Chapter 5 – Theraphosa Colossi
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"Y/N! LEFT!" Ace calls out.

You spin left and see a spider leaping at you. You duck and thrust your arm up, changing it to a blade.

Your blade cuts in deep, through the body, and out the top. You withdraw your blade, turn, and see two more approaching Ace. You change your arm back before switching two fingers to blades. You swing your arm, flinging the finger blades at the spiders. The first hits and severs a leg while the other skims off harmlessly due to a poor angle.

Ace turns and finishes off the one you'd severed the leg of. You rush in, rapidly switching your arm to the proboscis, before jamming it into the spider and slurping up the internal fluids.

A screen pops up:

With your meal, you'll be able to use Spider Silk at your next level. Your speed has also increased. Nice kills.

You stand and switch your arm back, then look over at Ace, "Per the info available, how many were there?"

She looks around at the bodies, "That should be all." She quickly counts, "Twenty kills. Info said there were twenty. We should be good, but let's look around to be sure."

You and Ace begin checking the nearby bushes, trees, and rocks for any more spiders.

Once she is content that there aren't any more in the area, she turns to you, "Well, shall we get-"

She's interrupted when you grab her shoulders and dive out of the way. As you both come to your feet, you look up and see what triggered your senses.

A blue, violet, and silver spider easily the size of a full-grown man and probably four times the weight.

It spun towards you. You felt your pseudo-skin crawl as a sickly green fluid dripped from its fangs.

Ace drew her daggers and stood.

The spider shot a thick thread at you. You ducked it, only for it to catch Ace's feet.

As you and the spider charged each other, you saw Ace's legs yanked out from under her.

As the spider reared back, you ducked low, rolled, and switched a finger into a blade. You slid under it and jammed the blade up into its throat. The blade bent, sending a sharp burning pain up through your arm.

"ARGH! FUCK!!" You yell as you scramble out from under it. You get out from under it just in time as it slams down, kicking up a cloud of dust.

It swiped a foreleg at you. You manage to jump back, barely dodging it. You switch your finger back to a hand and the pain fades. As you do so, you glance over and notice Ace hanging upside down, knocked unconscious when her feet had been pulled from under her.

You turn back to the spider as it sizes you up. You slowly circle to the left, keeping your legs bent and your arms and hands splayed out ready to react to any movement the spider might try.

As you circle, watching each other, you can feel its eyes roaming over you, each one watching a different part of you. You can see the intelligence behind those glowing red orbs.

Suddenly it lashes out, but you release your shape, collapsing into a puddle of molten goo, before reforming, almost immediately. You'd managed to move around it, now standing near Ace's trapped legs.

The spider turns and charges you. You grab onto Ace and jump back, rolling as you hit the ground. As you do, a new screen appears:

It's a Theraphosa Colossi

"Thanks for the name but how's that help me?!"

Give me a fuckin' moment! DODGE!!

As you read the last word, you look up and manage to dive to the right, narrowly avoiding another lash from the spider. You keep your attention on the spider, examining each point of its body.

Finally, you come up with an idea.

"Tell me its weakness when you're able to. But give me two minutes to get safe."

No screen replies, but you can sense that your system understands. You charge at the spider, rapidly darting left and right, making use of your newly acquired speed.

As you get closer, it lashes out with its two forelegs. You duck and slide under it, avoiding the two mid-legs that darted in to hit you. You come back to your feet behind it as it slams down, trying to crush you. You take the brief moment to jump onto its back.

You change your fingertips into suction cups to hold on. It turns and bucks, trying to throw you off, but you hold tight.

Once your grip was solid, a screen popped up again:

Electricity is its greatest weakness! Second, aim for the joints with a small blade!


I know that! You wanted info, I gave it!

"Why can't you be cooperative right now?!"

I am! If you die, I die again! Why do you think I've been helping you despite hating you?!

You growl and use your suction-cup fingers to crawl down its carapace as it continues thrashing and trying to dismount you. You get to the side, where four of its legs are connected with a sort of shoulder-like joint. You change your finger into a thin blade.

You draw your hand back and take aim, "Please don't bend this time..." You mutter as you ram it in. It sinks in drawing a loud screech from the beast. It spins a few times, trying to throw you off.

Despite the immense force, you manage to hang on.

It... Understands centrifugal force...?! WHAT?!

The spider stops spinning and scurries up a tree.

"Can't escape that way, fucker!" You yell at it. It crawls out onto a limb and releases its grip. You crane your neck to see the ground rapidly approaching.

