1-18 Bakuda Bombings
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It took me some time to write this, but I am alive.

After webbing Rachel and bringing her dogs separated from her, Peter proceeded to hack the servers hidden in the Undersiders’ base. Karen made quick work of it.

Alec’s resistance was futile, threatening him with the scary black widow and the nano-tech-wielding spider was enough… Though at first, he was uncooperative, Peter helped him change his tune by breaking his arm.

It was distasteful, but Peter had to do it, or Taylor might have done worse.

Karen confirmed it was Tattletale’s doing: the leaks of their civilian identities, and surprisingly, she was also the one who leaked Armsmaster’s PRT Threat analysis regarding him and Taylor.

It appeared that there were conjectures about his ‘danger-precognition’ but it was all attributed to his suit’s responsiveness and reflexes. Peter knew there was something special to his spider-sense, but this was no time for him to ponder on the potential and what-ifs of his abilities.

After interrogating Alec about where Brian was going, Peter and Taylor easily made the decision where to go next— to Tattletale’s house.

Swinging from one building to another, checking on Taylor’s flank, Peter promised himself to protect Taylor from herself… He knew she was on a warpath, he knew words wouldn’t work on her, and he knew the best he could do for her was to be with her. If it came to that one moment he dreaded, he’d stop her, he’d help her, and he would be there for her.

It was ironic considering he was keeping a distance of roughly 200 meters from her to act as eyes and emergency reinforcement. Alec AKA Regent being his best cooperative self was sent first to confront Brian.

Everything went smoothly after that… Taylor had made her entrance to Tattletale’s residence, while I watched her 6 o’clock. “I wish Mr. Stark is here… Where is he when I need his advice the most?”



Monday— April 18th, 2011.
9:00 AM.

Peter wasn’t so invested in Taylor’s plans to strike hard on the Undersiders and coerce them into working together… or in this case, work for them. On paper, it wasn’t a sound theory either… but then Taylor suggested using worms to threaten the Undersiders. Peter had to put all the breaks for Taylor, so he suggested implanting his nanite-constructs instead of using the ‘worm’ idea.

The tracking function was enough to deter the Undersiders from escaping.

It was surprising for Peter to learn more stuff about the suit at breakneck speeds as Karen filled him day by day of what it could do. According to Karen, the more esoteric functions of the suit would only be revealed to him if (1) he had graduated from the hidden tutorial program set by Stark, and (2) if he was forced into a complicated situation like ‘theoretically’ being left stranded in another planet, in another timeline, and apparently another universe. As long as it was categorically him being forced into a situation where he would be ‘helpless’ like his civilian identity being revealed to the world, Karen would reveal to him the suit’s more complicated functions. According to Karen, this was in lieu of the EDITH program.

Sadly, Peter would never find out what was the EDITH program since according to Karen it was left on his Earth.

Roughly 64 hours had passed since the Undersiders were conscripted to the Spider-fold, and so far so good. Having extra capes was a big help, especially Tattletale’s powers— they had raided over several ABB bases already with efficient brutality.

And Taylor sure was not holding back.

Every time they would attack a base, Peter would take point with Tattletale backing him up with good info from the rear. Taylor would secure the egress points of ABB members, while the rest of the Undersiders make quick work of the stragglers and the minor objectives he had set up for the Undersiders to work with.

“Is this the ninth time?” voiced out Regent, he wore renaissance-era clothing, with leggings and loose-fitting shirts. His mask was in the style of a Venetian mask, with an attached silver coronet. The mask had a hard exterior and was padded underneath which offers him some protection. “I mean, I know I was so into this, jumping into another ship, devoting myself to our ‘new bosses’ but can we take a break? We are not even getting paid for this… yep, I’ve done it, I felt like an ass, and I am blaming myself.”

So far, there were no Parahuman encounters, not even the sight of Wards or the Protectorate.

It appeared they had different objectives, or were working in a timeline that was accommodating the ‘Spider-fold’ hashed-up team. Peter did notice a few drones watching over them from a distance for a couple of times too fast for him to catch or react to. He was also checked up by Armsmaster from time to time via comms. If there would be any Parahuman encounter, it would be a hostile one. Peter could easily infer that much by the rate they were going.

