An ending, a new beginning
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I guess I should start with my name, its Mark, Mark Smith yeah, I know the most common last name in America.

My life was pretty simple I had a career as an accountant working in a small firm. I was married for fifteen years and had one daughter.

For my Fortieth birthday my wife surprised me with divorce papers. I did not really blame her as I had fallen into the routine of working forty to fifty hours a week, coming home eating dinner and sleeping.

I just got lost in work and did not make enough time for her a date night one or twice a month a two-week vacation once a year and not much more. I was saddened by the failure of my marriage but only had myself to blame.

At the divorce hearing I gave in to almost every single one of her demands only fighting to keep half of our savings to start over with and my car. I agreed to fifty percent of my income divided between child support and alimony, I just no longer cared.

I did have the good fortune of seeing my daughter two weeks of the year one week in the Summer and one week in January. Sadly that only lasted a few years once she turned Twelve, she did not want to see her dad anymore.

Okay enough about my past, I retired at Sixty-five not really having any plans for my retirement, just knowing I could not keep up with my younger coworkers anymore. Of course, I had a stroke alone in my apartment and died six months after my retirement.

The next thing I knew I woke up on the shore of a lake with a forest on three sides and a nearby road. Standing up I felt young and full of energy. Not used to this new body I stumbled over to the water and took in my reflection, staring back at me was a young face with a full head of black hair and clear blue eyes. Jumping back in surprise it took me several minutes before I approached the water again to confirm what I had seen.

Confirming what I had seen I was real I spent some time studying the lake and its surroundings only the occasional bird song and stray gust of wind breaking up the tranquility of the forest. Sighing I looked over to the road and walked to it.

There is a signpost in front of me and I walk up to it after staring at the sign for more than a few minutes all I come away with is gibberish.

"Well, this is just great I have no clue other than pick a direction" Looking up to find the sun it looks to be around noon still no help. I look down the road both ways and the woods seem to get thicker to my left so right it is. Having made a decision, I begin my journey and set out following the road to my right. 

Well, several hours and nothing but a few rabbit looking animals and a squirrel that threw acorns at me. "I guess I deserved that or something." I notice the road up ahead curves to my right and out of sight.

"Not good" I mumble as I move to my left trying to move away from the thick brush and see around the obstruction. As soon as I move away from the road a rock flies out and hits me in the leg barely missing my knee and another one just misses my head. "Shit, this is not good" I see two short creatures with yellow skin wearing rags facing me and yelling out weird sounds.

Looking at them I realize that the options are trying to run or try to fight. I don't like either choice but decide my best option is to fight so I pick up the rock that hit my leg and charge at the two creatures.

Well, that was not fun, and I have some new bruises and a few small cuts, but I managed to kill my attackers and I gained a pair of rusty daggers good job me, I guess. 

Thinking back on my decision to fight it was being pretty reckless, but I was not sure I could escape with my injured leg, at least I was stronger than the I guess goblins? Not really sure but they kind of remind me of monsters from fantasy movies.

Taking a few minutes to catch my breath and look around, there is a slightly worn path leading away from the goblins ambush spot and a log they may have been sitting on. I see a couple more rocks in a pile and a large stick but not much else.

Grabbing a few of the rocks and putting them in the single pocket in my pants. I put the daggers in my belt once I retrieve the sheaths the goblins had for them and pick up the stick it seems sturdy enough to use as a club.

I slowly follow the trail worn into the ground hoping there was some kind of shelter nearby and no more goblins. I found a cave but there was a half-asleep goblin with a spear guarding it. Staying as much out sight as possible I took aim and threw a rock at his head. Managing to hit him I ran up to where the goblin fell and stabbed him several times with one of the daggers to be sure he was dead.

Breathing heavily, I looked around to make sure more of the goblins did not come out to attack me. Not hearing anything I peeked into the cave surprisingly it was only about ten foot deep and hiding against the far wall was a single female and two babies.

This was not what I had hoped to find I was hoping for a useable shelter not a mother and babies. Shaking my head I moved away from the cave entrance and returned to the road and again turned right. Killing the three goblins was hard enough I just cannot bring myself to kill a scared woman and her children monsters or not.

I continue down the road my right leg throbbing and slowing me down a good bit since the adrenaline from the fight has long since worn off.