I walked purposefully towards the Azure Fleet headquarters, keeping to the crowded roads. I decided it was best to avoid taking shortcuts through various alleys until I knew more about the city's layout and the people who inhabited it. The sun was now close to setting, casting long shadows across the cobblestone streets and bathing everything in a warm, golden light. Despite the dwindling crowds, I was confident I could still make it to my destination before night fell, thanks to the mental map I had formed in my head.
As I hurried through, a sight that I wasn’t expecting caught my eye. Walking on one side of the road was a hulking figure that looked like a yeti from my memories of Earth. The figure was tall, much taller than me, with light blue skin that almost looked frozen. He had a long white beard and wore a large set of leather armor and garments, some parts covered in white furs. A large duffel bag was slung over his back.
As he walked past, our eyes locked for a moment. I couldn’t help but stare at the creature, my curiosity piqued. The yeti’s eyes held a similar curiosity, reflecting a sense of wonder and perhaps amusement at our brief connection. For a moment, it felt like the world had paused around us, the bustling city fading into the background.
Then, just as quickly as it began, the yeti broke eye contact and continued walking in the opposite direction. I watched him for a few more seconds, the image of his towering, frozen form etched into my mind. Once again, I was reminded of how vast and diverse this world was, filled with beings I had yet to understand.
I shook off the encounter and refocused on my destination. I had to walk for another half hour before I finally approached the imposing structure of the Azure Fleet headquarters, and I couldn't help but be in awe of its size.
The building was more like a colossal tower than a traditional structure. Its base was wide and sturdy, constructed from massive stone blocks. As it rose, the tower tapered slightly, giving it a sleek, elegant appearance that contrasted with its solid foundation. Large windows, reinforced with iron, dotted the tower at regular intervals, allowing light to spill out and illuminate the surrounding area as the sun began to set.
High above, the top of the tower seemed to touch the sky. Protruding from its upper levels were numerous airship docks, which jutted out like great metallic arms, ready to welcome vessels from the sky. Even from the ground, I could see airships of various sizes and designs anchored to the docks.
As I stepped closer, the sheer scale of the tower became even more apparent. I craned my neck to take in its full height, marveling at the architectural prowess required to construct such an impressive building.
The entrance was flanked by two mokmire guards with the same uniform that I had seen many times just earlier that day. As I approached, I decided to try my luck and simply walk through, however, before I could take more than a few steps, one of the guards reacted with surprising speed. In an instant, a red glowing spear materialized in his hand, its ethereal light casting an eerie glow on the surrounding stonework. He swiftly moved to block my path, the magical weapon forming an impassable barrier.
Startled by the sudden appearance of the spear, I stumbled back a step. The spear’s color was similar to Rutgerd’s red shield, so I assumed it must have been a similar class ability.
"Halt," he commanded, his voice firm. "State your business."
Regaining my composure, I replied, "I'm here to see my friend, Ryone. She's not part of the Azure Fleet, but she should be in here."
The female guard stepped forward, her expression stern. "And you are?"
"My name is Juniper," I answered, realizing I had no identification to offer.
The female guard's hand moved subtly to rest on what looked like a communication device at her belt. As she pulled it up, she stepped out of earshot to talk with someone on the other end of the device.
Was I supposed to get my registration process done? The admiral said something about that before sending me off to the Council…
After a few moments she returned and the guards exchanged a quick glance before the one with the glowing spear spoke again. "I'm sorry, but we have no record of a visitor by that name."
I felt a knot form in my stomach. "I was just here earlier today, I left on an airship to answer a summons from the Council. I just need to find Ryone. If you could just-"
"I'm afraid that's not possible," the female guard interrupted, her voice leaving no room for argument. "We can't allow unauthorized individuals into the headquarters. It's a matter of security."
"But you don't understand," I protested, my frustration growing. “Call Admiral Dhurek, he’ll let me through. I've come a long way to find Ryone. She's my friend, and I’ve been told she’s in here. Can't you at least check?"
