Kigal-Note/Monster Skills: [Giantism]
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Skill: Gigantism
Skill Type: Monster Skill
Skill Tier: 3
Attribute: none
  • Increases the user's size while in use. 
    • While giantized, the skill user gains a status-increase in status values such as HP, STR, and VIT.
    • While giantized, the skill user gains a status-decrease in other status values such as MAG, RES, SPD, and DEX.


The [Giantism] skill turns the user into a gigantic version of themselves, drastically improving their physical-aligned stats like HP, STR, and VIT, at the cost of magical-based stats such as MAG and RES. They also turn more "clumsy" in their new size, which is represented in a drop of SPD and DEX.

The decrease of the various stats is covered by the massive increase of the physical stats. Each physical stat goes up by [10 * Skill Level]%, with the decrease being half of that again.

The bottle-neck of the skill is the massive amount of SP that it consumes for certain creatures. It is easier for creatures without a solid form like slimes, but other creatures may end up exhausting themselves to death by having it active for too long.

Strangely though, primate-type monsters seem to have a lower consumption rate than even slimes. Researchers are questioning the logic behind this phenomenon, with no luck yet.

Garami's comment: Any man of culture will get why monkeys have it easier being giants.

Mira's comment: Wait, what culture is that? Monkey culture?