As the ground gets close, you jump, rolling as you land and getting up on your feet. The spider crashes to the ground, shaking the entire clearing.

You quickly run around its front, getting away from the legs. You look up into the creature's eyes, "Well? Got a plan?"

I'm thinking! Just... try not to die for now!

"Great fucking plan! WHAT ELSE?!"

No response as you continue your dance with the spider. You hear a groan to the side. You and the spider both look and see Ace just coming back to consciousness. You look back and can see a plan forming in its eyes.

"No... Don't you fucking dare..." You warn it.

It lashes a leg out at you. You're caught by surprise, taking the kick to center mass. You watch as it turns and charges towards Ace.


She looks up and screams, holding up her hand as a bright violet light shines out. The spider screeches and runs off, disappearing into the brush.

You run over to her, "Ace! You okay?!"

"My head's throbbing and my heart is racing, but I'll live. The fuck was that?!"

"Therphosa Colossi. A true giant spider."

"Those others must've been the babies then... I'd heard stories, but I hadn't realized... This isn't an E rank anymore, Y/N. We need to leave. Now."

You turn back to where it had disappeared, "You go. Get to safety. It's faster than us. Ace, you've made my life fun. Eventful. I haven't had a single dull moment with you. When you get to safety, make a report and send stronger adventurers out."

"I won't leave you! You're... you're special to me, Y/N..." She says, blushing slightly.

You look at her, "I've got my system. With it, I'll be fine. It has a flawless plan."

Really? You don't think she'll see through that?

"Really? What's the plan?" Ace asks.

"Simple. Don't die."

You just screwed the pooch, so to speak

"That's not a plan! That's a goal!"

"Close enough. Now go. I'll be fine. I promise."

Ace walked closer and rested her head on your chest, "I... I lo-"

"Don't. Save that for when you see me later."


You look down at her, "Go. I can sense it's coming back."

She looks up, moves in, and presses a gentle kiss to your lips, "If you die... I'll kill you..."

You smile and watch as she turns and runs off.

You turn back to where you could feel it coming.

"So, what's the plan?"

No plan. It's a level 30, at least. You're still a child by comparison. The best I can advise is simply don't die

"No fancy otherworld knowledge?"

I wasn't a genius. Even now, I just have live access to the information of this world. That doesn't make me especially intelligent or anything

You relax your muscles, lower your head, and close your eyes. You go over everything you've learned thus far. Finally, the beginnings of a plan begin to form.

"If I don't have the strength to pierce it's carapace... Can I use it's weight instead of my strength?"

That's... interesting, but it'd kill you too. If it works, it'll slide down your spike and crush you

"I know. but I don't have any other options."

That'll kill me too, Y/N!

"It's not an ideal plan but-"

BECAUSE IT'S NOT A PLAN, DUMBASS! Just give me a fucking moment!

"I can't. It's here. Either come up with a better idea or I'll do what I have to to ensure Ace is safe!"


You lower yourself into a combat-ready stance. The spider runs in and immediately rushes towards you. As it nears, you see a screen. Without reading it, you can hear the words echo in your mind, "ARM BLADE! THRUST FORWARD!"

You obey and quickly change your arm into a long, razor-sharp blade before thrusting forward at the spider. It flickers and vanishes. You hear a rush of air above you. You look up and see the spider falling towards you.

Time seems to slow as you close your eyes and accept the inevitable. You think to yourself, 'I'm sorry, System. I should've been kinder to you. And Ace... I like you too... I'm sorry. Please don't hate me.'

You release your humanoid form and quickly change, your head melting down to a sharpened spike as your arms and legs form four downward spikes, holding you in place. You mentally sigh as you feel the carapace make contact.

You feel an excruciating pain as the weight presses down on you. An unbreakable shield meets an unbreakable lance, both with immovable and unchanging force behind it.

Finally, after what feels like ages, the carapace gives way and fractures. The spider slides down, its weight crushing and oppressing you. Your world goes dark as the pain fades.


Also, if you're enjoying this, please head to my profile and check out my Mysthavia Series, Lay the Dragon and DragonBound.

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  • Love, Life, Happiness (monogamy with Ace) Votes: 2 18.2%
  • All the girls Votes: 5 45.5%
  • All the boys Votes: 1 9.1%
  • All the everyone Votes: 3 27.3%
  • More monsters/demi-humans Votes: 5 45.5%
  • A small harem Votes: 8 72.7%
  • other (Please comment specifically) Votes: 0 0.0%
Total voters: 11 · This poll was closed on Apr 23, 2024 11:42 PM.