Chapter 37 – Allegiance
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Double post today. Next one (38 - Hidden Aspects) will be up shortly.


Chapter 37Allegiance.

Saylin blinked, trying to clear the fuzziness from her head. The sensation had been weird, raw magic coursing all around her before she felt like she had been literally ripped from one location and placed in another. The magic had then faded, replaced by the cold emptiness of nothing, and a lingering fog. If not for that side effect it would have instantly become her favoured method of travel, assuming that they were ever able to recreate it. Even with it, it still had a strong chance.

“Hey kid, are you alright?”

That was definitely Vorsce’s voice and tone of address. She’d stopped being a kids years ago, and yet he still called her that. He wasn’t that much older either. Well, okay, maybe a decade more.

Perhaps it was just her again, like it was with trains. And wagons, cars, and so on. Vorsce seemed fine.

“Yeah, I’m fine teddy-bear.” She probably wouldn’t get a rise out of him with that one. Comments like that just seemed to slide off him like water off a ducks back. But he really did give that impression to her now, as well as having that comforting aura around him that he’d always had. It fit, really well.

Her vision finally cleared, the fuzziness lifting from her mind, everything coming back into sharp focus. They were back at the crash site in the Narrows, but it didn’t seemed quite right. Of course it wasn’t the same, but that was to be expected. They’d been gone five days, or there abouts, after all. The recovery train was there, on the railway line, some of the trucks having been dragged over and now sitting on the track behind other engine that sat further down the line. Others were still just lying there, battered and broken. They’d probably just leave those ones there, transferring the stock into a new truck, as they were beyond use. This place might even become known as the Graveyard of the Narrows or the like.

The guard carriage was still there, exactly as they had left it, ditto for the truck behind it that had been destroyed to get at the final cannister of the black taint. They hadn’t bothered to move those ones yet, but as they were out of the way of the rest of the train that wasn’t a surprise. Sean’s carriage was also in the same spot as before, but the taint on it looked faded. Before it had been a sickly gloss black, like a liquid spreading out. Now it seemed more like a faint shadow, and had retracted back to cover just the carriage and a small amount of ground around it. The feeling of dread from it was also gone. There was no life to it, and the covered area was just... dead.

A temporary camp had been set up on the opposite side of the track to the crashed train, a collection of canvas tents with a fire pit in the middle of the tight circle. A waterproof tarp lay draped over a pile of crates, likely the workman's tools and other gear. Why they hadn’t just left it in the train truck that it’d come in was as good a question as any, though she guessed that it was because that truck probably had other purposes, and would be heading back before they would.

“Vorsce... where are all the people?” she asked wearily. That was what was bugging her though. There was no one here. It was silent. Too silent, and they didn’t really have anywhere else to go in a place as remote as this. The repercussions of that weren’t particularly pleasant either.

“Not here,” Vorsce replied with a frown. While he didn’t look it, he sounded just as on edge as she was.

“You think the cats came back and killed them?” Rachael had said they’d gone past them again.

“Could be. Why though? They didn’t attack us that time.”

Something was definitely not right about all of this, including the absence of the rest of the team as well. If she was stuck with just one person she would have rather it been Rachael or Crys. Now they were certainly something.

A clatter caused her to jump, her focus pulled to a wrecked truck where one of the Dark Grazeye’s appeared from behind it, climbing onto its top surface. Her blood went cold. Sleek muscular body, it now had the same glossy sheen that the pool of taint previously had, and the wisps of darkness that flowed off it were much more intense. It stared directly at her as it slowly crept its way along the body of the truck, growling at the same time, sizing the two of them up. That partially answered one question at least.


This was not the development that she wanted, even with the improvements to her magics, and whatever non-cosmetic changes had happened to Vorsce. Grazeye’s could be problematic even for the best touched fighters, and this one was well above that. Carefully extracting a vial from her bandoleer, she started to shuffle sideways towards Vorsce, who had himself drawn his sword, dropping into a defensive stance. There was always the chance that they wouldn’t attack this time either, but given the aggressive signs that the cat was displaying it wasn’t likely.

