Chapter 21: Infiltration
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Chapter 21: Infiltration


Zhou Qi felt extremely light as if he was a feather. Though, he still felt the wind pressure striking his face. Anyway, with the breakthrough in his endurance, he wasn't even bothered anymore.

What a nice feeling! He felt free and unchained.

Zhou Qi used a few attacks he learned from Krav Maga and Street-Boxing. He stopped running and threw some jabs and kicks in the air. After a few sets, he felt like he was ripping the air. Each of his punch and kicks roaring like whips. It sounded like peals of crackling thunder.

With a happy smile, Zhou Qi stopped. He took a deep breath, catching the fragrance of the midnight wind. The cold night wind touched his face, waking him up from his reverie.

He remembered that he still got a mission to finish.

"Let's move."

Zhou Qi hid within the shadows of the houses and buildings around Basil Street. The lights coming from the flickering windows were clearly from the candles.

A sweet scent roamed the street. It's the smell of flowers.

"Maybe some scented candles?" Zhou Qi thought. After all, those candles recently become a fad of some sort.

As he moved nearer to the target building, Zhou Qi realized that the flowery scent was flooding the area. It was also getting stronger. The whole street was starting to be filled with the fragrance.

With furrowed brows, Zhou Qi realized that something was amiss.

"Is this really scented candles? What's with the scent? Flowers?"

He tapped his earpiece, trying to search for information through Fatty. "Fatty, I'm currently smelling something sweet and relaxing. Any zealots related to that? Get USI to work on it."

"Wait. I'll get back to you in a few minutes."

A minute passed. "None, it's probably perfume. Or maybe they're masking something. Using the scent to cover the smell."

Zhou Qi hid through the roofs and walls of the nearby houses. He discovered that a few armed men were guarding an old factory. They were moving around, lingering in the shadows.

At first, you would think of them as regular drunk citizens. Fortunately, Zhou Qi's hearing was also improved due to his power-up. His ears catching the rhythmic order hidden in those men's steps.

It was a pace instilled in the military. It was discipline. Something that can only be earned through training.

"Patrolling? These guys are more experienced than I thought." The loan shark raised his eyebrows. "It's probably these guys who had done in the Lieutenant's men."

He moved around with his steps mum. He also checked the number of armed men.

"About thirty armed men, probably skilled mercs from other cities. Now, this is interesting!"

Zhou Qi slithered like a snake, moving from shadow to shadow. He also discovered that his senses had also undergone a major improvement. It was far better than before. It was far sharper and more sensitive.

The light whispers in the wind helped him sense the direction of the guards.

"Oh, it seems like it's time for the change of shifts." Seeing the guards marching in one direction, Zhou Qi also made his move. Not wasting the opportunity, he dashed towards the old factory.

He leaped towards one of the glass windows. He pulled out a sharp blade and cleanly created a small circle near the window lock.

Zhou Qi used the bubble gum given to him by Fatty. He attached it to his hand to pull the glass. With a light pull, the glass gave way.


He turned his head left and right. After confirming, no one was watching. He reached out his hand inside the clear glass. He then flexibly unlocked the window from the inside.


Zhou Qi focused his ears, trying to understand what's happening inside. Soon, he heard cries and screams echoing within the building. His heart shook; it sounded like hell. Along with the moans and begging, he heard crazy waves of laughter.

Yes, laughter. Not of one but many.

"What's that?!" Zhou Qi's eyes constricted, shaking his head. With a light push, the window opened. He could now get in. He pulled the steel bat and gun out of his back. A pistol on his left. The bat on his right.

With bated breath, he entered. Then, he immediately sealed the window again. He picked up the circle glass and reattached it with his chewing gum.

As soon as he took a step inside, he caught a whiff of alcohol. His ears catching the beats of party music, the one from the olden days.

The loan shark sneaked around the whole floor. The area was well-lit, an ambiance of extravagance drifting within the floor. Luxurious chandeliers were hanging above. A well-designed red carpet spread throughout the floor.