“Just be thankful they are not killing us after what Tattletale did,” answered Grue AKA Brian Laborn. He was invested in attacking the ABB bases and getting rid of storage of possible bomb supplies… In fact, their team had gotten rid of three bomb sites that would have caused cascading explosions somewhere between Downtown and the Docks.

Yet despite all of their efforts, they would always fall short… Somewhere, anywhere, their would be bombs just waiting to explode or had exploded already.

Grue kicked an ABB thug who was scrambling around blindly, and swinging a crowbar. The thug had his head covered with dark smoke and was confused as he collapsed on one knee. “Get down, or you won’t need to be hurt more.”

Regent zip-tied the thug. “Yeah, I know… I am thankful. People get killed over this, so we are lucky we are villains, right? Moreover, teenage villains with zero body count under our names, right? Maybe we’ll get a slap in the wrist and get inducted to the wards, right? As a fucking ‘Master’ I don’t need to be put under immense scrutiny, right?” His joking tone was starting to annoy Peter.

Driving an appropriated jeep from the outside was Tattletale, she raised a middle finger, mouthing the words ‘Fuck you’ to Regent. Peter’s ability to read lips was passable so he was certain he read it right.

Meanwhile, Peter was webbing the rest of the ABB mooks. “Karen, status report?”

Karen informed him, “Four explosions had occurred in the past fifteen minutes. Sporadic explosions are occurring at random patterns. The purpose is most likely terrorism… or for a distraction. Chances they make an attempt at freeing Lung is more than 80% possible.” The others did not hear Karen, so Peter had to repeat it for them.

“More explosions are going on, taking down ABB bases is useless unless we find the head of this operation… It is better we shift to rescue…” Peter landed on the fence, while he waited for his team members to gather on him.

Rachel AKA Bitch, her preferred name over Hellhound, was riding her monster dog. Taylor was similarly riding one, it awed Peter to see Bitch’s powers to mutate her dogs and revert them just as easily to their original shapes.

Taylor shook her head, “No, we need to be aggressive. ABB won’t stop unless we hit them where it hurt. Grue and Tattletale, you guys are with me… We’ll hit another ABB base. We should manage as long as there is no Parahumans on the other side. Peter, keep the comms open. I’ll call you if I need you.”

Ok? Peter was left speechless as Taylor speedily climbed the jeep with Grue following after her… It was as if Taylor was avoiding him. Tattletale stepped on the accelerator and zoomed off the streets, heading for a new surgical strike about a dozen streets away.

“So rescues, huh? I could roll with that,” Regent grinned like an idiot. “I must say, girlfriends can be like that. Maybe it is her special day, the once-a-month thing, you know?”

“She’s just a friend…” Peter intoned as he webbed upwards and looked at the jeep that had vanished in the corner. Looking to his left, he saw smoke and heard more acutely the chaos happening.

The sporadic explosions had been a persistent occurrence, and it wouldn’t stop anytime soon. The most troublesome aspect of the bombs was their uniqueness in technology, more often, Peter would rather hurl the bombs skywards than disarm them with his nanites.

“Yeah, a friend that is a girl,” teased Regent with a shit-eating grin.

Peter knew not to let down his guard around Regent. As of this moment, and in fact, every second Peter was around Regent, his spider-sense would warn him to be very careful. “We’ll do as Entomancer said. Rachel, give Regent a ride… I’ll take point, so don’t lose sight of me.”

Rachel Lindt had a squarish blunt-featured face with thick eyebrows, auburn hair, and a muscular build being naturally inclined to fitness, with constant activity needed to force around her dogs when they were grown to monstrous size.

Currently, she was wearing heavy jackets with thick fur collars and a disposable dollar store dog mask.

Because she was wearing a mask, Peter couldn’t see her facial expression but he was fairly certain she was scowling at him. For one, Peter refused to call her Bitch. For two, Peter manhandled her rather one-sidedly.

“Let’s go, Bitch…” Regent remarked as he pulled himself to an oversized attack dog. The dog’s name was Judas. There were two other dogs namely Brutus, a Rottweiler, and Angelica, a Terrier.

