The Depths Below Azure Waters
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There is a saying, “Memory is the treasure house of the mind wherein the monuments thereof are kept and preserved.” There are many things that are out of our control as mortals in this plane of existence. Not even our memories, treasures as they are, are safe from the nature of life. Our turmoiled frailty is evident in the truth of how much we rely on the unreliable.

If our memories are what define the soul, how then is the heart, mind and body affected by the missing pieces? How can a person identify who they are if they are lacking the essential details? Therein lies the depth of the particulars of the soul. A drive, a passion, a heartache, all left meaningless in the absence of memories.

An experiment delving into the unknown sea that is the mystery of life is an ignorant pursuit of madness rooted in faithlessness. A sinking chasm portrayed by great scholars, philosophers, and religious leaders alike, hastens the feelings of worthlessness. Life, meaningless and void, can only be viewed as such by the pathless. As such, even the contrarians, the ones who seek to oppose such laws, have fallen to obscurity.

So, in a world where the past defines the worth of the future, one must seek to attain an enlightened perspective, placing a value on such treasures. Only then, can one be so bold as to defy fate and reject the workings of the universe. If fate is the enemy of our worth than free will is the strongest weapon, we have. With the power of Volition, even the destined faint at the bane of Finality.


??? POV

“Who are you!? How did you get in here passed the guards!?” The blonde-haired woman yelled at my sudden intrusion. I reveled in the fear that basked in the air, the sweetness of reality returning to my beating heart and peaceful breath. How I longed for the moment that was promised to me all of those years ago. Freedom at last!

“If only you knew. That would make this process all the more, sweeter. But alas, I don’t have the patience to spend on one such as you. Pawn, you have work to do, don’t you?” I laughed, truly there was nothing more entertaining than dangling a carrot on a stick. One as weak willed to fall to the presence of a stellaron was easy work to say the least but I could use a little stretch after all of this time asleep.

“How dare you speak to the supreme guardian in such a tone! Do you not know of who you speak!?” She rebuked enflamed.

“Of course, I do, why else would I go through the effort of introducing myself? Tell me, oh powerful supreme guardian, do you know the name… Seele?” The query by itself having no relevance to the inevitable result, allowed me the opportunity to ask a personal question. Her answer, unknowingly, would simply decide how I would put the puzzle together.

“I do not know of who you speak girl, but your aggressive speech can only be construed as hostile. Even for one as young as you, I would have to abide by the laws of our courts and detain you. You will submit or face the consequences!” With the declaration befitting a born leader I couldn’t help but feel disappointed that I couldn’t kill this version as well. Her voice reeks of false morality and bashful arrogance. The lies one would have to espouse to yield such filth with such fervor, is unconceivable.

“Interesting, there are some plot holes to discover in my own time. That being the case, you should praise your luck, fate has smiled upon you for today. Say, are you willing to die for what you believe in?” I asked smirking. Of course she does, this was no ordinary woman after all. Cocolia would always be the same person no matter which soul was pulling the strings.

“Oh, nothing to say? Well, that’s fine because… I already know your answer.”



A Certain Memory’s POV

“Look at her! She thinks that she’s all that now because she was taken in by that orphanage!”

“I know right? How can an orphanage even afford to send a student to our school? This is supposed to be a school for the wealthy and educated, not rats found on the street!”

“You can say that again. I honestly can’t believe that the principle even allowed her to apply much less attend.”

“I heard that the woman in charge of the orphanage is very wealthy and owns a well-known science firm. I wouldn’t be surprised if she bribed the school.”

The voices ringing throughout the halls began to beat on my ears, lies and slander breaking through my admittedly weak shield to ruin my already stressful morning at school. Why was it always like this? No matter where I went, I was subject to the scorn and hate of others. It was a harsh reality I could not escape, tormenting me ever since that day. I hated everyone and I hated everything, but I couldn’t do anything about it. Why was I left alone? Why was it always me who was thrown to the wolves?

Salas Advancement Academy was a school for elementary level children who exhibited extraordinary talents which exceeded even prodigies. It was a prime opportunity for students with the highest capacity to learn to be subject to the highest levels of erudition both through ordinary means as well as artificial technological means. In fact, it was the hope of certain followers of the Erudition that led the effort in such heightened learning.

I felt super blessed to be able to attend such a privileged environment as I felt it would mold me into a difference maker in the future. Who knows, maybe one day I would be the one to solve the mystery of death. Not even the genius society has figured that out yet.

