[Vol.1] Chapter 4 – Help
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Punching bag this is serious, even if it was for a great warrior or a powerful monster because it had to be beaten by a rabbit, I feel worse than the poop of the bandit's horse.


And to make matters worse, the rabbit doesn't want to leave, he keeps staring at me and it's not just that he started jumping trying to hit me, but he can't reach it yet it's good, but it doesn't take long for me to realize that he's jumping higher and higher will be because of some skill, if it's my time is running out if he manages to get up here it will end me.


So desperate he starts trying to call for help but words don't come out of my mouth, just a high-pitched sound.




And the rabbit getting closer and closer, I decided to take action, in midair I hit him with my tail and I knock him down hard, after that another message appears on the screen.


(Whip level 1 was obtained)


Cool, a new skill, my hope is renewed, your damn rabbit may come, I will finish you using the whip when you get up from the ground he doesn't seem to have suffered so much from the attack and he just got angrier, he jumps again and I use the whip again, but this time he swerves in midair and still scratches me, tearing my scales I feel a lot of pain and my HP from 3 drops to 1.


It is a desperate situation I already feel practically with my foot in the grave when the rabbit jumps I am overcome by a sensation of fear, but jumping out of nowhere one of the largest snakes in the nest jumps and bites it in midair, piercing it with its fangs holding the rabbit in its mouth, which ends up struggling, but it doesn't take long before it stops moving and ends up being swallowed completely by the other snake.


That was almost, but I shouldn't be celebrating I'm still almost dead, while the bigger snake goes away I check the surroundings to see if I'm alone and I try to go back to the cave, my first fight in this world was a humiliating defeat, besides being hurt and hungry, fear takes over my spirit and I keep crawling back like a loser.