Chapter 8: Who Can It Be Now?
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There was one thing that I wonder though...

Kills: 2,936,738,142
World Population
Sinners left: 1,864

For one, the kills that I got doesn't match the world population drop. It would make sense since the only real kills that I did was when I was the U.S. president and commanded to launch the missiles. The most peculiar thing though was...

...the number of sinners didn't drop drastically. Assuming the number of deaths that happened... there should be around 700 sinners killed or so.

"If sinners were supposed to be easy to kill, God would've just created another big flood." said Raziel.

"Did he wanted to entertain himself or something?"

"God works in mysterious ways."

How delightful... what did I do right then? How did I kill that hobo? As I wonder about these stats, bright flashes of light can be seen on the horizon. It seems like nukes have already arrived in Japan. Marina is a special place in Japan because of it's seclusion to population centers, making it very unlikely to be a prime target for nukes. 

"Wow, it's getting darker in here." says Mrs. Hatano.

The road continues into a weirdly shaped mountain that is curved, covering a certain area from the sun.

"We're almost there, Miyuki. I've been here once to visit Ryoichi." says my mother with a tinge of regret on her face. She taps me in the back (I'm still lying down on her lap) and says

"Pacific, you're going to see your father again, though it's not a very good time..." I'd probably just kill him soon, I don't remember any significant memories with him anymore.

"Hey Aku-chan! I just love those demonic eyes, I just don't see it too often!" says Mrs. Hatano. 

"Thank you, Mrs. Hatano."

"I have a present for you, actually!" There was a blanket on her lap and she uncovers it. I see...

"Meow." Catsuragi, my precious cat. One of the only beings in the world that I want to protect. Enormously loyal and caring to me, she just fills what remains of my heart. I spent hours perfecting Control using him. She gave me her will, and she strengthened my soul to conquer others. I grabbed her and pat her.

"Same eyes, same love." says Miyuki-san. Hozumi is also beside her but is not saying anything.

"Miss Commander, we're arrived at Marina base." says the driver of the truck.

"Whatever." she replies "I swear I was talking to the Japanese Prime Minister a second ago. What in the world is happening?" she whispers to herself.

"You spoke with the Japanese Prime Minister after you declared war, Mr. President. You said everyone will be said and happy." says the man in black beside the President.

"Fake news! I didn't say anything like that! I swear to God you people spout crazy things... Did I really, Dandelion?" he replies while closing his eyes deeply, trying to remember the gap of his memory from giving his speech to being on the plane.

"Even if China is stealing our jobs, I wouldn't do something like declare war."

"Interesting. Agent #12, get me connected to the Japanese Prime Minister." commands the man in black, Dandelion.

"Yes, Director." The Director of the Secret Service traces every possible reason the war started, and he has suspicions because he has something only few have the privilege of...

"I know it is... I know this is the work of a SINNER. I will find you, and I will kill you, The Sinner of Destruction. I will uphold the order of the world until the very end. I won't fail again." he makes a fist and places it in the front of his lips.