Kigal-Note/Monsters/Rodents: Mutant Fearrat
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Name: Mutant Fearrat
Rank: E+
Type: Rodent Monster
Lifespan: 65 Years
Attribute: Heretic
Traits: Rodent, Vermin


Mutant Fearrats are the evolved monster that originates from the Fearrat. They are named as so because of their ability to morph their bodies into grotesque appearances that would make people think they have experienced a horrible wrong mutation.

They are easy to find in packs, and they are often led by either the D-rank Mutant King Fearrat or the C-rank Geneticmutant King Fearrat


Mutant Fearrats are large, dirty-brown rats without any special characteristics. However, their ability to morph their bodies makes each rat take a different appearance from others. Some individuals can even "smell" what their victim fears the most and take on an appearance similar to that in a more grotesque fashion to create even more fear.


Average HP: E Average MP: F+ Average SP: E+
Average STR: F+ Average VIT: F+ Average MAG: F+
Average RES: F+ Average SPD: F+ Average DEX: F+
Average INT: D+ Rarity: D- Danger Rank: E- (C+)

Mutant Fearrats uses their high numbers and ability to invoke Fear in their target to "scare them into submission". Once the victim makes a fatal mistake due to being constantly showered with multiple Fear-inducing skill effects, the rats will storm onto the poor fellow and eat them alive.

Another ability that is already mentioned is the rats to take on almost any appearance that will invoke fear in the target. This morphing ability can also be used to fix wounds to a certain extent, so these rats can provide a longer fight than what one would expect from such a monster.

In addition, a pack of Mutant Fearrat will have their fear-inducing abilities enhanced greatly if they are led by a type of King Fearrat. Their danger-rank will skyrocket if this happens, so the extermination of these pests is encouraged by all countries on Terra Sol.

Mira's comment: ......okay, Karnel had it though...let's not tell him about my event...

Karnel's comment: You also had something like mine!? What is wrong with the festival supervisors!?