohai a suitable vessel too, My PC won’t be able to handle her once she grows up…Hm…A supercomputer that is used to process Mobile suit…That would be cool to have…Too expensive though, I just need to figure it out when I’m growing up…


Though she would be to stay inside one of those smartwatches now. but in just a few years the processing unit of the smartwatch would not be able to handle her, then maybe we could move to a tablet, I need to have her with me all the time after all.


“I’m back, I got fried chicken and pudding, Yoha.”  I heard Mama call, the sound of the closed door. 


“In a minute!” Well, let's finish this first, I upload Yohai onto my tablet, watching her slowly disappear on the screen and the bed appear on my tablet, it seems the moving of her body startles her as she now awake.


“Shh…Let’s surprise your grandmother, all right?”  I watch as Yohai tilts her head, and then a screen appears. Word slowly appeared it was, surprise grandma…She…learning, using my words as a search topic and using the internet to find those things and meanings.


The next second the screen disappeared and I saw Yohai’s smile. Nodding her little head, and tries to form words but still can’t.


Well, she may look like a child but in fact, she is still just a baby. A baby that still has a lot to learn.


“Alright, for now, go hide in the bed.” She tilts her head again and the search screen appears. It disappears in just a second. And I saw her walk to the bed and prop down to it, completely become one with the bed and slowly disappear. 


Amazing…Self-learning module I created using the mobile worker learning module as a base and then improved it seems to be working. It was working much better than I thought…


Right, let's go show Mama, my new creation.


[Gundam Nova]


“Yoha? What took her so long?” As she prepare the table, Araya begin to wonder what took her daughter so long, Even though She bought Pudding, the only thing Yoha would not miss and always be on time for…She really has no idea why her daughter liked it so much though, it was too sweet for her taste.


“I’m here! We got fried chicken and Pudding, right?!” Well, speaking of the devil, she would appear. 


“Yes, but don’t forget to wash your hands ok? Go now, I’m almost finished.” 


“Umu!” having said that Yoha put her tablet down on the table, without even closing her screen…Weird, she would make sure to lock the screen before putting it down.


Huh…Maybe her eyes are starting to go bad? It seems…there is some weird glitching happening her the screen? Araya picks it up and takes a closer look, the glitch seems to fade leaving nothing but a normal screen, just as she sighs, the tablet suddenly vibrates, and then the screen shuts down…leaving only a single white bed.




“What the Fuck!” For the first time, coming to this house, she swear for the first time…even though she tried not to do that!


It was a good thing she still holding the tablet tightly, otherwise it would go flying and break in the process. She stares at the thing that scares her…or rather a person.


“...What are you?” The person, who is eerily similar to her daughter, tilts her head, and then a screen pops up, searching for something she couldn’t catch as it went by so fast, it was a split second.


“Ma….ma…Yoooo…haaa…Yo…hai…” Eh? Mama? Yoha? Yohai? What kind of naming sense is that? 


“Wait…Did you just talk? An AI? Wait why is an AI inside my daughter’s tablet?!” 


“Daug…ther? Ta…blet?” Then a screen popped up and disappeared in just a few milliseconds again, It was too fast, she couldn’t even see.


“Yo…hai, Yoo…ha’s Daug…Ther!” The AI said in an excited voice, its arm moving around, a smile similar to her Yoha. Did…she use herself as a base model!? That kid trying to risk everything! Doesn’t she know how much information you could get just by using facial recognition? What's more, AI that uses Humans as the base is never going to go well, Plenty try and already fail, raising one as a kid doesn't matter. 


The only thing AI needs is Mind, reason not feeling, or it would break. After all, it is just a machine.


“Surprise! How is she? Yohai is a good kid isn’t she?!” And the devil appears…


“Yoha, do you know why humans never use another human face to replicate an AI model? What's more…you seem to add Emotion, to this as well, what about an Ethical program for it? What about AI’s Law Article requirement?”


“Eh…Uh..I read…those? But don’t you-” 


“Don’t But ME! Do you know how dangerous AI with Emotion is!? Before you created this, did you ever wonder why there was never an AI this advance?! It is because it is more dangerous than Nuclear Weapons! Have you heard of Celeby?” \




“Celeby or to be more precise, Celeby-2 A Colony of Stella Research, What do they research? It AI model, one with emotion, Do you know what happened to them? The Colony destroys itself, its safety mechanism is overridden by an AI who deems humans too destructive for this universe and destroys itself along with the colony, Hundreds of thousands of people die in just a day. That AI has ethical reasoning at the highest setting, the Most restrictive access to the internet, yet it manages to break through and destroy a Colony.”


Araya watches, her daughter, unable to speak and not even look at her in the eyes. 


“I…I thought…” 


“Yoha, I know you're just a kid, Kids do unreasonable things all the time. But this…is too much, too dangerous, get rid of it immediately.” She put the tablet down on the table and watched as her daughter took it.


“...o…” A soft whisper came out, but she couldn’t quite catch it.


“What did you say?”


“I said…no, I won’t delete her! She’s my precious baby! I pour my sweat and blood to create her! I won’t let her turn out like that!” 


“That's just impossible! Ai is unpredictable, once they gain sentience they would just kill all of us! How do I know?! Because I fucking make them…ah…” Shit…Shit shit shit! 


“Yoha.. I…” No…Not like this…Yoha, her daughter, for the first time, fear is within those eyes. “...Do what you want.” for the first time, Araya truly feels hopeless, her anger takes control of her, and her past is finally caught up.


“...I won’t judge…I…won’t. It's just…too much to take in…But I won’t let Yohai become like that. No matter what, My baby will not turn out like that.” The voice was shaking, but each second it got firmer, much more confident. Just like him.


“Do whatever you want, I will…take my leave now.” That was all she said.

Sorry for the slow update, I was sleeping through the night as in the morning I was awake by the light went out, I live in hot country so it hard to sleep without even the fan on.