Rachel grunted from her perch above the oversized Brutus. She placed two of her fingers under her mask and whistled. Coming from the warehouse was an oversized Angelica… Peter would love to ride a dinosaur-like doggo, but he was faster when he was up in the air.

“Karen,” Peter directed his attention to the AI in his suit, “Point me where I can help.”

 “Updating the map…” Karen’s voice replied as quickly as he called her name. “I placed markers to places where you can be most effective, Peter. Reminder: The chances of you encountering ABB operations while mobile increases by 20%. Recommendation: engage them if they don’t have Parahumans in their ranks.”

“Copy that,” Peter swung through the chaotic streets, and his senses were highly alert for any signs of danger. The explosions reverberated through the air, each blast a reminder of the peril they faced.

As he soared above the city, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at him. Taylor's decision to press on with the aggressive approach troubled him. He couldn't shake off the nagging worry that she was walking into a trap, fueled by vengeance rather than strategy.

Surely now, ABB must have become aware of their team… The fact however that the ABB was fighting on multiple fronts, meant they had no luxury to send their Parahumans wherever and whenever. It was good Taylor brought Grue and Tattletale with her. Grue was as good as any counter to Oni Lee, and Tattletale should ensure any possibilities of a wayward bomb going over their heads would be curtailed.

The ‘traps’ the ABB were capable of were limited to their gang members waiting in ambush and their nasty bombs… The reason Peter could have peace of mind leaving Taylor operating at her capacity was because he had left her a little something… The spider emblem that once housed his fabric-based suit was modified and remade to suit Taylor’s needs. Moreover, Peter knew Taylor needed the space.

Peter couldn’t have himself worrying and looming over her, because that might only aggravate her… not to mention amplify Taylor’s negative emotions.

Checking on the tracking device embedded in the spider emblem, Peter made sure that his distance from Taylor wouldn’t be more than over 10 kilometers— that much distance was manageable for Peter to come to her rescue. Taylor wasn’t some helpless civilian who needed saving every time, but Peter was committed to ‘not letting Taylor’ die.

Peter crashed at the burning building, his suit providing him with data on the layout of the place. The hologram interface with structure analysis was quite a handy function.

Regent's voice came through the comms, informing him that he would assist with crowd control. “People from the floors below were making a scene, likely panicked by the chaos… Bitch will handle the adjacent building… her dogs can endure the flames… ugh, this people are pushy!”

“Copy that, tell Hellhound to be careful. The flames are normal, but it cannot hurt to be more careful with the more complicated bombs. Tell Hellhound to handle the first three floors and I will handle the rest…” It was good that the Undersiders were not so strapped with their gear. Peter wouldn’t know how to coordinate their position if he didn’t have any means of communication.

Taking a moment to assess the situation, Peter quickly formulated a plan. With his enhanced strength and agility, he leaped down through the flames, landing amidst the panicking crowd all of them trapped in a yellow bubble.

"Everyone, stay calm!" Peter's voice rang out, amplified by the suit's built-in speakers. "Gather together and don’t touch the bubble!”

Counting seven of them, Peter realized this would be a difficult challenge even for him.

Karen helpfully provided her analysis. “The bubble is a temporal distortion that amplifies heat signatures in anything it touches. The slowness of the bubble shrinking suggests an unstable profile for Bakuda… The bomb in front of you Peter is made with the intent to inspire fear and inflict torture.”

“That’s one wacky technology…” Peter clicked his tongue.

This kind of bomb was super disgusting considering it made Heroes like him equally feel the torture… With the clock ticking away any seconds now, the gathered civilians were more likely to get incinerated by their own heat than Peter saving them.

“This is what we are going to do,” Peter exhaled calmly while giving instructions in his best Captain America tone. “I am going to remove this armor, have it wrap around you, and then you will jump out of that bubble. Do you understand?”

Looks of fear and doubt had spread to the poor fellas, but this was the best chance they got.

“Analysis complete,” intoned Karen. “The suit has camouflage functions that hide even your heat signature so this is an applicable method to extract them.”

“Do it,” Peter did not hesitate as he gave the word.

Karen removed herself from Peter, wrapped the nearest civilian, and walked her out of the bubble. Seeing the armor so easily extracting one of them, the civilians realized they could get out of this alive. Thus, they calmly gathered in a line, waiting for their turn.