The problem, of course, is when you inevitably run across those who found their way to the school without merit. While it was true that I would not have made it this far without the help of madam Cocolia’s influence, it was my own efforts that sparked the path to my attendance. I had every right to be here, just like anyone else. However, with the constant glares and comments that reeked of jealousy I couldn’t help but be offended. Even the orphaned have a right to education.

Taking my seat in class I pondered why I couldn’t make any friends. Why must everyone make a conclusion about me before even speaking to me? Was it really as simple as being an orphan? Was it the fact that I was treated well despite my rough past? I did not understand but it was a problem I wished to solve going forward. Friends weren’t exactly easy to come by, but I knew they would be essential as I grew up in such a harsh reality.

“Alright class, settle down I want everyone to be on their best behavior today as we have two additional friends joining us. Normally I would introduce our guest right away, especially given his intergalactic standing, but I first wanted to take the opportunity to present a new transfer student. Everyone, please give a round of applause for Bronya!” As the teacher began class, I was already on edge because of the gossip behind my back but as she introduced the new student my head suddenly flooded with pain.

Trying to remain focused on class despite the harsh headache I was now victim to, I realized that the girl that stood at the front of the classroom was blurry. Not like my vision was blurry but rather the very image of the girl was blocked from my sight. I couldn’t see what she looked like at all.

“What is…” I muttered frustratingly. What was going on?

“Thanks for the introduction teach, but I go by Bronie. And no, for anyone wondering, I don’t do friends.” Well… that’s a way to introduce yourself. She’ll probably fit right in here. Friends seemed overrated for most around these parts anyway.

“Alright, Bronie… go ahead and take your seat. I believe your designated accommodation is F8, you may find your supplies beneath your holomonitor.” Hm? F8, I’m F7. Is she sitting behind me then?

As the girl approached the seat behind me, I couldn’t help but shiver at the glitching figure. Like an unfinished asset in a video game, Bronie appeared like an NPC in a game lacking detail and any remotely perceptible features. But this was not a video game, this was real life, right? Natives of Punklorde were familiar with simulations as many of us made use of the technology daily. It was not a simulation. Furthermore, with our technological advancements it was not a stretch to suggest that she edited her form using her aether cartridge. The only problem with that theory was that it was a high level aether editing technique and no one else seemed to be noticing her strange appearance.

“What’s with the bunny ears?”

“Yeah, I outgrew that phase years ago. What a weirdo!”

Classmates taking no time to make their opinions known, decided to make it very clear what kind of environment the newbie was entering. Only children would stoop so low as to find cheap esteem points at the detriment of others.

The girls seemed to shut their mouths though at what seemed to be a hardened glare from Bronie. I could appreciate someone standing up for themselves, it was a quality that I wished I could imitate without losing control of myself. The truth was, I was capable of standing up for myself, I had done it multiple times before. The problem lied in the method.

I was a waking time bomb just waiting to go off. The things that I have seen were traumatizing, things that I would never tell anyone. No one wanted to be friends with someone with a dark past and no wanted to hear a sob story. But with these wounds, it did not take much for someone to step on the wrong toe.

Adults considered my temper tantrums to be a result of PTSD, but despite this, I was thrown under the bus as a problem child who never received the benefit of the doubt. Several other kids were victims of my anger, but I wasn’t the type to start something either. Just as I was a victim to my emotions, I was a victim to circumstances. I couldn’t defend myself from these gossipers because I knew if I did, my time at this school would be cut short.

My life, was a constant battle against myself, my mind on constant edge to avoid crossing that line. I could not afford to mess this up. The one person who believed in me, the one person that still gave me a future, the one person that gave me a chance, wanted… no expected results and I would never disappoint. I couldn’t…

As Bronie finally took her seat behind me, my attention returned to who the guest might be. It was not incredibly unusual to have a special guest attend our class but there weren’t many times that a someone came from beyond Punklorde. Our home planet was about as recluse as it could get to the galaxy, we didn’t like visitors and we didn’t leave either. For someone to come to our class from beyond the stars it could only be someone invested in the school.

“Okay everyone, it is my pleasure to introduce one of the greatest thinkers in our galaxy, one of the members of the genius society from the Planet Screwllum, Screwllum himself!” Taking the cue, a mechanical figure of rather exquisite taste in fashion entered the room via the sliding door. Sure, enough it was Screwllum, and not just some average Screwllumite but the real deal. We actually had a real member of the genius society standing at the podium, in our classroom! I couldn’t believe it, what in the world was someone so important doing here?

