Chapter 12 – The State of The Demon Realm
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Lytta was panting with excitement welling up inside of her. She slowly calmed down and looked at me with a serious expression.

“Well, my personal preferences aside. Considering the state of our current forces we won’t stand a chance against the humans.”

“Honestly…I wish all these battles would end and we could live peacefully. But I do have a duty to convey the words of the noble houses as their representative."

Lazarius's probably the most sensible person out of all the old geezers. He cares about the demons and always gives it his all in everything he does. He's a person I can trust.

“The weapons used by the demon army are pretty worn out and the only ones able to properly command an army are the six of us deadly sins and the heads of some noble families. The number of demons is also terribly lower than the number of humans. Even if demons have higher physical strength, there are instances where we need numbers more than qualities on the battlefield. So, I don’t think we stand a chance against the humans as we are now.”

I looked at Lazarus after Lytta finished her long speech. Even Lazarus was a bit taken aback by her sudden change in attitude.

“You heard her, didn’t you? Like Lytta said, there’s no way we could win a war against humans. I understand where you’re coming from Lazarus. Since the humans have been constantly attacking us all this time you want us to wage a war to stop them from having any other ideas. And Lazurus, just like how you have to convey their words, I have to protect all of you. I'm sorry for putting such a burden on you.

"Please don't say such a thing, my lord. We must follow your wishes. And the fact that we have such a warm-hearted demon lord for the first time means everything to us. I'm sure the others feel the same way."

He got up, bowed his head, and left the throne room.

In all honesty, we could easily overpower the humans in their current state. But that'd mean making the seven DSs mass murderers, and even I don't wish to kill anyone needlessly.

…sigh… I leaned on the throne and looked at the ceiling while heaving a long sigh.

I honestly can’t deal with all these things. I just wanna lie down in my room and munch on some potato chips. …sigh… and the food here also tastes really bad, I wonder if I should teach the palace chefs some new recipes. Well, more importantly…

“Mammon,” I called out to Mammon who was standing next to me.

“Yes, Acedia-sama?” Since the stubborn Lazarus uncle is gone now everyone can relax a bit.

“Can I have your opinion on this matter?”

“Sorry, my lord?”

“I want to know your opinion on the war against the humans.”

Mammon seemed to be pondering on the situation for some reason. In the meanwhile, I used telepathy to call Freya to the throne room. And in an instant, the doors to the throne room burst open, and red-headed succubus came bursting in.

"Yes Acedia-sama?!"

"Freya!" Lucifer shouted at her for the ruckus she was making. And I could only smile as I watched her free-spiritedness.

If it were the old Lucifer, he’d stop Freya in her tracks and lecture her for a whole hour. But since I told him that her peculiar attitude is pretty calming, he seems to have toned down on his lectures.

…but he was still glaring at her with bloodthirsty eyes, let’s just say I didn’t see anything.

Mammon seemed to finally get his thoughts in order and he started talking.

“Just like Lytta mentioned earlier we have a shortage of proper weapons and the weapons used by our troops are pretty much warn out now. And supplying food to the border is also a pretty tough feat for the troops. Honestly, we could easily take down the humans, but we'd also lose a lot of our men in the process.”

“Is there any way we can improve this situation?”

“I don’t think we can do anything with our current situation. We would be able to get some food if we were to invade a few villages though.”

“Hmmm…and I don't think that's an option. Lucifer, I want you to focus on improving the literacy rate in Dementia. Gather some teachers and send them to the rural villages around. Make it mandatory for every child under the age of 12 to attend study, make it so that the time assigned wouldn’t affect their usual work in their families.”

Since the children here have to help out with their family jobs, I don’t think they’ll have the time to study for too long. I think it’s better if we focus on teaching them how to read and write first and then move on to other fields slowly.

“I’ll try to think of some teaching methods for the children later. So, implement this as soon as you can.”

“Understood, Acedia-sama.”

“Freya! I want you to tell Beelzebub to find methods to improve agriculture in Dementia. She might be able to find effective methods with the help of her insects.”

“Yes, Acedia-sama.”

“Since you’ve been observing Sapphire and her offspring I think you have a pretty good idea of their ability and knowledge. So, you’ll also be taking care of the problems in the castle and my needs, so brace yourself.”


Sapphire’s constantly been producing many offspring and thanks to their network which allows them to share information and knowledge between themselves and me they’d be able to help her out with most of the work here.

I’ve also been trying to make evolutions on them for combat purposes. Ruby’s also been helping me gather a lot of information on the current situation of Dementia using his ability to control the other ravens.

“And the next problem would be food and entertainment. I want to introduce some games and entertainment modes to boost the enthusiasm around here. I’ve noticed that the people around here always seem to be focused on their work and they don’t seem to have any hobbies or anything to have fun.”

“We are more than happy to be of help to you, my lord. We just need your word, and we shall get everything done for you.” Lucifer proudly declared his loyalty as always. I sometimes wonder if he’s doing this to just piss me off.

“That may be the case, but if we were to keep this up everyone would be stressed out and the efficiency and creativity around here would go down tremendously. So, I don’t want to hear any objections in this matter.”

“Hehehe…as expected of our master.” Wow, he can seriously do a 180 in the blink of an eye huh…

“So, who’d like to take over the entertainment side of things?”

“I wanna do that Acedia-sama.” Lytta jumped around in excitement. Considering her cheerful personality and battle-junky way of thinking I guess I could leave that to her. She'd make things a lot more interesting.

I just hope she doesn’t lose her cool after losing to someone though…if that were to happen half of this whole castle would be in tatters…

“I also want someone to take care of the cooking industry. We need good food if we wanna be happy. Food is happiness and happiness is food. Anyone interested?”

“Uh…is it ok if I switched with Lyssa for a second? She seems to wanna say something.”

“Sure. And you don’t have to ask me for permission when the two of you wanna switch you know…”


Lytta’s raging aura subsided and a calm and collected aura took over.

“Um…Acedia-sama would it be alright…if I oversee that?”

Aaaah…this personality change is so damn cute! I wanna hug this cute little cutie pie and snuggle her all day! No, I’m not a lolicon! This is also a sort of motherly love. No ulterior motives whatsoever.

“Are you interested in cooking Lyssa?”

“Um…I’m quite interested in making sweets and confectionary. And I think I’m good at cooking too, Acedia-sama.”

“Lyssa’s cookies are the best Acedia-sama! She’s the best at making sweets!” Freya declared happily.

“Is that so? Alright then, Lyssa will be overlooking the food. You can work together with Beelzebub for ingredient supply chains and the sorts.”

“Thank you…Acedia-sama.”

"That's all for now. Let's make sure we have a lot of fun while making our lives a lot more happier!"

Aoi here,

Sorry about the delay. I hope you like today's chapter. The next chapters gonna be a lot more exhilarating so do look forward to it!😊💙