KxMM – Chapter 19: Big Giant Mecha vs Big Giant Monster
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“COME AND GET SOME,” Asuka said through the speakers of Eva Unit-02.

Hamlet Omega, the massive monster in front of her, charged straight at her, plunging its innumerable tentacles towards her mecha.

She dodged as many blows as she could, but her robot was slightly damaged. She grabbed at the monster, ripping pieces of it away and tossing it, but she was only hurting it with minimal success.

She slid under the monster and kicked it over. It fell and she was able to pile-drive the Eva like it was straight out of the most ridiculous Luchador match of all time.

But the Hamlet Omega monster pushed the Eva away and was able to get back up, now with a raging fury of even more tentacles ripping into the Eva’s armor. It sent the mecha flying into the Torre Altus, sending it crashing down to the ground.

“DAMMIT SHIT!” she shouted. Oops. She forgot to turn off the speaker. Well, if it was still on… “EVERYONE! I NEED YOUR HELP. AS SOON AS I TAKE OUT THIS MONSTER, YOU NEED TO DEFEAT KIIKO! I CAN’T DO BOTH.”

As soon as she said this, she saw the tiny scurrying figures rushing up into the air to attack Kiiko. One of them was her wife Sayaka, and she pressed her palm against the viewsceen. She had to be the hero for all of them, but especially for her. “SAYAKA,” she said. “I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. PLEASE TAKE CARE OF OUR--”

The Unit-02 was smacked to the ground. The Hamlet Omega began stomping on the robot, smashing it into several pieces and disabling it. Asuka was injured as pieces of shrapnel exploded into the cockpit.

The Eva was disabled. She had lost.

She needed to-- oh no. The eject function was damaged in the beatdown. She was stuck in the machine, which now had alert sirens going off inside it.

Oh no.

Did the.. no, the speakers were shot as well.

Asuka began setting the nuclear option and pulling out the override switches. She never thought this would be the day that she’d have to do it, but she was prepared. All those years at NERV didn’t go to waste after all…

A few of the viewscreen cameras were still functioning, and she could see her friends and wife battling the maniacal psychic. The Omega Hamlet was still close enough… She had to trigger the self-destruct right now.

“Sayaka…. I hope I was a hero to you…”

She bypassed the final override option, clasped her hands together, and prayed.