The guard with the spear shook his head, the weapon's glow intensifying slightly. "Without proper clearance or a scheduled appointment, we can't permit entry or assist in locating individuals. Those are the rules, miss."
I stood there, feeling helpless and angry. The tower that had seemed so welcoming just moments ago now felt like an impenetrable fortress.
I opened my mouth to argue further, but the determined looks on their faces and the pulsing energy of the magical spear made me pause.
"I suggest you step back and reconsider your position. If you continue to cause a disturbance, we'll have no choice but to remove you from the premises." The female guard concluded.
This wasn't going as planned, and I realized I needed to rethink my approach. Reluctantly, I took a step back, my mind racing to find another solution, but I was in an unfamiliar city and I couldn’t think of another way to get past these guards without causing an unnecessary commotion..
I looked up at the sky, the sun had now almost disappeared behind the horizon dotted with buildings of various shapes and sizes, and I also noticed some eerily dark clouds making their way closer to my location.
This is getting nowhere, and I need to find a place to stay… no way I'm spending the night on the street.
Without another word to the two guards, I couldn't help but feel a sense of defeat as I turned around and made my way back from where I came from.
The bustling crowds from earlier had thinned considerably, with most people having retreated to their homes for the night. The streets, once alive with activity, now seemed eerily quiet, save for the occasional echo of my footsteps on the cobblestones and the few passers-by hurrying past me.
Suddenly, I felt a few droplets of water land on my back, which prompted me to look upwards. I grimaced at the sight of the dark clouds that now hovered over my head as I began to hurry my steps.
As I continued through the road, the droplets gradually increased in intensity until the clouds burst and began drenching the streets. The few remaining pedestrians scurried for cover, leaving me alone on the rapidly flooding streets. The relentless downpour began to soak my scales as I quickened my pace, desperately searching for any sign of shelter as water cascaded off rooftops and formed small rivers along the gutters.
After running for what felt like an eternity, my eyes caught sight of a worn wooden sign swinging gently in the evening breeze. The soaked sign read "The Whispering Hearth Inn" in faded, ornate lettering. Grateful for the prospect of shelter, I approached the entrance.
However, as I drew closer, I realized there was a problem. The door was comically small, clearly not designed for someone of my size. I stood there for a moment, contemplating whether I could somehow squeeze through without causing damage.
Just as I was about to attempt an awkward entry, a gruff voice stopped me in my tracks.
"Oi! What do you think you're doing?"
Startled, I turned to see a stout dwarf poking his head out of a window to the side. His thick beard was braided intricately, and his eyes narrowed as he scrutinized me.
"I was just looking for a place to stay for the night," I explained, trying to sound as polite as possible.
The dwarf, who I assumed was the innkeeper, let out a derisive snort. "Well, you won't be staying here, that's for sure. This establishment doesn't cater to creatures of your... stature."
His words stung, but before I could respond, he continued, his tone brusque and impatient.
"There's an inn that can accommodate your kind a few blocks down the road. It’s called Scaly Refuge, or something like that. Now off with you, before you scare away my patrons!"
With that, he slammed the window shut, leaving me standing alone in the darkening street. I felt a mix of frustration and embarrassment wash over me. It seemed that finding a place to rest in this city would be more challenging than I had anticipated.
Sighing heavily, I turned away from The Whispering Hearth and continued down the road, hoping that this Scaly Refuge would be more welcoming. The rain continued to pour, drenching me completely as I ran through the near-empty streets. Water splashed beneath my feet with each step, and streamlets ran down my scales.
After what seemed like an eternity of running through the downpour, I finally caught sight of a large, inviting building with a sign that read "The Scaled Refuge" in bold, friendly letters. As I approached, I noticed with relief that the entrance was much wider than the previous inn, easily able to accommodate someone of my size.
Without hesitation, I pushed open the door and stepped inside, grateful to escape the downpour. As I entered, I was immediately enveloped by a wave of warmth and the pleasant sounds of a busy tavern. The interior was spacious and well-lit, filled with a diverse crowd of patrons from various races. They sat at tables and along a long counter, eating, drinking, and conversing happily, seemingly unaffected by the gloomy weather outside.
