Volume 01 Chapter 03
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"As we continue, it's getting dicey. Let's halt the carriage," I suggested.


"Guell-san! Please stop the horses!"


"Why? Is something wrong?"


"I can't confirm if they're monsters, but there are potential foes ahead!"


"Halt the carriage and remain vigilant!"


Upon hearing this, Guell-san glanced at me, then directed his subordinates to stop and arm themselves. However, one of them had a different reaction.


"Don't lie! Captain, we should keep going! There's no need to stop!"


Huh? Wasn't that Aid-san? What's he saying?


"Aid, what are you talking about? She doesn't seem to be lying!"


"I agree with Amy. Besides, I was already considering stopping since I faintly smell humans from the direction she mentioned. It's safer to halt."


Aid furrowed his brows and gave me a suspicious look before addressing Guell-san.


"But adventurers might just be hunting monsters," he suggested.


"Hmm... that's possible, but adventurers can be a troublesome lot," Guell-san responded.


Sensing a lengthy discussion ahead, I dismounted and took out my binoculars. Peering in the direction indicated by the radar, I confirmed the enemies' precise positions and numbers.


"Hmm? This seems odd. There are five of them, all hiding behind trees or bushes, staring at us as if they're targeting us," I remarked.


Their sideways glances indicated they were communicating. So, these five must be allies... huh? One of them turned around. Could they have allies behind them?


While I observed the enemies about 200 meters away, someone approached from behind.


"Elrina-san, is that true?"


Ah, it was Keith-san, the unfortunate handsome one.


"Yes, I believe those we see are scouts. Keith-san, wasn't there a gentle right curve ahead?"


Since I'd already checked the route on the map, I knew which path we were taking.


"Oh, right. What about it?"


I continued my explanation to Guell-san and the others.


"To the left, the forest lines the road, while there's an open grassland on the right with no hiding spots. It's an ideal ambush point," I explained.


"Yeah, I see."


"The enemy's likely planning to block our path at the curve's midpoint, then engage us, dividing our forces between those fighting the blocking enemies and those protecting the carriage," I theorized.


The Duke of Baldeck, riding in the carriage, wouldn't leave its defense to chance.


"And then?"


"After the division, they'll shower arrows from the carriage's side to create chaos among the defenders while other allies sneak up from behind to attack. It's just my speculation, though."


This method would be the most efficient. If the enemy were ignorant, they'd likely charge head-on, banking on their numerical superiority.




Huh? Why's everyone silent? And when did the duke get off the carriage? Shouldn't he return for safety?


"Um, is everyone okay?"




Guell-san snapped out of it and began giving orders to the team.


"Keith, use your magic eye to confirm if those we see are enemies. Rizrina, summon your beast for reconnaissance. If Elrina's right, there might be more enemies lurking."


"Yes, sir!"


Following Guell-san's orders, Keith-san and Rizrina-san sprang into action.

Guell's Perspective

"Hey, Guell... can I ask you something?" Amy looked puzzled as she addressed Guell.

"What is it, Amy? I'm the captain now," Guell replied.

"I'm sorry, Captain... but what do you think of that girl?" Amy inquired.

"What do you mean..." Guell trailed off.

The two watched Elarina, who was doing something in the grass on the right side of the road.

"To be honest, I'm not sure what to say. Who is she?" Guell questioned.

"An assassin from another continent?" Amy suggested.

"If so, wouldn't she avoid talking to us? And wouldn't an assassin near us usually try to kill us?" Guell reasoned.

Amy closed her eyes, deep in thought, wearing a slightly unconvinced expression.

"That's true. Besides, it's been bothering me too, but something's off about Elarina today," Amy confessed.

"Yeah, I felt that too. I'm planning to talk to Elarina later," Guell confirmed.

"I'll join you in asking her," Amy offered.

As they spoke, Lizlina and Keith approached them, apparently finished with reconnaissance.

"Captain! My summoned creature, Ritt, has returned!" Lizlina announced.

"I'm done too. I've discovered something significant," Keith added.

"Alright, summon Elarina, and when she arrives, we'll start the strategy meeting," Guell instructed.

"Got it. Elarina, come over here! We're having a strategy meeting!" Amy shouted loudly in Elarina's direction, but would the others even hear her?

"Yes! Understood!" Elarina replied.

After responding, Elarina, who had been doing something in the grass, ran back to the group. "You guys are being too loud! They might hear you!"

Elarina's Perspective

"First, my report. The people watching us from the shadows of the trees all seemed to be adventurers based on their gear. Using my appraisal skill, I found out that all five of them had criminal records."

Appraisal skills are indeed useful to that extent.

"On my end, including the five people Keith saw, thirty individuals were divided into groups of ten. They were either lying down or hiding behind objects with their weapons at the ready, not moving. Additionally, for some reason, they didn't seem to have any horses."

