Chapter 9 – First Actual Combat
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Chapter 9 - First Actual Combat.

The "night" quickly passed as I was listening to the ticking sound of the forest, staring at a single lone girl sleeping on the dirty soil with no blanket to cover her; the night was peaceful, with not a single threat as the lone girl's sleep was undisturbed.


"Morning..." the girl, Alisha, said as she yawned while stretching her arms wide before looking at me as she asked... "What will we do today?" while sitting on the rough soil... what shall we do today, that is a brilliant question because I don't know as well...


"How about we repeat your training a few times as I plan out what we will be doing today, is that fine for you?" I said as her face twisted, as her eyes looked at me asking for something different... sorry, I don't have anything in plan for today, I did try planning but I couldn't think of anything at all... my original plan was to slowly leave the forest but after thinking about what kind of dangers the forest may contain, I decided to halt the plan for some time.


"That tiring training again... fine, I'll do it if you help me cook a rabbit again!" She said as she approached me before poking my fluffy body... are books supposed to be fluffy, nope...


"Deal", I said as she nodded before grabbing her good old branch of wood and thrusting it around mindlessly; despite not concentrating, her body still moved beautifully as she thrust down each of the large leaves that fell down from the colossal trees that covered us from rain and heat, it didn't take long before a long time passed as she thrust her wooden branch for the last time before limply falling down to the ground like the leaves she struck as she rushed to catch air... during all that period, I felt like something inside me was awakening... a spell that I do not know what it could be.


"Iyaa, that's enough time", the girl, Alisha said as she stood back up as she wiped the drops of water from her forehead before taking hold of her wooden branch and performing another set of training; a thrust there, a thrust here, a thrust everywhere, that was the gist of her movements, a throw there, a throw here, a throw everywhere... it was simply a repeat of yesterday's training but unlike before, her movements held a beautiful rhythm, a rhythm that you cannot hear but you can feel; a few more moments passed by as my entire body started floating in the air, literal floating as the girl who was supposedly training, glanced towards me with her eyes wide open as she asked... "How are you flying?"


"Through magic of course, after all, I am a proudful book!" I replied as she stared at me with her eyes frowning; as if that wasn't enough, the girl slowly started approaching me and checked every corner before concluding that she found nothing as her arms slowly moved towards me as I screamed... "Stop that, it's scaring me!"

"Sorry!" She said as we stared at each other (despite my existence having no eyes, no nose, no mouth) before giggling as I asked her... "Are you ready for actual combat now?", hearing what I said clearly, her face twisted as she stared at her arm that was carrying the wooden branch before tilting her head to her side as she yelled... "Nope!"


"Well, too late! Go grab your branch as a goblin will come from behind that tree!" I said while twisting my body towards a certain colossal tree; this tree was like any other tree, there was no difference at all but what allowed me to sense it was the movement of the air... air flows smoothly when no object is blocking it... but once an object blocks it, the flow distorts as it tries to avoid the object, similar to how aerodynamics works in a fighter jet which forcefully bends the flow of air towards a certain area.


"Wa-!" hearing what I said, the girl, Alisha immediately panicked as she gripped her wooden branch which was sharp on the edge as she slowly approached the tree as a rough humanoid ear that was green in color popped out from the rough colossal tree's side, prompting her to throw her body forward while twisting it as fast as she could before attempting to thrust her sharpened wooden branch towards the enemy; as if sensing a danger coming, the green humanoid monster immediately dodged to the side as it tried to counter the attack but through unknown means, the girl, Alisha managed to predict the exact position of where the goblin will land and twisted her wooden branch to the extreme as she struck the thin humanoid creature's stomach, immediately knocking it back a few meters away as it held its stomach while screaming in agony.


As if that wasn't enough, the girl, Alisha immediately dug her foot deep in the soil as she positioned her sharp wooden branch below her shoulder as she placed a slight amount of force on her foot before throwing the sharp wooden branch lightly; shortly after being launched, the wooden branch flew slightly in the air before accurately falling down at the goblin's head as a fountain of ominous red blood rushed out of the goblin who was swinging its short dagger mindlessly before twitching as it stopped in place... what was even more shocking about the whole event was it happened all in a five second time span.