With a snarl the Grazeye leapt off the truck towards them. Saylin didn’t hesitate, purple arcs of energy flowing over her hand as she channelled her magic into the vial in it, combining and changes its contents as she had done countless time before, shaping it into something new, before throwing it as hard as she could in the direction of the cat. Hopefully the effect would be enough to distract the cat for long enough for her to get behind Vorsce.

The explosion threw her well back, its heat singing her hair and leaving her ears ringing. She stopped in a tumbled mess, quickly and unceremoniously picking herself back up. Vorsce had also been pushed back, though she was behind him now, and the cat had also been thrown back, lines in the ground showing how long it had taken to halt its movement.

“Dammit girl, what was that?”

Saylin shook her head, and drew another vial. It was meant to have been small but flashy, a decoy and deterrent. It had however been orders of magnitude more powerful than that, something that she had never been able to achieve ever before. Her new magic was certainly something, and she couldn’t help but grin. Also very much out of control however, which was an issue of itself.

New and improved of course,” she stated cheerfully, channelling magic into the next vial, less this time she hoped, she’d never had to control how much magic she’d used before, then throwing it at the cat again.

The explosion knocked her off her feet again, but this time it was a little less powerful, still leaving a hole in the ground like the first one had.

The cat however didn’t seem deterred by it, scrambling around the point of impact and using the blast to propel itself towards them, teeth and claws at the ready. Vorsce stepped in, blocking the cat’s attack with his sword, causing it to careen off to the side. Claws digging deep into the rocky ground to stop its movement, it them launched itself at Vorsce again. He looked like he was about to dodge, changing at the last moment to block again, getting pushed back as he righted himself to parry its follow up strikes.

Saylin tried to keep herself behind Vorsce as they fought, scrambling in one direction or the other as the cat swiped and lunged at Vorsce, Vorsce blocking or counter attacking with swings of his own. Vorsce was a competent fighter, she had seen him in action numerous times, but this cat was managing to give him some issues. Both were starting to sport shallow scratches from the other, black and red. Saylin pulled out another vile, channelling magic into it yet again as she watched them fight, trying to find an opening.

“Duck,” she suddenly yelled to Vorsce, throwing the vial at the same time.

Vorsce had been paying attention fortunately, rolling off to the side as the vial expanded and burst, showering the cat is a viscous luminescent orange goop. It hissed at her as it jumped back, shaking itself and managing to dislodge most of it, the goop briefly hissing as it slid to the ground.

“STOP. That’s enough,” a very feminine voice sounded, a figure coming out from behind the guard carriage, accompanied by two more Dark Grazeyes. The one they had been fighting gave itself another shake and ran over to the lady.

She was completely covered from head to toe in the glossy blackness, the same stuff that had been coating Sean’s wagon. There was no mistaking it at all, even if the aversive effect of it was mostly gone. It was definitely a lady too, even if her facial features were all obscured by the seamless mask that it was creating. She walked with confidence and the seductive sway of the hips, and to say that her form was sensual was an understatement. She was well endowed and had curves in all the right places, and the glossy darkness that was coating her like a second skin was only accentuating them. Saylin couldn’t help but stare unashamedly, all sorts of thoughts running rampart through her mind.

We’re not your enemy,” the lady then said, standing relaxed with the cat’s protectively surrounding her.

“Yet your pet attacked us?” Vorsce growled.

“A test,” she replied matter of factly, the sweetness of her voice at odds with her words. “We have the same agenda after all.” Though how her voice was coming out through the mask was a different question.

“And that would be?” Saylin gave her her a questioning look.

“The fall of Bowser.”

Vorsce grunted to that, while Saylin nodded. Facing Bowser was part of their plan, so she was somewhat right on that.

Saylin gave a smirk. “If you want to talk, I think you should show us who you are under that mask.”

