Ch 5 I Got Scammed
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“ So you can convert the $1 kitten treat into $10. But it gets split 50-50 with me and you?”

[ Yes! That is my special ability master.]

I can’t believe I have to split my earnings with my pet. Shouldn’t the owner get 100% of the money?

“ Okay so can you eat and convert $1,000,000 worth of kitten treats to make $10,000,000.”

[ My ability can be used once per day. Don’t be so rude master, I deserve money too. Also that 1 gold coin that dropped in front of you, was mine.]

Right, our thoughts were connected but why can’t I hear hers?

So if my useless kitten makes me $5/day.

It would take me 1,000,000 / 5 = 200,000 days.

200,000 days / 365 days in a year = ????

I need a calculator. It’s hard to mentally calculate how long it would take me to get my first woman.

Open Shop.

  Money:  $5
Calculators: Cost: Description:
Addition only $10 Useless.
Subtraction only $10 Useless.
Multiplication only $25 Somewhat Useless.
Division only $25 Somewhat Useless.
Basic Calculator $100 Good starting item.
Scientific Calculator $8,000 Are you a scientist?
Graphing Calculator $60,000 Only engineers need this.

I’m so poor. Why can’t I even buy a calculator? Why is everything so expensive? At this rate, my dick is going to become drier than the Sahara Desert. Please purgatory world, show me the way of getting a woman as soon as possible.

[ Master please stop ignoring me, I need more belly rubs.]

  • You have received $500,000 from your Useless Kitten.

“ Oh my god! Thank you my cute kitten! Here are some more nice belly rubs!”

  • Your Useless Kitten has canceled the transaction. You have lost $500,000.

“ What are you doing?”

[ Showing you how to respect me of course.]

This sassy kitten. Why the hell is she like this?

“ You know if I get a woman in here, she will give you belly rubs too right?”

[... oh yeah that can happen too.]

“ Wait you never thought it wouldn’t happen?”

[ I was worried that you wouldn’t give me any more of your love and affection master.]

“ I will never abandon you. So will you help me make money and get me a woman?”

[ I guess. There is also a cheaper shop menu.]

“ Please show me.”

[ Unlike the official shop where everything is legit. You can also buy things from the other purgatory worlds. Here take a look.]

[ Open Free Shop.]

The endless list of infinite things once again expands in my view, filling up like a screen. I instantly look for the hot women section. Huh, this advert.

  • Hot Females! Only $1,000! Only 1 Left, Buy Now!

“ My cute kitten please buy me this. I promise I will pay you back.”

[ It looks like a scam, so no.]

“ Please! She will give you belly rubs too!”

[ Then if you’re wrong, you will have to give me lots of belly rubs for another 2 days again.]


  • Your Useless Kitten has bought you a $1000 Hot Female from the Free Shop.
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