26: Closed Door Cultivation
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26: Closed Door Cultivation

Mellanie’s view

“You’re really going into closed door cultivation?”

“Yes, Smitt. You’ll be fine. You’ve yet to master all the techniques in that instructional item I made you, and the books I’ve created already have an automated production and distribution method.”

“I think you underestimate your importance, Lane.” 

“I think you overestimate it. The world won’t collapse without me, and neither will the sect. I’ve already created lecture recordings to let the sect continue learning without me.”


I’d concluded that I’d learned and done all I could as I was now. To do what I want to do, to learn what I want to learn, I need to develop and unlock my divine sense. 


“May I come with you?”

“Mel, the whole point is to have no disruptions or distractions.”

“Yes, but I don’t want to be left all alone, Lanie… please?”

“... do you not have any friends?”

“Everyone here is dedicated to cultivation. I’m not really so dedicated. It feels like I really have nothing in common with anyone here… everyone is so ambitious.” 

“... fine. However, you must quietly cultivate on your own inside. I don’t want to be disturbed.”

“Thank you. I’ll let you cultivate in peace. I just prefer to be with you, even if all I can do is watch.”

“If you want to be helpful, then please cultivate. Otherwise you’ll die of old age long before I ascend.” 


Emelia’s view (aka Mel)

When I heard we’d be doing closed door cultivation, I imagined being stuck in a simple cave. Lanie painted the entire cave. Now it feels like spending time in an open field on a nice warm spring day. There’s a small stream passing by on one side, lots of luscious green grass with a little dew still on it. A few trees not too far away where the stream comes from. There’s just a strange door in one spot. The back side of the door is just stone.

This feels more like cultivating in a nice outdoor area full of rich ki. The one big clue that the place is fake, is the lack of animals and insects, and as time passes… the lack of any indication of time passing. The sun doesn’t move. 

It’s impossible to keep track of time in here. I read Lanie’s book. I cultivate a little, and then watch my lovely Lanie as she cultivates. Except, I can’t really tell what she’s doing. She’s just sitting there. She did something strange to this place. There’s no surge upon accomplishing a breakthrough. The extra energy just seems to dissipate into the air. Well, I suppose that must be why the amount of ki here seems to keep rising. I wonder how long it has been.

Completing body refinement leaves me feeling amazing. It’s like I’m young again. Looking at myself in a water mirror, I can’t suppress my shock. I really do look young again! I could pass for a woman in my twenties! Maybe I should’ve taken this cultivation seriously sooner. I didn’t really care that much about extending my life, but being young again is so much more than just life extension. My energy and vigor are so much stronger! … and I become more aware of how I feel about miss Lanie. I do hope she’s willing to open her heart someday. 


What?! Lanie just exploded! So much Ki came out, and her cultivation is wrecked! Wait, she’s taking a pill, and now she’s rebuilding her cultivation with the ki she’d released at high speed? What’s going on?


She did it again. Even more ki was released this time.


And again? What is she doing?


How many times is she going to do this? The level of ki in the room is skyrocketing to absurd levels!

… many explosions and much time later…

“Finally! Done!”

“Lanie, why did you destroy your cultivation so many times?”

“Ah that was to abuse the heck out of the ki generated by breakthroughs. By redoing my cultivation over and over, more ki was generated by the breakthroughs each time. Since I’ve set up a trap to keep all the ki contained in the room, I can regather what’s lost very quickly, letting me rebuild my cultivation very fast, plus, since the ki all came from me, even when cultivating up to new levels, it goes very fast as long as there’s enough.”

“So, you have divine sense now?” 

“Yup! … and you were right, I really did somehow get everything right by instinct. That’s ridiculous. Makes me wonder if there’s a hidden divinity in humanity before cultivating the divine sense. To get it right by instinct should require at least some unconscious awareness of the divine flow. Maybe this is something I should study. Never even thought this could be possible before.”