Volume 0001-Transmigration, Chapter – 012 – Epilogue: Recap & Unwritten in Volume 1
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Author tries to explain:

The End of Volume 1, this chapter will take you back to what already has been written during this Volume 1 and also give some more clarification of the unwritten on some parts what I couldn't write about, due to my personal aim not to overreach a word count per chapter of 2,700 to about 3,000.
Though it is not so important for the flow of this novel, but important for me to say it out straight. Some would see this chapter as a shortcut/spoiler of the entire Volume, but it doesn't truly give insight of the true Protagonist, which is covered in those 11 chapters in this Volume. And it can be used as backtrack in future Volumes to come to find some connecting parts. Enjoy!


Rick Jokowiro is a 41 years old man who died behind his computer while playing the game Farming Together. At the moment of death a distortion happens, their soul intertwined and became one, and was sucked into another dimension. (Volume 1, Chapter 0)

There the organism started to learn from Rick’s memories and also adjusted to the space they were in. Rick was at the time unconscious and the organism had a lot of time to learn from the dimension. It theorized the dimension was once a galaxy and met its end by something. What precisely, it wasn’t sure but it was not by a collapsing Star as it was still burning lively as ever. (Volume 1, Chapter 0)

From the recent past memories the organism was keen to try to recreate its own Farming Together game, but with real objects and lands. In the dimension hovered a lot of debris in space, even a solid piece of land with its own atmosphere. It decided to gamble after a few years of observation and enforcing its knowledge over Space-Time Law. (Volume 1, Chapter 0)

It created an isolated Space right inside the dimension and started to implement its grand scheme in reflecting the game. It took about 50 years when it managed to create an ecosystem similar to that of Earth, but without any humanoid civilization to see how it would strife and evolve if there is no intervention. (Volume 1, Chapter 0)

More debris drifted towards the isolated space, which it took full advantage of and build another piece of land. It found some spaceships drifting along in the dimension, which it managed to salvage and study with the knowledge Rick has from programming. (Volume 1, Chapter 0)

Although difficult it had plenty of years to go through the matter, all codes were alike. It soon builds its own computers powered by a magical crystal that could recharge the energy from within the galaxy and the computers would execute commands on its input. (Volume 1, Chapter 0)


It managed to make chips that could be inserted inside tools that could modify based on who uses them. It made clothes from the hides of animals it killed in the isolated space. Through manipulating space on a small or large object it could be used as tools it needed to perform these delicate tasks. And it had years of time to make it into perfection as it wasn’t contained within a body. (Volume 1, Chapter 0)

During this period it had perfected the idea of the program is needed to run based on Rick's previous knowledge of C++ programming and Space-Time Law, which it managed to combine. All it needed was something it could store it in, but it couldn’t be far away from it and Rick as they needed to act like a server that would connect them with the computers and chips in the isolated space to be full control of the program. (Volume 1, Chapter 0)

And it started to study the anatomy of every living creature on the independent land, it and Rick could possibly take over. It came to realize that the humanoid creatures are the most suited for its idea to come to fruition for its intellect which animals or plants are lacking in this area. (Volume 1, Chapter 0)

A total of 8 decades has passed since Rick and the organism have been pulled into this dimension when suddenly another distortion happen and they were once again pulled into it. (Volume 1, Chapter 0)


To the organism disbelief they were once again contained in a human body, but this time in a 10 years aged child. It managed to capture the memories of the young boy, who is called Theodore James Wilde, and happen to notice the scheme that was done to the boy from its past memories. It transferred those memories to Rick as it knew that they would be connected to this young boy’s body and would need to lead the boy’s life for now on. (Volume 1, Chapter 1)

It started to modify the body to what it researched and stimulated for the past 30 years in the dimension and adjusted the body cells to work as a computer, while Rick was deeply immersed within Theodore memories. (Volume 1, Chapter 1)

With Space-Time Law included in the programming, it made a connection with the isolated Space is created in the dimension, soon it stumbled onto a problem as it noticed that the body can’t move energy within. It circumvented the problem by using the commands directly into the cells as it noticed that it still could absorb energy from the air. (Volume 1, Chapter 1)

Having done all that it called its creation ‘Spatial Server’ which is the connection between the body, it and Rick now were contained in, and the isolated space. And which could absorb the knowledge of almost everything and store it in the cells, and with thought the owner of the body gains all the information instantly in his mind. (Volume 1, Chapter 1)


