Chapter 84 – No Title Again.
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Althea, Chapter 84 - No Title.


Soon after, we entered Iris’s home which was similar to her old home but this time, the interior was painted in white with more advanced tools, the only things that never changed were the wooden sofa that we used to sleep in together with Alisha.


“You two still want to sleep on that wooden thing?” Iris asked as we walked towards the nostalgic wooden sofa and sat there comfortably.


“Well, it would be best if we slept in a room this time since Aisha is here,” I replied while placing Aisha on my lap and combing her soft hair.


“Hmm… I thought you two were going to sleep on the wooden thing again, so I didn’t prepare a room,” Iris said with a giggle.


What did you say? You didn’t prepare us a room?! How rude is that?!!


“Just kidding, you two can have the room that we allocated for you since the beginning. It should be larger now and can probably fit five more people,” Iris added as she took off her heavy leather jacket that she wore the whole time before walking to the kitchen.


“I’ll go make some snacks for you three, you can look around if you like,” she said as she wore her white apron and walked towards the kitchen.


Fine, we’ll go smash some things as always.


“Mama, books! Aisha wants to read!” Aisha suddenly pointed at the shelf on the wall, which was filled with all kinds of books.


“What kind of book do you want to read?” I asked as I carried her up to the shelf before she started navigating through the shelf.


The shelf had plenty of books, ranging from the History of the Kingdom to fairy tales such as, “The Bond of The Witch”, “The Unbreakable Bond Between Us” and the likes. All of the books were made by a single author, whose pen name is “Kaleen” which is exactly the name of the Grimoire Partner of the founder.


This Unbreakable Bond Between Us sounds really nice, just from the cover which shows two girls with blonde hair holding each other’s hands.


“I want this!” Aisha said as she picked up a fairy tale story called, “The Fairies’ Wish”.


“Are you sure you want this?” I asked as she nodded while holding the book tightly.


“Okay then, I’ll read it for you,” I said as I walked back to the wooden sofa before gently placing Aisha on my lap once again and opening the book in front of her as I started reading the prologue.


An hour swiftly passed by as I continued reading the book which was simply about a fairy finding her loved one while traveling the world, if I had to compare it to something then it would be “ AJaliet and Rumeo”. The story wasn’t too bad though, Aisha seemed to love it a lot.


Not long after we finished reading the book, Iris came back carrying plenty of dishes ranging from soup to meat. Surprisingly, all of them were cooked very nicely.


“Eat as much as you want, for today,” Iris said as she gave us three plates with a few cups filled with pink-colored juice.


“Don’t mind if I do, then,” Alisha said as she immediately picked up as many dishes as her plate could fit before entering gluttony mode and rampaging on them without any care for her look. It was the usual Alisha.


“Mama, feed me!” Aisha stared at me with glittering eyes as she spoke.


“Fine, but learn to eat yourself in the future! Okay?” I answered as she nodded before I took the plate and went with a balanced diet before feeding Aisha who happily ate without being picky. She didn’t seem to be the picky child, any vegetables she would eat, and even meat. It is surprising because Alisha and I are very picky on what we eat.


“Mama, I want that!” Aisha said as she pointed at the steak which was soaked in honey.


“I’ll give that to you if you finish all these vegetables,” I replied as she pouted.


“Fine, but you have to give me all that steak later!” Aisha said as I glanced at Iris who nodded.


“Okay then, now eat up!” I said as I started feeding her more and more vegetables until ten minutes later, all the vegetables on her plate were completely gone. Not a single one was wasted.


“Now, give me all of it!” Aisha demanded as I sighed before taking the whole steak and placing it on her plate as I slowly fed it to her together with rice.


“Don’t worry too much about the steak, there are more in the kitchen,” Iris said to Alisha who kept glancing at the steak on Aisha’s plate.


“Who are you talking to?” Alisha said as she ate the dishes on her plate while glancing at the steak.


“You, of course!” Iris answered as Alisha pouted before an adorable giggle entered our ears.


“Here, Mama!” Aisha suddenly handed out a piece of the steak she was eating to Alisha with a smile.


“Eeehh, you can have it!” Alisha answered while shaking her head.


“Take it!” Aisha said with her cheeks puffed up as Alisha stared at me with a troubled face.


“Don’t worry, just take it!” I said as she sighed.


“Thanks then,” Alisha said as she ate the piece that Aisha gave her before showing a smile.


“Is it tasty?” Aisha asked as Alisha nodded while patting her hair.


“Thank you, Aisha!” Alisha replied as the two of them entered their sweet world before a cough echoed around the place.


“Sorry to disturb your sweet family moments but I would like to inform Madam Iris that Sir. Kanna has arrived,” a man that looked like a butler said.


“Oh, Uncle has arrived? Please tell him that we will be there in a few moments then,” Iris said as the butler bowed down and left the house.


“Just continue eating,” Iris told us as the three of us nodded before we continued eating.


An hour swiftly passed by as we were now inside the garden where we met up with Iris’s uncle who was carrying a black-haired boy.

Yep, no title can come up to my mind. Don't mind the titles nowadays, if it says No Title or something then it simply means I don't have a title in mind.