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Unnamed Human Male

Bio Age (Chrono Age): 19 (19)

Health: 20


Level: 0

Exp: 0/10



Hard: 2

Tough: 2

Dura: 10

Regen: 1/Day

Grit: 1

Absorption: 1

Stamina: 10

Regen: 1/Hour

CC: 50

M.Conductivity: 1.00



TA: 0.00

Cogni: 1

Hive: 0

H.Limit: 10

Cooling: 1

Analyze: 1

M.Fission: 0

M.Fusion: 0

Weight: 1





Looking at the list of stats in the back of his mind, the supposedly unnamed human scratches his head. ‘Unnamed’ is bullshit. His name was John, but he died, so maybe things are different now. How did he die? Mundanely, as far as he can remember. Standard issue car crash into never regaining consciousness, as far as he knows. A true combo.


Getting isekaied or whatever it is that has happened to him now wasn’t something he was even conscious to wish for, so this being some sort of dream sequence before death is probably out, given that confirmation of his prior life’s end is staring him in the face.


Past Lives: 1


Is the only stat on the second page of his status screen, labeled ‘achievements’. He’s got that going for him. The man that once was John cocks his head while cracking his knuckles and wrists, before getting into a proper stretching routine to get used to his body. It’s not the same one he remembers, but it doesn’t feel nearly as weird as ‘getting a new body’ would. 


In fact, the man that once was John thinks the main difference, being his relative height, is the only thing he really feels. He feels overall ‘bigger’ because he is taller, but that’s the only difference. Stretching feels the same, his fingers feel like his, it’s all the same, even though it very much isn’t.


“Ah- Eh- O- I- Oo- Ie.” The man that once was John tests his voice a little before saying the only logical thing to say when you get reincarnated or transmigrated or whatever. Pitching his voice as low as it goes and trying to maintain the most even, monotone delivery possible, he speaks. “Hello world.”


He’s wearing clothes, which is nice, but they aren’t the clothes he last remembers wearing, but are instead an ensemble of what he’d call ‘generic traveler’s clothes’ if he saw them in a shop in an RPG. Brown boots, tan pants, a sturdy belt, a tunic with green doublet, a belt pouch w/ canteen, a sword- 


“A sword?” Drawing it from its sheath, he examines the blade’s shape and the structure of the guard, before concluding it to be a messer of very cheap iron make. The grip is some sort of wood, probably oak, and despite the ergonomic knifelike shape of the handle that is native to messers, it is too hard to be comfortable.


Then again, weapons shouldn’t be comfortable, they should be effective. He thinks to himself as he puts the sword away. Alright. I’m in a new world, with a sword, and no idea what this world is, what I’m doing in it, where I am, or where anything else is. Step one: determine level of game-ness.


Yes, he has a system, and not one he understands, but that’s no guarantee that the entire world functions on such logic, and he’d very much not like to be surprised by assuming it does when it doesn’t or vice versa. Similarly, if the world is realistically structured, he’d like to know in advance of having to survive the brutal unforgiving wilderness or if it isn’t structured that way, he’d like to know if he should be preparing to survive brutal unforgiving Skyrim quests.


His system’s obscurity and refusal to tell him what the hell ‘TA’ is or what it means to have 0.00 of it isn’t helping in this regard, but thankfully, he thinks he has a way of acquiring some basic information, and it has to do with the ‘Analyze: 1’ stat under his mental stats. Surely, he thinks, a stat like that would work similarly to an ‘identify’ skill, or there wouldn’t be much point in naming it that way.


Pressing his palm against the nearest tree, he attempts several methods of using this mysterious ‘Analyze: 1’ stat. First, he says the word out loud, figuring this is the easiest option. It doesn’t work. Second and third are related, different methods of thinking the command mentally, and similarly bare no fruit.


The option that ends up working in the end isn’t anything related to a mental command or a bit of speech, but a change in mindset. What if all he wanted to analyze was the bark itself, not the whole tree?


Item: Oak_Bark

HP: 2

Hard: 1

Tough: 1

Flammable: Yes / 1.00

Conductivity: Yes / 1.00

M.Conductivity: Yes 0.247


With no context for what any of those really mean, this information isn’t useful in and of itself, but it does confirm something to him about the nature of Analyze. That being, it shows him only stats and in this specific case it only showed him physical stats. Presumably, higher amounts of ‘Analyze’ would let him see more stats, or of more complex things like ‘the entire tree’ instead of just general information about the bark.


Or the tree counts as a living thing, and I can only analyze things that aren’t ‘creatures’, like a bit of bark. Actually… He slams his palms together and attempts to analyze himself, then his hands, then his flesh, then his skin, before abandoning the idea when nothing happens. I really thought that would work. 


Then he gets an alert.


Level Up

Most recent action: Analyze

Level: 0 -> 1

Dura: 10 -> 11

Stamina: 10 -> 11

Optional Rewards(Choose one):


+1 Hard

+1 Tough

+1 Grit

+1 Absorption

+0.01 TA

+1 H.Limit

+Name (choose)