Kigal-Note/Special Classes: Squire
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Type: Special Class
Rank: Intermediate
Unlock Requirements:
  • Having cleared the Legacy Quest: "The first Step of a Knight"
  • None


Among the many Special Classes, the Squire is the oddest oddball of these odd classes. It brings no special effects, no skills through leveling up, and it MUST be set as the Main Class. Also, it prevents the holder of the class to take any Sub Classes while they stay as Squires.

The class gains proficiency just by fighting monsters and those with Negative Karma, but the total acquisition-rate is lower than that of other classes. But if the Squire is fighting under the orders of someone of royal standing, the acquired proficiency will increase by more than double.

The class unlocks a few skills related to the different Warrior Classes, such as allowing the Squire to take a single Arts skill from the Skill Shop.

Squire can be seen as the weakest class, being in the way of obtaining any other classes, but that is only until it reaches the level-cap and evolves. A Squire that advances their class will become a Knight. A Special Class with the strength to go head-on with Advance-tier Warrior Classes with ease. 

There are special variants of the Knight class, and including the original Knight, there are five different paths for a Squire to take:

  1. The all-around Knight, who is strong in both defense and offense, but lacks what could be called its special characteristic.
  2. The offensive-related Dark Knight, who's got strong offense in both brawn and magic. 
  3. The defensive-purposed Guardian Knight, who defends their comrades from any attacks.
  4. The Holy Knight, who uses sacred power to enhance and heal their allies.
  5. The quick-footed Sky Knight, that can run through land and sky without anything to stop it.

Mira's comment: Some kingdoms, like Solomar, try to mass-produce Knights since they're so much stronger than other classes since they withstood the period without class-related support.

Garami's comment: "Adversities births growth", or something? Can't say they're wrong...