Kigal-Note/Undead/Zombie: Jiangshi
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Name: Jiangshi
Rank: D+
Type: Zombie
Lifespan: Uncalculatable
Attribute: Undead, Curse
Traits: Undead, Remnant Body


A Jiangshi is a special kind of Zombie whose body is charged with negative energies. They move with stiff movements, but they are undoubtedly much more dangerous than regular Zombies.

The body of a Jiangshi is in prime condition compared to the rotting Zombies, which grants them the "Remnant Body" trait as opposed to the Zombie's "Decayed Body" trait. This, along with the Jiangshi being more mentally healthy compared to Zombies, they are one of the few undead species that can live peacefully with humanoids.

However, this does not prevent them to be a danger as well, as Jiangshis are natural masters with curses and evil arts, plus they have blood-sucking abilities similar to a Vampire that they use to drain lifeforce out of their victims. However again, the Jiangshi has a mild... or rather, an indifferent disposition, so if one is not annoying them, they should be safe to have around.


Jiangshis have humanoid bodies like the standard Zombie, but compared to them, the Jiangshi has pale-blue, deep-blue, or simply deadly pale skin tones. Their hair is either in dark-marine or black colors. Also, they have extremely sharp nails, looking more like the claws of a beast than the nails of a human.

An important note is that all Jiangshis wear a special outfit they are gifted with when they evolve into their species. The outfit takes the appearance of the now destroyed Country of Mist of the Gula continent. They also wear a matching hat with a tag placed so it covers the Jiangshi's face. Removing the tag is a sure-kill way to anger the Jiangshi to the point where they will murder the culprit.


Average HP: D- Average MP: D+ Average SP: E+
Average STR: D Average VIT: D+ Average MAG: D+
Average RES: D- Average SPD: E+ Average DEX: E
Average INT: C Rarity: B- Danger Rank: C-

Jiangshis are burdened with extremely stiff bodies, which forces them to jump around most of the time. However, there are some Jiangshis that can overcome this weakness through training themselves in the martial arts. These individuals are in a league higher than their peers. Even so, they seem to prefer the traditional way of movement for Jiangshis, which is to stretch out their arms and jump around.

Including their prowess with martial arts, all Jiangshis can easily cast curse-based magic at their opponents, and their nails contain a toxin that can paralyze the victim, sometimes even place them in a state of apparent death.

Jiangshis shares the same weaknesses as other undead, but they are natural Daywalkers, meaning they can be active even in sunlight areas.

Lily's comment: Wow,  these guys are awesome! I kind of want to train with them...

Garami's comment: Oh yeah, you're some sorta martial artist. Not that it's gonna be that easy to stumble across one.

Lily's comment: Right... hey! What do you mean by "sorta"!?