Chapter 50 – History.
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Chapter 50 - History.


“We already knew about it.” Iris’ mother said as she sipped on her coffee with a cold face. I wonder what is the cause of such conflicts.


“Is that so then what’s your plan?” Iris’ father asked as he sat down and took a cup before filling it up with coffee and drinking it.


“Bitter!” He said as he threw in six crystal cubes before having a satisfied face.


“What else then going in there?” Iris’ mother said before she realized that she was sipping on an empty cup at this moment.


“Excuse me, but can I at least get some context?” I asked as I caressed Alisha who was not very good at gloomy places, well the jungle was an exception maybe?


“How about I explain it to those two instead?” Celeste said as Iris’ mother and father suddenly opened their eyes wide.


“If it’s fine with you.” Iris’ mother said as Iris’ father nodded as well.


“Well then, here’s the guise. The Alverost’s family was once an extremely powerful ally to the kingdom, we had all kinds of talents from knights to mages. You could even consider us as the only defense the Kingdom ever needed.” Celeste said as she took in a deep cold breath. Impressive, so Iris was not from some random family then but from an extremely powerful one!


“I still remember the day clearly when the family adopted a pair of twins who were very kind, with pure hearts which even the civilians of every town they went to, especially the capital recognized which attracted the attention of the Great Sage before me. Those two would supposedly be the next Great Sage and also the first twin to become one.” She said as her mouth smiled with eyes that were reminiscing a happy moment.


“That was the thing until the pair of twins similar to you two from the main branch of the family was executed under a fabricated accusation of theft which sparked large conflict between the two families splitting the whole kingdom into two sides with every single civilian by our side,” She said as her face turned gloomy.


“After the execution of the twins, the whole kingdom fell into a large turmoil with riots left and right that lasted a whole ten years with us and also the Great Sage in the frontline. We wanted justice for the two who could have been the strongest in the family and also coincidentally, one of them was a grimoire like you.” She said as she smiled at us before looking down on her cup of coffee as she roughly opened her mouth.


“You know what was the worse thing, after we finally managed to have the previous royal family abdicated, we asked for their reasoning, and do you know what their reply was?” She asked as Alisha and I shook our heads.


“It’s simple, they felt threatened by our increasing power and decided to cut off the two who were the next powerhouse of our family which enraged us even more especially the Great Sage as the twins were his only successor. The moment he heard the reasoning, he didn’t give any mercy and burned all of them alive before asking us to take over the Kingdom in which we politely declined.”  Celeste said as she sipped her tea before clapping her hands.


“And that’s the summary of it, since then, we have and probably never trust any of the Royal Families.” She said as she smiled while releasing some golden fog all over the room which made all of us calm down. That is one scary story for the two of us to hear, it’s almost as if history is repeating itself. I see why they don’t want us to go, their anger was justified.


“Well then, how about we have dinner for now?” Iris’ mother said as she smiled.


“Is it cooked?!” Alisha asked as her face started to drool, it seems like she is hungry again. What a cute glutton.


“Yep, want to have the first taste of my specialty?” Iris’ mother said as Alisha nodded happily before all of us walked to the dining room where there was a large bowl full of soup and chicken meat with plates already in place. Wait, did she just say “my specialty”? If she did cook all of this then when did she do it?, I thought before she smiled at me as if noticing my thoughts which made me shiver.


Are all members of the Alverosts this scary, of course with the exception of Iris, well technically Iris is scary if she started using her sword, I thought as we took a seat before giving thanks for our food and started eating.


Soon after we finished eating, all of us headed back to our individual rooms as Alisha sat down on the bed before looking at me with worried eyes.


“What’s wrong?” I asked as I sat down beside her before she gripped my hand.


“Are we going to be the same as the twins?” She asked as she tightened her grip. It won’t happen, that is for sure. I thought as I patted her head.


“It won’t, don’t worry.” I said before she nodded and slept on the bed before the wolf cub magically appeared and stole my spot. You little wolf, I thought as I smiled at her before sleeping right beside her while squishing the wolf tightly. You should die, how many times have you stolen my spot, I thought as I entered the dream world once again but this time there were two figures watching me as they smiled. The figures looked exactly the same, pink eyes, blue hair.


“Don’t worry, we will guarantee that you two won’t have the same experience as us.” One of the figures said as the two of them held their hands while smiling as my consciousness once again was dragged before I woke up early in the morning.