The lady tilted her head to the side, then shrugged. “Sure,” she stated, as the inky blackness slowly retreating down off her head, till it was fully revealed.

Saylin’s eyes went wide. She was probably only around her age, with a very pretty face. Black-red lips that beaconed to her, pale skin, long brown hair that now flowed free down her back against the blackness and deep black eyes. She had not disappointed, that was certain.

“Wow,” was all that Saylin managed.

“Happy?” the lady queried.

“Very,” Saylin replied with a grin.

Vorsce sheathed his sword as the cats sat down beside the lady.

“You were with those who attacked the train,” he then stated, “though looking at deaths door at the time.”

“That was me, though I remember little of that part of the journey.”

“Do you have a name?” Saylin asked.

“I was known as Abigail.”

“Well then Abigail,” she liked the name, it had a nice flow to it, “what is it that you want of us.”

“I want your help taking down Bowser.”

That was what she had expected.

“You’re three cats not enough?” Saylin queried. “And how do we know you won’t just kill us when our guard is down.”

“No. They won’t be, especially in a city.” Abigail wore a serious look. “Nor will they or I kill allies. Even with what has happened, I still honour my word.”

“That’s a pretty bold claim for someone whose only had them with her for a few days,” Vorsce observed.

“They’re bonded to me. They serve me.” Abigail motioned to them with her hands. “As they are doing right now.”

“And what will you give us in return for our assistance?” Saylin asked.

“We have a common goal. I have naught else that I can give you.”

“You might be mistaken on that...” Saylin said, trying to look like she wasn’t scheming and failing.

“And what would that be? What is it that you want?” Abigail asked.

“You. I want you.”

Abigail’s eyes went wide, and she looked at a loss for words.

“You’re playing a dangerous game Saylin...” Vorsce stated, folding his arms across his chest.

I’m serious,” Saylin stated.

Abigail looked thoughtful, tilting her head to the side briefly. She then looked straight at Saylin.

“You can’t own me, I serve another, but I can be yours. You’ll have to claim me though.”


“What are you dragging me into girl,” Vorsce muttered as Saylin started walking over to Abigail. “Alison won’t be happy if I let anything happen to you.”

Abigail and the Grazeye’s just stood there as Saylin walked towards them. She approached, stopping right in front of Abigail, looking her deep in her eyes. They were solid black, no white at all, but there was movement within them, a swirling. Like there had been in the darkness. Clocky had said that the girl the Grazeye’s had taken had been at deaths door, but she looked very much alive now, albeit a bit pale. Was it the same girl, or just a reanimation? Or something else entirely. To be honest she didn’t really care, not at this point. She’d find out eventually, and she wasn’t going to pass this up.

Saylin stepped right up to her, pressing her body into hers, feeling the coolness of the darkness. She then put her hands gently around Abigail’s head, pulling her into a deep kiss. She was pleasantly surprised when Abigail put her arms around her and kissed her back. It was everything she’d dreamed off. Soft and sweet, laced with passion and power and the hint of danger. She could definitely get used to this.

Saylin reluctantly stepped back when the lengthy kiss had finished, resisting the urge to just kiss her again. There was a time for everything.

“You’re mine,” she then declared.

“It would appear so,” Abigail confirmed with a smile.

Vorsce walked up to them, shaking his head. “You didn’t even introduce yourself first. That’s no way to treat a girl.”

“Heh. I’m Saylin, the teddy is Vorsce.”

“Saylin...” Abigail sounded like she was tasting the name. “It’s a nice name.”

“What happened to the recovery team?” Vorsce asked.

“Dead, or fled? I don’t actually know.” Abigail shook her head. “They were all gone when I awoke.”

“So what’s your plan? Are we waiting for anyone else?” Saylin wasn’t sure if she actually wanted to wait though. Alison definitely wouldn’t approve of what she’d just done. Not that she had any idea where any of the others were anyways.

“No. We leave now, back to Brightswater.”

“And how are we going to get there?” queried Vorsce.

