Chapter 19: Loyalty and Freedom
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I looked at the cat in front of me frantically looking at his new form. After a few moments he seemed to fall into deep thought, almost like intensely staring at something.

Then it dawned on me.

Is he looking through his system panels?

After a moment of intense concentration, Tom's gaze shifted back to me, a spark of realization in his eyes. 

"Juniper, it seems our connection has deepened in ways I hadn't anticipated," he began, his voice tinged with a mix of wonder and intrigue. "When you brought my core here, to your lair, it... changed things."

I tilted my head, curious. "Changed how?" I asked, glancing between Tom and the softly glowing core.

He jumped onto a nearby rock, his posture straight and regal despite his small size. “Your hoard, it improves your attributes as it grows, correct?”

I nodded in agreement. My hoard had started at a merely “sparse” state when I found out about its existence, but now it was “moderate”.

"I now have access to the hoard system, similar to yours. It appears I've become a guardian of your hoard," he explained, his tail flicking thoughtfully. "And it seems my attributes also will receive enhancements as the hoard grows, yet it seems they will be a fraction of yours."

My eyes widened in surprise. "Really? That's incredible!" I thought of how this could be a great deal for the both of us, yet something was bugging me.

“You know, when we made our deal, I never asked for any of this, nor did I know that we were going to become bound this way. The only thing I asked of you was to keep your core here.” 

The cat tilted his head, seemingly confused at my words.

“What I want to say is that you don’t have to be a guardian of the hoard, even if the system says that you are. You are free to be or do whatever you want, I don’t wish to trap you the same way the seraphyte did.”

Tom looked at me for a few long moments, seemingly in deep thought.

“Good, then I choose to be a guardian of the hoard.”

I looked at him in surprise. “Are you sure? You really don’t have to, you can just be a free spirit like before and -”

“I don’t feel trapped anymore, Juniper.” He interrupted me and continued. “First, you are not absorbing my energy. Second, I am free to go or do what I please.”

I mulled over his words. I still felt a little guilty, I felt like I had forced this upon him, even his cat form had changed to reflect my scales and coloration.

The spirit seemed to read through my doubts and continued.

“As I mentioned, I also benefit from this arrangement as the hoard will help my growth just as much as your own. It is my choice to fulfill the role that the system has so abruptly thrown upon me.”

I scoffed as I sat down on my purple bed.

“Fine, you’re probably right. Just know that I won’t ever force you to do anything you don’t want.”

He looked at me and nodded.

“I appreciate that, Juniper. All the more reason for me to accept my new situation. And I find that a dragon’s hoard is quite the secure place to hide my core.”

I felt a hint of amusement as he finished his sentence.

Snarky cat, I’ll have you pay rent if you continue like this.

I yawned and lied down on my comfy bed. “Fine then, I’ll leave it at that for today.”

As I settled into the night,  I felt a sense of peace and purpose. The soft hum of the core and the faint glow of the lumishrooms around me created a tranquil atmosphere. My thoughts drifted, meandering through the day's revelations and the bonds that had deepened, not just with Tom, but with the very essence of the world around me. 

As the weight of my eyelids grew too heavy to resist, and the warmth of my bed enveloped me, I felt a contentment I hadn't known before. It was the contentment of belonging, of finding one's place in the vast tapestry of life, and of sharing that journey with a friend who had chosen to walk the path alongside me.

"Goodnight, Tom," I murmured, my voice barely a whisper as sleep finally claimed me, and I drifted off with a smile. 


  • -

The next few days passed quickly. Tom's recovery was slow but steady, and during this time, my focus shifted entirely to exploration and training. I was eager to test the limits of my newly discovered "Collector" ability, which allowed me to manipulate the perceived weight of objects, making them feel lighter and thus, easier to move or carry.

I decided to start small, lifting objects I could easily find within the forest, such as stones and fallen branches. 

I was surprised at how their weight diminished. With a mere thought I could manipulate them to feel almost as light as a feather. The sensation of lifting a hefty boulder, only to find it as light as parchment, was quite amusing.

I decided to progress to more significant challenges. I ventured deeper into the forest, seeking out larger items to test my limits. I found that the ability had a limit, as I attempted to reduce the weight of a massive branch that fell off a sequoia, I felt my mind become strained too quickly, prompting me to release it. In the end I concluded that the objects I could manipulate effectively were those up to my own size or just slightly bigger.

One day, I decided to head back to the heart of the forest with Tom. After the fight with the seraphyte, my connection with the web of life that surrounded me was profound. I had learned to maintain a constant connection with it, letting it flow freely through me, like I was part of it. Despite Tom’s warnings to not push my limits the same way I did against the serpent, I wanted to attempt to grasp the energy the same way I did back then, to embrace the verdant glow that boosted my abilities so much.

As we reached the core of this verdant world, where the energy was most potent, I closed my eyes, reaching out with my senses to touch that invisible network once again. I sought to replicate that moment of unity, that surge of power I felt during the seraphyte's defeat, where every leaf, every droplet of water, seemed to sing in harmony with my spirit.

