Kigal-Note/Extra Skills: [Pride]
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Skill: Pride
Skill Type: Extra Skill
Skill Tier: Ex
Attribute: none
  • Allows one to copy 10 skills per this skill's level. The targets for copying needs to be close by.
  • Drastically improves the stats of creatures working underneath you. 
  • Improves proficiency obtained for any other Leadership- and Charisma-type skills.


[Pride]. One of the Seven Sin Skills and the derivated imitation of [Lucifer - Ruler of Pride], the Extra Skill of the Demon God of the Superbia continent, Lucifer.

This skill is only obtainable for those who have evolved the skill, [Honor], into the skill, [Dignity], for then evolving it again into the [Pride] skill. One must also have a deep sense of pride in something, plus one must clear several other requirements.

[Pride] is one of the highest-ranking skills in the World System, with only its counterpart, [Humility], being of the same rank as it. Maybe due to this, but the [Pride] skill has the ability to copy any 10 skill effects from anyone nearby for each skill level [Pride] has. This copy-effect even includes the copied skills' skill levels, so the user of [Pride] can gain access to high-leveled skills right away. The skills will temporarily become parts of [Pride]'s effect, so there are no problems with Waning due to a sudden increase of skills, or anything else like that.

As the opposite of [Humility] and due to its original nature as a Leadership skill, [Pride] can grant tremendous status boosts to anyone who is working for the user of [Pride]. This bonus-effect can be turned on/off by the owner of [Pride] themselves.

Finally, like other Sin/Virtue skills, [Pride] grants a proficiency bonus to any other skills related to Leadership and Charisma. This even extends to skills like [Golden Ratio], a skill that makes the user more beautiful, due to the reason of beauty can make the person in question more charismatic. 

Garami's comment: AAAARGH!! This is a cheat, a pure CHEAT! What a cheater!!

Filyn's comment: Aww~, don't compliment, rather, keep on going! The jealousy of others feels soooo goooood~.