Waiting not a second for Karen to bring everyone out, Peter clasped the office lady in her waist and jumped from the torn wall.

“AAAAAH~!” screamed the lady right at Peter’s ear.

Peter still had his basic web shooters in him, and he used them to remove the momentum of his descent by zipping at a building opposite him.

Regent was corralling the people down below with the help of the medical staff. It was fortunate that the police were not here as the first responders considering that Regent and Hellhound were technically villains.

With little effort, Peter came back and forth from the building. When he brought the seventh civilian down, he was already back in his Iron Spider suit.

Another explosion had set off, crystals bursting from the adjacent building.

Thankfully, Rachel was safe, still mounted on Brutus. Following her was her dogs: Judas and Angelica were carrying their own loads, a bunch of civilians on their backs. Peter knew Rachel hated ‘people’ in general so he knew to an extent she hated helping these people.

But Peter had to try. They had to try.

There was another explosion, but it wasn’t caused by a bomb. From above, Glory Girl had burst off from the crystallized upper floors of the building. She carried a civilian in her arms, while one clung from her back. She brought the people she saved to the nearest medic.

Peter approached her, swinging in her proximity, and landing with finesse on an RV. “So any news? Any heads-up? The last I heard was from Armsmaster, and that was yesterday… He did not contact me again. Usually, he would check on me around this time of the day.”

Glory Girl wore a white one-piece dress that ended in a skirt at her mid-thigh with shorts underneath, an over-the-shoulder cape, high boots, and a golden tiara with spikes radiating from it.

Peter had to give it to her, she was pretty.

Though he felt her aura blasting at him, he didn’t feel one bit 'compelled', ‘awed’, or ‘inspired’ by her. His spider sense was adjusting to her aura, the ‘tingles’ and ‘threats’ ringing in his mind were recalibrating the chemicals in his brain.

As if to prove this, Karen provided him with visual data of the activity in his brain. “Cannot find any countermeasure from her aura with the available technology, but it appears you have a natural resistance to her power. Caution is heavily suggested in interacting with Glory Girl.”

Glory Girl good-naturedly smiled, “I don’t know. It is usually mom, er… It is usually Brandish who briefs us about these things. I am glad you are here though. I am happy to see new capes here in Brockton, helping people!”

Karen added, her voice remaining private to my ears. “Other members of New Wave were helping with the rescue efforts on the three other bomb sites. There are still no sights of the Protectorate, however Ward is rejoining efforts with attacking ABB bases, and disabling potential ABB operations while chaos was ongoing.”

It was time Peter regrouped with Taylor.

Exactly at that moment, Taylor’s voice buzzed in his comms. “Peter, Lung is here… The Protectorate and Lung was duking it out. We are going to engage—”

“No, Taylor… Wait for me…”

“The Protectorate is losing. Something changed in Lung, made a speech about infusing Tinker-tech on his blood vessels… Bakuda was here a while ago too… I sent Tattletale to track the fucking bitch… For now, the priority is taking down Lung.”

Of course, Lung escaped, and PRT dared not reveal it… And fuck no, Taylor… Please don’t engage!




#Glory Girl’s first appearance #Lung is every fanfic’s punching bag, or is he?

“A short explanation. It is canon Peter doesn’t have resistance to psychic powers, even the mastering effects of others’ abilities. However, he can resist them in Worm. I gave Peter’s Spider-Sense extra boosts for the right reasons. Spider sense is the specific name for it, but in a more general sense— it is a version of super instinct. Characters that have access to the sixth sense are Daredevil, Dr. Strange, Black Panther, Sabretooth, and a lot more. It is a power that gives their host incredible survival instinct. In Peter’s case, it shares both scientific and mystic roots directly connected to his nervous system and the soul. I know it sounds jibber-jabber at this point, but I just want to highlight the questions: How did Peter not get affected by Glory Girl’s Aura? How did Alec not go for the kill after Taylor removed her Black Widows? The answer is none other than Taylor. The two’s powers are not just messing with each other, but amplifying what they can do. They are truly a power couple in the making. Glory Girl’s aura not working is self-explanatoryly shown in this chapter. For Alec, I’ll try to show them in the few following chapters.”