After hearing the report, Guell thought for a moment before speaking to Lizlina.

"They probably couldn't rent horses from the stable, right? It's common for adventurers, unlike the Adventurer's Guild. Do you know their positions?"

"Yes, they are positioned as follows: five are currently visible at the beginning of the curve, five are hiding behind them, ten are stationed in the middle of the curve, and ten more are waiting along the sides of the road. If we continue as planned, we'll fall into the strategy Elarina described."

"Captain, let's take the route through the grass on the right side. That way, we can avoid engaging with them," Amy suggested.

"That's not possible. When I entered the grass earlier, I found that the ground was too soft in many places. If we take the carriage into the grass, there's a risk it might get stuck," Guell explained.

Aid proposed a plan, but I opposed it with a reason. Yes, earlier, I went into the grass to check if it was possible.

At that moment, Aid glared at me again.

Why does this person keep glaring at me? Could it be that he wants to say, "Don't meddle, little girl!"?

"Let's head back to the capital. Dealing with thirty people is too much," Amy suggested.

Upon hearing Amy's words, Guell paused, contemplating.

Huh? What's this? The radar's picking up something... What?!

"The enemies are running towards us!"


"Captain, it's real!! Adventurers are rushing towards us with weapons from the forest!" Keith exclaimed anxiously, pointing towards the woods as he reported to Guell.

"Everyone, assume combat positions! We'll meet these adventurers head-on!" Guell commanded.

With all members of the escort unit wielding weapons to confront the adventurers, I knew I had to lend a hand.

"Elraina, it's dangerous, so please step back!" Amy urged, but I had no intention of retreating.

"It's you who's in danger! You only have a knife, right?" I retorted.

...It seemed actions would speak louder than words.

I switched the selector of my ACE32 from safety to semi, assuming a kneeling position, and aimed at one of the enemies about 170 meters away.

"Cover your ears. This will be loud," I warned.


With a brief caution given, it was time to act. I aimed at the enemy and fired three shots in what's known as a triple tap. Immediately, the bullets hit the man, two in the chest and one in the head. He stumbled, lost balance, and fell motionless.

Among the enemies, one who witnessed this stopped, shouting loud enough for us to hear. Others halted upon hearing his cry, turning around to see their fallen comrade, confusion spreading among them.

My first kill... but dwelling on that now would only get me killed. So, without hesitation, I resolved to eliminate the enemy.

"Targets are wide open," I remarked.

Aiming at one of the stationary enemies, I fired three shots. Two hit his abdomen and chest, then I finished him off with two shots to the chest as he fell to his knees.

"Second target!"

An enemy with a shield noticed our attack and dashed toward us, seeking cover behind the shield. I aimed at the spot where his body would be and fired five consecutive shots. The bullets penetrated the shield, hitting the enemy hiding behind it, who collapsed under the impact.

"Are they starting to realize what's happening?"

"What... what's going on? Enemies are suddenly dropping!"

"Wait, did you just take them down?"

There was no time to explain to Guell and the others now. The enemies were regrouping and charging toward us again. Meanwhile, one with a bow remained in place, firing arrows that fell short, embedding into the ground before reaching us.

Anticipating potential rain of arrows, I switched from kneeling to standing, ready to face any incoming projectiles. I switched the selector from semi to full-auto and aimed at one of the enemies, firing in bursts. As he staggered from the hits to his abdomen and shoulder, I continued firing until he collapsed.

"Fourth target!"

But with this method, we'd be overwhelmed before we could finish them off. I had to change tactics.

After taking down the fourth enemy, I shifted focus from eliminating enemies to stopping their movements. I adjusted my aim, tracing a line from the rightmost to the leftmost enemy, and unleashed a barrage of bullets when my sight aligned with each target. When running low on ammo, I reloaded and repeated the process, keeping the enemies pinned down.

About 25 meters away, most of the enemies were either injured, unable to move due to bullet wounds, or lying incapacitated, halting their advance.

Sensing the tide turning, the enemies began to panic, some fleeing in fear. I aimed at one of them, shooting him in the knee to prevent escape.

"Now, let's retrieve that person and hear what they have to say. It seems fishy! Saying 'it's different!' or 'it's not worth it!!' suggests they might be working for someone," I suggested.

"Yeah, that's right. Your staff, it was a weapon after all," Guell remarked, seeking clarification.

"That's correct. It's a weapon only I can wield," I confirmed.

The others looked on in disbelief at the scene unfolding before them.

"Unbelievable... taking on thirty adventurers alone, just who are you?" Amy questioned, incredulous.

"Well, I'm probably just a regular person... maybe?" I replied with a smile, directing it at Amy.

"Why are you asking meeee!?" Amy exclaimed in frustration.

Well, considering this body might be the work of a god, it's questionable if I'm even human, right?

And so, Amy's loud voice continued to echo across the grasslands.