Chapter 92 – Miracle Necklace.
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 Ko-fi shoutout: fireswordy.

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Althea, Chapter 92 - Miracle Necklace.


"Eee–customers?!" a purple-haired woman screamed as she stared at us with a tired expression.


"Uuuhh–yeah, we are customers," I hesitatingly said as the woman sighed.


"Just when I was about to take my sweeeeet break from work, another customer had arrived! How cruel is this world?! Anyways, please come in," the woman said as she opened the door to the shop revealing a luxurious shop filled with shiny accessories that were beautifully made.


"What are you three looking for?" the woman asked as we entered the shop before looking around the several necklaces that were being displayed in the shop.


There were plenty of necklaces in the shop, most of which were made out of gems that you simply couldn't find anywhere. The cheaper necklaces that were being displayed only reflected the light around them but the more expensive ones were a different story.


The more expensive necklaces were apparently made out of extremely rare mana gems such as Opheria which is a gem that can hold plenty of mana, it is also a very beautiful gem that is widely desired by many aristocrats especially the women though Celeste and Iris's parents were particularly interested in them.


I heard from Amaryllis about how her mother went all-out on shopping for a ring that had a mana gem even if it was a lower rank mana gem, because apparently, they are a symbol of power.


While I was deep in thought, my index finger suddenly started aching.


"Maamah, lizten tu Aizhaa!" an adorable pink-haired girl said as she bit on my index finger with an angry face.


"Ou–ouch! That hurts, stop it, Aisha!" I said as I tried to pull her off before she detached herself and pouted.


"What's wrong?" I asked while sipping on my index finger which she bit.


Ugh… the two of them are really similar, the only difference is Aisha has sharper teeth. Is this some kind of divine punishment for me? I asked myself as I stared at Aisha who was pouting.


"Aisha wants that!” she said as she pointed at a necklace which was looked like a cherry blossom with five petals, the necklace itself was pink in color and according to the sign, the necklace’s name is “Miracle”.


The necklace itself is made out of a rare mana gem called Fahrite which is a gem that can only be acquired from the Southern side of the continent, which makes it incredibly expensive here. The mana gem itself can hold as much as 1/12th of the mana of an average human which is a lot, emphasize on human though.


What’s strange about this particular necklace is the fact that it is completely made out of Fahrite which is not normal, as most necklaces that had mana gems simply engraved the gem on the necklace but this one was forged using Fahrite which is not you see every day on the kingdom, looking closely at the shop, the other necklaces here were all forged using mana gems. 


“This shop is fairly interesting,” I muttered as a soft giggle entered my ears from behind, the giggle naturally came from the woman who had a very proud smile on her face.


“It seems like you noticed the main attraction of the necklaces I produced,” the woman said as I nodded while looking at the Miracle necklace.


“How were you able to melt the mana gems, I haven’t heard about a smithing technique that allows you to melt these gems,” I said while looking at the other necklaces here which were mostly designed after nature, some being flowers while some also designed after the different phases of the moon.


“It’s a trade secret, little fellow! Anyways, are you three buying anything or simply looking around since I am quite hungry right now,” the woman said as I glanced at Alisha who was looking around the shop.


“Is there anything that catches your eyes?” I asked as she shook her head.


“The one Aisha suggested is also what I liked the most,” Alisha said as she walked towards us and picked Aisha up on her shoulders.


“Is that so, I also think that Miracle necklace looked nice as well,” I said as I looked at the woman who was smiling.


“Will you three be ordering the Miracle necklace then?” the woman asked as I nodded before taking out the piece of paper that Helena gave to us.


“We were told by Helena to buy from here, I think I should give you this,” I said as I handed the piece of paper to her.


“Helena huh… how has that girl been, I haven’t seen her for like weeks or so,” the woman said as she led us to the cashier where there were several safes stationed.


“Well, we coincidentally met with her while she was being attacked by assassins a few hours ago,” I replied while she was opening up one of the safes using a key.


“Is that so, that girl still can’t run away from her sisters huh… she is having it hard, well, she should be fine in the long run with her husband,” the woman said as she took out two more Miracle necklaces from the safe and closing it back before coming back to us with three necklaces.


“Is this all you three want?” the woman asked as we nodded before she navigated through an abacus for a few moments.


“That should be eighteen gold coins total, that is with the discount Helena gave you three otherwise, it would be about two hundred or even higher gold coins,” she said as she placed the three necklaces on the table with a confident smile.


Two hundred gold coins?! Woah, I don’t even think we have that much left in our savings because of how gluttonous these two are! Thank you very much, Helena! You saved me from embarrassment! I thought as I grabbed exactly eighteen gold coins from my magic pouch and handing it to her before she started counting it for a few moments and nodding.


“That’s a successful purchase, will you need the original packaging for it or will you three just wear it right now?” she asked as I glanced at Alisha who was carrying Aisha.


“We’ll just wear it right now,” Alisha said as the woman nodded before handing the necklaces to us.


“I haven’t had anyone wear this series of necklaces yet, so I don’t know what other effects it will have but it shouldn’t have any negative effects, go ahead and try them right now,” the woman said as we nodded before Alisha placed Aisha down and looked at me.


“Want to go first?” she asked as I nodded before she took he necklaces from my hand as I turned around before a soft metallic feeling brushed my neck.


“Done!” Alisha said as I turned around towards her before she smiled happily.


“It looks nice on you!” Alisha said as the woman nodded as well.


“Mama, looks nice! Aisha next!” Aisha said as she jumped around before Alisha patted her head.


“I’ll go first, little girls must wait!” Alisha said as she pouted.


“Fine!” Aisha said as we giggled before Alisha looked at me and nodded as I took the necklace on her hand before she turned around, a few second later, the necklace was hanging on her neck.


“It looks very nice on you, Alisha,” I said as she turned around while looking directly at my eyes as if staring at a mirror before nodding to herself.


“Aisha wants to wear it now! Aisshaaa waantss to weaaarrr ittt!” Aisha shouted as I sighed before kneeling down to match her height and tying the necklace on her neck before standing up.


“Does it look good on Aisha?” she asked as she turned around a few times before doing several poses.


“Yep, it looks really good on you!” I said as she happily hugged Alisha and I before suddenly a pink glow engulfed us, together with a very warm and nostalgic feeling.


Haa, family huh… having a family really feels nice, I thought as the cherry blossom on our necklace suddenly shined brightly before dimming after a few seconds.


“It seems like the necklaces have recognized the three of you, trying clicking on the necklace. A nologram should pop up,” the woman said as we nodded before pressing the necklace as a blue hologram similar to the vehicle we rode popped up in front of us.


The hologram contained basic details such as the name of the necklace together with a three-dimensional model of it. It also contained details about the abilities of the necklace, such as mana storage which simply stores mana on it which you could use in case of emergencies. It contained mostly normal abilities except for two abilities which were “Extra Life” and “Power Multiplier”.

 Ko-fi shoutout: fireswordy.

Patreon shoutout: Bluebery

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