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The Magic Kingdom of Adel's capital was called the Pentagon. This was because the Five Magic Towers were located at the corners, forming a pentagon with the Royal Palace at its center.

Technically, they weren't exactly towers but were referred to as houses. Each one of these houses was guarded by hundreds of mages and aura knights led by the tower master.

The House of Beginnings, the House of Books, the House of Forests, the House of Knowledge, and the House of Beasts were the names of each of the houses.

Right now, in the House of Beginnings, the poor, depressed girl interrupted, saying, "Stop referring to me like that!"

She was currently still trying to get used to being a baby, and a baby's cry echoed throughout the large room.

"Thank you, goodbye," she cooed contently, happily flopping her arms.

"My name is Fae Ainhadt. I have no idea about my former name, how a truck smashed into my room from the roof (I guess they got tired of waiting for me to come outside) and got me isekaied. I finally found a way to switch off that annoying narrator feature.

No, I don't seem to have a system, considering I can't call out a game screen in front of me yet. But I guess I have only parts of the system, mainly the audio system, which doubles up as the narrator and a translator.

Let's see, I died by a truck. I reincarnated as my elf character in the game, and I am a princess. Yep, now if I could just find a way to grow up, but what should I do now?

A body that has just lived for about five weeks. There's not much you can do apart from turning over and crying—I mean, signaling the shared nursery nanny to breastfeed?

For the first three days, I lived in a semi-trance state as all information and magic was pumped into my mind and body.

The following couple of weeks after my rebirth, I had little to no motor control over my limbs, except being able to wave them around, and even that got tiring quickly. I realized all too grudgingly that babies don't really get to control their fingers all that much.

The only thing I had was this narrative audio that gave me knowledge about what was happening to me and random information about the place and people near me, and listening to it made my head hurt with too much info dump.

This was a feature in the dialogue box in the game, which was generated automatically by a chat-AI.

Forget motor control, I can't even excrete my waste at my control. I figured, the place that I was currently stuck in was a place in a magic world where electricity hadn't yet been invented.

I had to suffer mental torture for about five weeks until I decided to accept my new life.

I have a whole new respect for every main character who has been reincarnated and endured this (literally in the form of sinking, squishy cloth diapers).

Right then, the doors opened and there was a lot of noise. A middle-aged man with long black hair, a scruffy beard that followed his jawline, and a mustache entered the room.

The head of the house, Theudoric Ainhadt, came in seeking his daughter, whose name he did not know, but whose power he sensed before he even saw her for the first time.

"Wait, this thing is still on?!"

"Is this the child?"

"Yes, my king."

"Her ears are oddly shaped...."

Theudoric looked at Fae and relaxed his complexion a little.

Of thirty-two children born this year, including all of the family's rightful sons, bastards, and cousins, this one girl had massive mana that could rival even some of the best mages in the Ainhadt family.

Well, I am a level 75 player who can use disaster rank spells; it seems that power followed me here. It's a good thing I was not some idiot web novel protagonist who would create a worthless account for storage and end up isekaied as that character.

However, he raised a nonchalant eye and scanned his other children born this year.

Oh right, I am sharing the room with two other babies who are my siblings.

Since we are the children of the king, we have been kept separate from our other cousins.

He was just disappointed that their qualities seemed inferior to those of his other offspring.

"Eventually," Theudoric spoke to dozens of nannies in the room behind him, "move the children to the 'trial of blood.'"

The children of the Ainhadt are put to the test from the moment they are born.

The first of these tests began right away.

What is the trial of blood?

It is a unique rite of passage for the Ainhadt. Despite the ominous name, it wasn't really that bad; they just pricked the child's hand (it was hard to prick a baby's finger since it's so small) and examined the blood.

The blood of those of the Ainhadt clan was rich with mana. As a result, it glows in the dark based on the amount of mana one possesses.

"Ah, how can it be!"


Arguments erupted from everywhere.

Family elders, who were rarely shaken by anything, were astonished by the result.

Theudoric, whose eyes had been filled with anticipation, impatience, and anxiety, lit up.

In the case of Fae, it shone with bright white light, since white light was a combination of the seven colors of the rainbow.

A blood that signifies that the mana that flows in the blood is pure and dense.

"It hurrrtssss!!! Waaaa!!"

Having passed the trial with blood and tears, Fae was finally accepted as the fifth princess of Adel, but even greater dangers and a cruel doom lay upon her.

"Whaa-wait, what do you mean by doom?!"