“Greetings children, I hope to find you in good spirits this fine morning. Please forgive my tardiness but there were urgent matters that I had to attend to. That being said, I am delighted and honored to be able to speak with some of the next generation of geniuses.” Introducing himself with class only a gentleman was capable of. I quickly decided to put aside my holomonitor for the moment to extend my entire focus to the mechanical lifeform.

“Hmph, overrated!” I overheard from behind me. Bronie did not seemed to be impressed. I don’t know how that was possible, I mean genius society members are literally inducted by the aeon of erudition. What’s not there to be impressed by?

“Over my years of learning and processing of data, I have come across many different opportunities to acquire knowledge from various sources. It is a rare pride that I take upon myself to contemplate even the smaller things in our universe to conduct and steer the best possible future. To that end, nurturing ones such as yourself, establishing a resolute foundation, is no mere triviality but rather a magnanimous expenditure.” He continued.

“Ugh! Boring! I swear this guy thinks he’s a walking dictionary or something. Hey, why don’t skip the nice words and get on to the good stuff!” Disrespectfully Bronie decided to turn her harsh words upon the genius himself. Normally I would not appreciate the attitude, but I was curious to see Screwllum’s response.

“Hm, seat F8, Designation Bronya, I appreciate your candidness. However, this is a place of learning, please withhold your needless remarks until the conclusion of our time together today. Thank you for your cooperation.” What a proper comeback. Just as you would expect from an upstanding adult.

“Sure, whatever.” I had a feeling like this was going to be a common occurrence.

As the school day came to a close, I packed my belongings and started for the exit. Screwllum was, as expected a treat for the mind, absorbing his wisdom and expertise he imparted was nothing short of mind blowing. Although I think my head was becoming a little numb after all of that.

On some planets you might find students walking their way home after school with little care for the world around them but that was not the case on the light polluted world, I called home. Not only was it difficult to get anywhere without a means of transportation, due to the massive skylines and barren underbelly, but it was also dangerous as the people of Punklorde knew all too well. Thankfully, madam Cocolia reserved an aviator for myself and the other kids at the orphanage who needed a way to school. Not to brag but I was the only one smart enough at the orphanage to make it into the school, so I was quite proud myself.

As I reached the parking lot, I noticed that there were quite a few students staring at my aviator. When they noticed me, they’re eyes darted back and forth, their faces seemingly dying to ask me questions. What is it this time?

Stepping inside the aviator I was surprised to find the same girl that sat behind me in class, Bronie. Furthermore, her body was still glitched out. I wonder if she even knows. Or… is it me that is seeing things.

“Um, what are you doing in here?” I questioned confused. This was the same aviator that has ferried me to and from school for a couple of years now after all.

“Just making use of the tools given to me. Kind of annoying though, the AI wouldn’t let us leave until you got here. I was honestly considering hacking it, but I didn’t think Cocolia would appreciate it. Recommendation, don’t look too surprised it’s depressing.” As she was saying all of this, she put her leg up on the dashboard. She was not even looking at me as she played a game on her phone. Did she not know that she just admitted to breaking and entering and that she contemplated hacking the aviator?

“What is wrong with you! Actually, answer the question, why are you here? How did you even get in here?” Not letting her off the hook I wanted to get to the bottom of this girl and figure out why she looked like she did.

“I’m just doing as I was told; I didn’t do anything illegal this time, don’t worry. Cocolia set me up with a place to stay for a while and part of that set up included coming to school here with you. It’s a great arrangement honestly. I get to eat, sleep, and play games however I want and all I have to do is take classes here.” Shrugging off my questions, I was left stunned. Cocolia sent someone like this to Salas Advancement Academy?

“I don’t even… no, I’ll just ask her myself. As for you, care to tell me why you’re glitching out over there? I have been wondering all day and it’s driving me nuts.” Asking why Cocolia did something never got me anywhere so moving on to my most pressing concern was apt.

“Huh? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Hey, you look like you’ve seen a ghost or something.” And seen a ghost I had, behind Bronie, whose body was still warped, was a creature. It had several eyes, large jaws, and long horrifying arms that wrapped themselves around the girl.

With a terrifying screech it flailed itself towards me knocking me flat on my back inciting a spell of darkness to consume my thoughts. My hearing, fragmented and scuffed as it became, allowed me to perceive three chilling words.

“You … cannot … know!”

Hope everyone enjoys the chapter. This is the first chapter delving into Seth’s memories and the chaos is just getting started.