However, the forest's response was muted, a mere whisper compared to the roaring chorus I remembered. Despite my efforts to tap into that profound energy, to feel the forest's pulse as strongly as I had before, my attempts seemed to barely scratch the surface. The verdant glow that once empowered me was elusive, slipping through my mental grasp.

Tom observed quietly, his expression a mix of concern and understanding. "It's not something you can force," he reminded me gently. 

"The forest, its energy... it's alive. You were in harmony with it during the battle because the need was genuine, the connection born of a shared purpose."

I mulled over his words for a few minutes. I came to the conclusion that the heart of the forest, with its deep and ancient magic, couldn't be commanded. It had to be approached with respect, patience, and an open heart.

Damn this forest limiting my super powers!

I made a few more unsuccessful attempts before deciding to head back home. Tom had already left, finishing his patrol rounds or whatever else forest spirits do.

I should probably ask him one day.

On the way back, I crossed paths with a gemtail. This was an adversary I had faced before, a large lizard, known for its club-like tail. The creature seemed intent on fighting, so I decided to test my newfound power once more. The battle was intense, but nothing to be compared to the seraphyte or the crab queen. With my abilities the victory was mine, and the gemtail laid defeated at my feet.


Phytomancer - Experience +100

Explorer - Experience +50


As I stared at the unmoving corpse of the giant lizard, a dreaded thought came to mind.

Is it finally time? I feel like if I don’t do it now, I never will.

Reluctant yet curious, I decided it was time to taste the spoils of my victory. 

Wait a moment, dragons breathe fire right? I’m a dragon, so I must be able to do it too.

I inhaled deeply, the air cool and crisp in my lungs, as I prepared to unveil what I assumed was my latent, majestic dragon ability. With my chest puffed out and a determined glint in my eye, I envisioned the fiery breath of legend, the kind that could melt steel and turn forests to ash. My focus narrowed to a point, a channel for the primal force I was about to unleash.

With a dramatic flare, I tilted my head back, the anticipation tingling at the back of my throat. I could almost feel the spark, the burgeoning inferno ready to burst forth in a spectacular display of dragon might. And then, with all the grandeur of an ancient beast, I exhaled.

What followed, however, was not the fearsome blaze of dragonfire but a strangled cough that shattered the illusion. The only thing that came out was a rather undignified gagging noise, and I nearly puked on the floor of the forest, much to my embarrassment.

I quickly scanned my surroundings for any unseen gazes, but to my relief I couldn’t spot any.

Good, no one will ever know. I will carry this humiliation to my grave.

As it turns out, not all dragons could breathe fire. Resigned to my fate, I turned my attention back to the gemtail meat, now decidedly uncooked. With a shrug and a silent apology to my taste buds, I took a tentative bite, expecting the worst. To my surprise, the meat was delicious, rich and flavorful in a way I hadn't anticipated. Raw diet, it seemed, had its perks.

"Might not be a fire-breather, but at least I have good taste," I mumbled, contentedly munching on my hard-earned meal.

After securing the gem from the gemtail’s appendage, I made my way back to the cave. I found Tom lying down on one of the branches. As I approached, the cat gently hopped off.

“I picked some fruits on the way back, seeing as you haven’t eaten all day.” The cat mentioned as he approached me.

I smiled at his consideration for me. “Thank you mighty guardian! But today my belly is already full, and not from the usual fruits.” 

He tilted his head in confusion.

“I encountered a gemtail on the way back.” I said with a proud tone.

Tom finally connected the dots and continued. “I should say congratulations, but I will say that’s about time. It was unusual enough to see a dragon eating fruits every day.”

Way to ruin my excitement.

I scoffed and proceeded into my cave as the sun began to set. I noticed the amber cat following behind me, so I continued.

“Have you ever ventured outside of this forest?”

The cat looked up to me and shook his head.

“No. As a forest spirit, my power would severely diminish should I venture outside.”

I hummed at his words. “It’s just… I feel like I have explored most of the area around here, I am curious to see what lies beyond.” 

I went over to my hoard and dropped the new gem I was carrying.


Dragon’s lair 

Current hoard value: Modest (39%)









Mysticism (racial)



Barely any increase huh…

Tom’s voice brought me back to reality. “I never expected you to always stay within this forest. The world is vast, and while I know little of it beyond this verdant expanse, I have seen many creatures and beings enter and leave this place.”

He paused for a moment, seemingly mulling over his words as he looked at me settling into my bed.

“Know that while you have grown a lot since you were born, you are far from invincible. You have to be careful.”

I giggled at his remark. “Look at you being all protective!”

He looked at me with a serious expression, so I continued.

“I will be careful. Tomorrow I will explore further than usual, but should I find myself in too much danger I will run right back.”

I curled up, ready to fall asleep.

“Don’t worry too much, snarky cat. I’m a mighty dragon after all.” I mentioned, looking up to his gaze.

“I shall trust your judgment then… Goodnight, Juniper.”

I smiled and nodded to him. “Goodnight, Tom.”

I closed my eyes and quickly gave in to the day’s fatigue, letting my consciousness slip into dreams of exploration and adventure.