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Alright, sure, maybe I’m not a guy after all. Perhaps being trans doesn’t mean you turn into a girl overnight. But, at least, I look nothing like a guy now. HRT is cool.

After that fateful date with Julia, we’d gone back to her place, because it was way too late for me to come all the way back home; no other reason, of course. Mayyybe there might have been more kissing involved, I guess. The next day she’d introduced me to her sister Hannah, a friendly and funny person, although I wasn't quite sure if the funny part was intentional or not. I wanted to try being a girl full time, so they had both taken me into town to buy some new clothes, which, to my horror, Hannah had paid for too quickly for me to be able to protest. It was like she’d learned this from somewhere.

We’d come back to the old bridge a few times since then, Julia and I. Since I knew I was a girl now, going on a date and getting to be in love with another girl felt surreal. I also could safely say I was bi now, the fact that I’d always wanted for there to be a girl in the relationship was just my subconscious or something, being like “Girl, maybe you love this ‘dude’ you’ve been friends with for years, but you’re about to figure a whole lot more shit out.” And it might have had a point.

Anyways. Tonight, I had something pretty important to tell Julia, and I knew just the place to do that. I more or less dragged her to the bridge, and we sat there in silence as we usually did, simply enjoying each other’s company. And kissing; that was important, too. After doing just that for about 15 minutes, I thought of a funny way to go about the whole thing. “Julia?”


“You know how I’ve always found uni boring?”

“Well, yeah. You wanna quit, don’t you?”

“I… think I’d like to for some time, yeah. Maybe I’ll go on a student exchange program or something.”

Julia froze. “Uhhhh… For real?” she asked, looking half amused, half concerned.

I tried my best to stay serious while giving her a comically gloomy look, but I failed and burst out laughing. “Don’t worry, babe,” I reassured her, still giggling, “I’m joking. Well, not about the part about wanting to quit uni. I think I wanna study something else.”

“Do you know what?”

“Take a wild guess.”

She pretended to think about it really hard. “Arts, right?”

“You got it. I don’t know, it just feels so much more… interesting, and fun! And you can give me private lessons,” I added with a smirk. “Your drawings are the second most beautiful thing ever after you!” She blushed. It was fun to make her blush from time to time; the opposite was usually what ended up happening. “I just wanna, like… make stuff. Pretty stuff.”

“Don’t worry, you make a pretty good girl.”

“I know, right? I’m just so talented!” I joked in an attempt to hide my blush. “Also, uhm, like… I love you. Could we be, like… girlfriends?”

She looked perplexed. “Babe… We’ve been dating for around two months. What do you think we’ve been, just very good friends?”

“No, don’t worry, I’m not that dense,” I lied. “I just thought we should… make it official?”

“Aww, adorable. I love you too, cutie.”

Huh. The past me who’d said his ideal relationship was to be a girl dating a girl might have been onto something.

I hope you enjoyed this little story <3
Thanks to @Querelle for their help, feedback, ideas and for being cute, and tanks also to @Sierrafinity for her editing help!