As I stood there, taking in the lively atmosphere and shaking off some of the excess water, a feminine voice from my left caught my attention.
"Welcome to The Scaled Refuge, dear! You look like you could use a warm meal and a dry place to rest."
I turned towards the voice and found myself face to face with what appeared to be... a bear? The creature before me resembled a polar bear, standing upright on two legs. Her fur was predominantly white, but what caught my eye were the intricate black markings covering her body, almost like tattoos etched into her fur. She wore a well-worn leather apron and had a warm, welcoming smile on her face.
"I'm Ursula, the innkeeper here," she said, placing a paw on her chest and briefly lowering her head. As she did her small greeting gesture I couldn’t help but notice the small bracelet around her arm, which I assumed had the same enchantment that let her speak her thoughts.
"We do not often see other awakened around here, but you're more than welcome. Come on in and make yourself comfortable. Can I get you something to eat or drink?"
I stared in awe at Ursula towering above me. For the second time today, I found myself looking up at a creature far larger than I was. The innkeeper's impressive stature was both intimidating and oddly comforting.
"I... yes, please," I managed to stammer, still somewhat taken aback by Ursula's appearance and welcoming demeanor. "A warm meal would be wonderful. And a room for the night, if you have one available."
Ursula's smile widened, revealing a set of impressive teeth that somehow managed to look friendly rather than threatening. "Of course, dear. It’s 5 glims per night for a small single room, and the kitchen is open almost all day, 3 glims per meal.”
I nodded as I pulled out 8 glims for a room and tonight’s meal and laid them on the counter in front of the innkeeper. Ursula smiled as she grabbed 5 glims and pushed the remaining 3 back towards me.
“You seem like you’ve had it rough under the rain today, so tonight’s meal is on the house. Come on, let's get you settled,” she concluded as she gestured for me to follow her.
“Uhm, thank you for your kindness, innkeeper…” I began while obediently trailing behind her, still marveling at her size.
“Just call me Ursula, and it’s not a problem, us awakened need to stick together right?” She briefly turned her head as she gave me a quick wink.
I really need to find out what being “awakened” means…
As we weaved through the crowded common room, I noticed other patrons glancing our way with curiosity rather than the fear or disdain I'd encountered earlier in the city.
"Don't mind the stares," Ursula said over her shoulder, as if reading my thoughts. "We get all sorts here, but another awakened is still a bit of a novelty. They're just curious, is all."
We reached a large, circular counter at the far end of the room. Ursula moved behind it with surprising grace for her size and pulled out a thick, leather-bound book.
"Now then, let's get you registered. What's your name, little one?"
"Juniper," I replied, feeling a bit strange about being called 'little one' but finding I didn't mind it coming from Ursula.
Ursula jotted down my name in her book, then stepped out from behind the counter once more. "Follow me, Juniper. I've got just the spot for you."
She led me through the bustling room to a taller table, clearly designed for larger patrons like herself or me.
"Here you are, dear. Tonight's special is Jaspin stew. I'll bring it out for you momentarily." She gave me another warm smile before heading towards what I assumed was the kitchen.
I didn’t mind another Jaspin meal, the skewers I ate earlier that day were great, so I somewhat looked forward to this new dish.
"Thank you, Ursula," I called after her, grateful for her kindness.
As I settled on the table, I finally turned my attention to the only other occupant, and my eyes widened in surprise as I found myself staring directly into the familiar gaze of the large yeti I had encountered earlier that day on the streets.
Thx for the chap.
Until now I see no reason for the MC to do anything who will help this place now or later. And the council who call her but don't even help to send her back or anything plus the fact they was tracking her without her knowing
Oh course the bear awakened is called Ursula....

Not my greatest creative spike!
But I do like how it sounds
Juniper has had a lot of demands made on her without any thought given to accommodate her needs and help her get settled in.