Soon Rick awakened and was met with his new family. It took some time to adjust to his new environment, but with the memories of Theodore, he soon realized the situation they were in. He had after all 41 years of life experience in his previous life and through this, plots and schemes were easy for him to take notice. But he was met with a surprise as he wasn’t the only one who transmigrated but also an organism that followed him from his previous life. (Volume 1, Chapter 2 & 3)

Rick got acquainted with the organism to which he called it ‘Spacey’ as he was informed what it did for him in the dimension they were contained for over 80 years. He quickly adjusted to the circumstances they were in when Rick realized it couldn’t be separate from him and him not from it. (Volume 1, Chapter 3)

As he read a lot of novels containing a Protagonist who receives overpowered systems out of the blue, he felt it was just like that. But wondering where the OP was in his system because all he needed to do was farming and constructing while being stuck in a 10 years old body. (Volume 1, Chapter 3)


Rick told his hypothesis to his new family: father Eric, mother Jade and little sister Jenna, and their friends: uncle Bruce, aunt May and daughter Maggie, about the current events within the Wilde Clan their family recently experienced and gotten expelled. And it was highly possible that the Great Elder of the Council took part in this scheme, at least Rick was sure that Phillip is the extended tool that been used to carry out their scheme. It was doubted at first but with further thoughts and the village they were sent to, it seems it had some credibility. They decided to further investigate and see if they are currently still in danger. (Volume 1, Chapter 4)


While resting in his room, Rick was brought through Space-Time teleportation to the isolated Space on the OFT land. He learned more about the Server, Spaces, OFT, his own memories, and Theodore memories. He gradually accepted Spacey and his new life as Theodore James. (Volume 1, Chapter 5 & 6)


Rick decided to go by the name Theodore James as respect to his current family of this body and accepted that the old Rick is dead, but the knowledge Rick gained through the years will be kept as the foundation of this new Theodore James, which consisted of him and Spacey. (Volume 1, Chapter 7)


Theodore learned more about farming within the OFT-Space which Spacey called it and realized it was pretty easy to do. Due to time constraints he only manages to do one square of land of the 85 currently available, 15 was already in use for structures. The OFT-Space is divided into 24 sections of the plot of lands of each 8,000 squares which totaled 192,000 squares and in size this meant (384km x 384km =) 147,456km2 (57,086 mi2) of total land, which was too large for just one person to manage. He decided to inform his current family and friends about it. (Volume 1, Chapter 8 & 9)


From the suppressed memories the new Theodore learned more about the place he migrated to. This world is called Azure Planet, which is named after the bountiful and vast sea on this planet. There are only 2 continents Central and Origin Continent. (Volume 1, Chapter 10)

The Central Continent is divided by 5 Human Kingdoms and 3 other races, which are the Human Kingdoms: Axe, Thorns, Adder, Silken, and Oden, and the other races are Beastmen, Dwarven, and Elven race. The other races seem to be suppressed by the Human race as they are driven into the corners of the Central Continent and they seem to be very hostile as to what is written in history books. The Origin Continent is very small and it contained one other Human Kingdom the Rade Kingdom. (Volume 1, Chapter 10)

Each Kingdom has its own specialization which is provided to the other Kingdoms and vice versa, which should make happy cooperation between Kingdoms of the Human race. But as history foretold, humans are greedy and strife for more benefits wherever it could find. And war amongst the humans was not a rare sight to insignificant matters which would be easily solved, but due to benefits disputes could carry on for decades between Kingdoms. (Volume 1, Chapter 10)

The people who suffered the most were the lower class who was conscripted in the army. Second, the families where some of its members took part in command on the battlefield, because they became prime targets for assassination attempts to derail the armies high command. (Volume 1, Chapter 10)

He also learned how the Wilde Clan came to be. His grandfather was once a member of another family called the Kampa Family. Due to their success within the military, they were targeted by hostile Kingdoms and other noble families within their own Kingdom. On the day his grandfather was born, his family was wiped out, though he was not born in the Kampa’s residence but at his mother’s parental home. With the help of a friendly Duchy, the Imperial Court solved his and his mother's predicament, and been decided when Karl reached 16 years old he would inherit all of Kampa's belongings. (Volume 1, Chapter 10)

Declining minor noble families, Barry, and Stillard families started to contact Karl’s mother Christine, and later formed the Wilde Clan. Though each had their own plans, they forgot about the most important person in the Wilde family, who was silently growing up under the counseling of the Grand Duke of the Parsley Duchy. At 10 he used his wit and made sure in a meeting those families sang a little softer in his presence and towards his mother and uncle. (Volume 1, Chapter 10)


Later Theodore decided to involve his family and their friends in his activity in OFT-space as he required help in leveling it up. (Volume 1, Chapter 11)