Zhou Qi looked around. He felt like he was in a high-grade hotel. Checking around, he saw a few security cameras moving left in right.

"Fatty, you hear me? I'm already inside the old factory." Zhou Qi mumbled. "Everything outside is a ruse. It's fake. This place is as good as a high-grade hotel."

"I hear you. I could see everything through the sides of your earpiece."

"Damn you Fatty!? It is the first time I heard of that."

A few seconds of silence loomed in the intercom.


Zhou Qi froze for a moment. His face turning into a black pot after realizing something. "I'll tell Cheng Shi and Sasa later about this!"

"Hell no! Boss. Please don't! Let's discuss this! Man to man."

Zhou Qi's eyes twinkled, a wicked grin floated on his face. It's not bad to have some cards against Fatty. It would make things easier when he wanted to request something. Well, like some nice robots to clean his dirty room.

"I'm quite easy to talk to. You owe me one now Fatty!"

"Fine! But keep your mouth shut. I didn't even want to activate this function! I-I just got curious!"

Zhou Qi only giggled in reply.

"Anyway, I need help. I could see security cameras around. I'm currently hiding on a large curtain."

"Okay, removed your earpiece boss, and let me see. I'll jam it down in a short moment. I'll hack into it later."

He pulled the earpiece away from his ear. Fatty Jhin exchanged the current video of the security camera into a loop.



The hallway was filled with well-designed doors. Antique bases and vats were lying on the corridor. "It's really a hotel."

Zhou Qi strode around trying to find any information. He waltzed towards the source of the booming party music. The place where he heard the shouts and laughers. He slowly opened a part of the door, peeking through the little opening.

The disco and party music flooded his ears. An undiluted mixture of scent rammed his nose again. Unlike before, this time, it was much stronger. He caught the scent of alcohol, cigarette, blood, and nail polish filling the air.

It was a vast hall with a big arena in the middle. It's like a giant version of the octagon in MMA.

Zhou Qi furrowed his brows.

"Where did those screeching laughter and cries came from? Did the rapid power-up made me stupid?"

He couldn't hear anything now aside from the disco music.

"Is this a club?!" He saw a few rich and influential citizens dancing in wild abandon. They were like worms wriggling under the influence of salt. The ragged suit they were wearing was the only clear proof of their status in Trent. One look and Zhou Qi could already tell that they were under the influence of drugs.

"What the heck is happening? Wait, isn't that Commissioner Ram? Oh, that's Councilor Lee!" Zhou Qi's eyes widened after seeing big fishes swimming within the dance hall.

He now knew why those human traffickers brought the captives here. And why no one knew anything about it. There were quite a lot of coddlers.

"Cheng Shi…Sasa. Do you hear me?"

"Tell the officers to wait for my signal. Don't be fooled. The inside of the big dilapidated building in Basil street is a club! There's even a damn party inside!"

Sasa frowned upon hearing the words of Zhou Qi. "Don't joke around, boss! Do your job seriously. I'm not a kid!"

"Boss… did you drink?" Cheng Shi followed with a deep voice. "Or...did you pop in any pills?

"Hell, I'm perfectly sane. And Cheng Shi, I did not! Everything outside is a mere disguise." Zhou Qi explained. "I still don't know what they are doing inside. Ask our officer friends to slow down and buy me a few more minutes."

Zhou Qi took a deep breath. "I also saw Commissioner Ram and Councilor Lee within the premises! Send the tip to the Lieutenant."

"Fine! Are you sure you're not playing with me, boss?" Sasa cautiously voiced her concern.

"Damn, only Fatty likes to play with you. Bye!"

Zhou Qi clicked his earpiece and ended the call. He continued to search for more information.

When he was about to turn back, he heard light steps striding towards his direction. The incoherent steps were sometimes light and sometimes heavy.

"A drunk man, huh."

The new chappy is out! It took me a long time since I'm kinda doing another novel. Tehe. Anyway, if you like my work. You can drop by in my Ko-Fi to give me some coffee or tea. I'll appreciate it a lot! Thank you for reading!

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Please check my other novel: The Last Dukes' Memoirs