Abigail pointed to the train. “You know how to drive it?”

“Aye, that we do. Though it will require all three of us. Cat’s in the back.”

Saylin rolled her eyes. That wasn’t the answer she’d wanted to hear, but it was true that the group had been doing enough train guard runs that had required their assistance in the engine as well that they would have picked up the basics. They didn’t need to do it perfectly, just enough to keep it moving. But it did mean another train run. She sighed. Might not be so bad if she could snuggle up to Abigail though.

“No buggy?” she queried, though she wasn’t sure if she’d actually prefer that option.

“Probably fled on it,” Vorsce replied.

Train it was then. She sighed again. She’d made her decision though, and she didn’t regret it.

Why are you hiding who you truly are?

It was a dangerous voice, that spoke with purpose and power. A voice of secrets and of things done in the shadows. The voice of the darkness that consumes. A voice, speaking directly to him.

You look the part, but it is a mask you wear.

The real you, buried deep beneath,

only surfacing when no one else is watching.

Why do that to yourself, when everyone else if free to be who they really are?

That wasn’t quite true. That aspect of him had been long buried. He had walked away from that life, chosen a different path. He’d found something else that was important to him. Found a family, and a new sense of real.

That me is no longer needed. It has served its purpose, and retired.”

You’re only lying to yourself,

making excuses.


Things are now longer the same. The dragons have brought changes with them,

big changes.


Not just for you, or those around you, but for everyone.

Can you all even stay together? Especially with how you all are now?


We doubt it.


No one is the same as who they were.

They will learn,

it is only a matter of time.


Not to mention that others come.

Powerful ones.


It’s a whole new game that you’re in now.

The rules have changed.

As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he knew that there was some truth to it’s words. Not about him, but about everything else. While Clocky did know a little about his past, no one else did. He was happy to keep it that way, and no one ever pried.

There were reasons that that part of him was kept at bay, sealed away. Good reasons.

And yet...

His ears twitched, a new sensation that he was still getting use to. His magic, and the voice, resonated.

Dudley looked around. He was standing in the middle of a ruined courtyard, grey stone stretching out in all directions. The roof of the adjoining building had long collapsed, leaving only the support pillars and the stone walls remaining, the once smooth stone now rough and uneven. The cobblestones were all broken, a trickle of water running past, weaving its way through the maze of the cracks, black mould creeping its way along the surfaces. The remains of wagons sat rotting against the edges of the courtyard, bones scattered around, picked at and moved by the birds. There was no life here, besides his own.

It had decayed a lot faster than he had expected.

“What about you? Aren’t you just hiding here?” Two could play at this game.

It is not quite our time yet.

Our direct influence is limited.

You, however, can change that.

You say that, and yet you specifically gave me your gift, and brought me here.

He knew exactly where he was, and he was a long way from the others now. Dudley doubted that the others had been brought here with him, as he could neither hear or see them. This being had targetted him specifically.

A special case,

and use of circumstances provided.

A gift for the real you.

The chance for real freedom.

“You’re not selling this well. What is it that you want of me then?”

A Champion,

and a task.

Without restraints.

We know what you are capable of, what you have done.

“You’re just as self serving as we are.”

Of course.

We do not pretend otherwise.

“And what exactly is in it for me then?”

This place certainly held memories. Neither bad nor good, just memories. He wasn’t sure why he was bothering to entertain this presence. Perhaps the resonance was effecting his better judgement.

Or perhaps, he was still seeking out a purpose.




A connection.

Perhaps more power too.

Dudley wandered over to the north end of the courtyard, pushing open the door there. It more fell to pieces than opened, clattering noisily to the ground, the area behind it covered in debris. The cages were still there, doors twisted and bent.

Tell me more of this task then.”

Very well.



A little more insight into some of the other characters.

The only ones remaining from the group, yet to be accounted for post shift, are of course Rachael & Crystal. We'll be back to them next chapter ^^

Thanks for reading. Comments welcome.