Chapter 55 – Arrival: Odinsphere
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Chapter 55Arrival: Odinsphere.

The first thing that Crystal noticed when she started coming to, her mind attempting to grasp all the changes to and around them, was that she was still draped over Rachael, her skin soft and scent pleasant. Just where she wanted to be. Then the roar of the ocean hit her, the sharp smell of the sea salt and seaweed, and the unpleasant sensation of the soaking wet ground underneath her. Obviously the shift had succeeded.

Indeed it has. One minute we’re in the palace chamber, the next in the middle of nowhere. A little warning would be nice.’ Spectre almost sounded grumpy, not that she was that worried. She hadn’t had much warning either.

I just want to sleep,” Crystal mumbled, trying to snuggle further on top of Rachael. It wasn’t helping much, the night air cold against her bare back. With her conversation with Velvet she felt like she hadn’t slept at all, and the channelling of the leyline had indeed added fatigue on top of that. Now if someone could throw a warm blanket over them she’d be happy.

Rachael groaned as she sat up, dislodging Crystal from her comfortable position on her. I was enjoying the nice comfy bed you know.

Crystal pouted. Me too,” she then said with a sigh.

Looking around there wasn’t much to see. It was pitch-black, the stars and moon covered by dark clouds. Crystal stood up, dusting the sand off her as best she could before she summoned her armour, and her orbs of light, their warm glow illuminating a wide area around them. Rachael likewise stood, dressing in her clothes that had fortunately come with them. Crystal. They were on the grassy verge of the beach, golden sands stretching out on one side of them, rough grass and small tufts of bushes on the other. At a guess she’d say that they were on the outskirts of Port Alexis where they had dropped off Clocky and the others a few days ago.

That is indeed where we are. Almost the exact same spot.’ Spectre and Kitsune both stood beside them, their bodies glinting in the orbs light.

You two put on quite a show,” Myne chuckled, Ashling and Light on her shoulders, Avain cradled in her arms. “The centre of the palace was rivalling the nexus temple for a while there.”

Rachael gave her a confused look. What happened? Why are we suddenly back out here?”

Crystal stifled a yawn and rubbing her eyes. “Velvet shifted us all here, using us to pull the mana from the leyline for the array. Something about protecting Avain.” She paused and blinked, recalling what she’d seen. “There were lots of statues there too.”

Rachael continued to give her a confused look.

In Dawn’s temple, along with the sisters...” Crystal scanned the surrounding area, looking for anywhere suitable, but finding nothing. She had nothing against beaches, but they really didn’t cut it at times like this. “I just wanna sleep,” she moaned, yawning again.

Do we want to try and find somewhere at the Port, or rough it here?” Rachael asked.

“Here!” Crystal declared instantly. She was too tired to go anywhere now. “Let us snuggle with Ashling or Light,” she added. She liked the sound of that.

Dragons,” Myne chuckled as Light flew off her shoulder, the warm mist surrounding them as she changed sizes. “That’s probably the best plan though. We’ll get the others to meet us out here in the morning, and then you can let us know exactly what happened just before.” Myne gave Crystal an intense stare.

Fine, fine,” Crystal absently said as she clambered onto one of Lights opened claws, motioning lazily for Rachael to join her, happily snuggling into her once she did so. Light and Rachael were warm, Avain and the two cat-foxes joining them. It wasn’t as cosy as a nice warm bed, but it was the next best thing, Crystal giving off a rumbling purr as Rachael wrapped her arms around her. Crystal closed her eyes as Light brought her wing around over them, shielding them from the elements, sleep quickly reclaiming her.

Time to wake sleepyhead.” Rachael’s teasing voice tugged at her, banishing the last remnants of her dreams. Dreams of being so very close with Rachael.

Crystal yawned, mid morning sunlight greeting her as she opened her eyes. “Morning to you too,” she murmured as she smiled and looked up into Rachael’s eyes.

The sky had partially cleared, patches of blue visible amongst the clouds. She could still hear the waves crashing against the shore, the grass nearby waving in the wind that Light was fortunately blocking for them. They were still lying on Light’s claw, Crystal snuggled into Rachael, whose arms were wrapped around her, Myne was standing a few meters away, a grin on her face, Clocky and the rest of the team standing with her. They all looked well rested, Fairweather’s flames particularly vibrant, and even Abigail, perched on the back of the Grazeye, had more colour than Crystal remembered.

Yes, she did head off a while ago, predawn.’Spectre informed her.And you two have been solidly sleeping the entire time. They’ve only just arrived, if that makes you feel any better. Ashling’s landing is probably what woke Rachael.

Crystal wasn’t that bothered. She had needed the sleep, Rachael likely too. The shift array had taken a lot out of her, but the exhaustion from the previous night was now gone. She stretched, and rolled out of their makeshift bed, landing gracefully on the ground.

“So no panicked sailors racing into port this morning spreading tales of monsters?” she asked.

“None at all. There might be later, given there are a few ships out there still, but all our arrival generated the last time was a few quickly dismissed rumours. They might actually stick this time though,” Clocky added with a chuckle. “Trip went well?”

“Myne didn’t fill you in on?”

“All she did was grumble about a delegation,” Fairweather answered.

“Their dragons are so beautiful!” Crystal declared with a huge smile, memories of them still fresh in her mind. Callisto especially still remained rather vivid, but she had been taken with her from the start. “Not that Light and Ashling aren’t,” she added quickly. “All dragons are beautiful. It’s just easier to pet them when they’re smaller.” She reached up, giving Avain a pet, the crystalline dragon on her shoulder.

Clocky laughed. “Yup, we’ve noticed your fascination since Myne arrived with Ashling. No surprise there though.”

Hmpf. They’re a bit like family in a way...” Her words were broken as Rachael affectionately petted her head. She was perfectly allowed to like that kind of thing too. Being a dragon and all.

“The Innerlands are certainly different,” Rachael continued for her. “You can feel the magic there. We didn’t see a huge amount, but as much is different, much is still the same. We got to met some Riders and a Feral, talk to the Queen, who is Myne’s friend apparently, and brought back this little one here.” She gave Avain a pet. “Next time, we should go as a group. Given that we got shifted back, hopefully we’re a lot closer to having the array now.”

“You’re just full of surprises,” Saylin said, looking at Myne. “Who exactly are you? Really.”

“I think you already know that. Anything else is mine to tell when I am ready to do so. If I ever choose to.” Myne shrugged, a cheeky grin on her face. “I might ask for payment for such information, but unlike the other two here, you might actually agree.”

Crystal was pretty sure that Saylin actually would.

“We do have the array now,” Crystal then said. “However, it’s going to take a while for me to use it, and Velvet said that it is only useable from certain locations due to its high activation cost.”

“Awesome!” Saylin pumped her fist in the air. “You so are teaching me at some point!”

I think you were only half listening to me,” Crystal commented. Somehow she was sure that Saylin would be able to learn and use it, her phobia likely bridging any other failing that she might have around it.

“I’ll make it work somehow,” Saylin replied with a grin, confirming her thoughts.

“On that topic,” Rachael interjected, “What exactly happened last night?”

“From my end, you two pulled up the magic of the leylines around you, making it as dense as the Nexus Temple,” Myne answered. “I think almost all of the delegation noticed it, but most weren’t able to get even close, with one notable exception beyond Alysia and myself. Then shortly after the shift array appeared and brought us back here.”

That was Velvet,” Crystal added. “She wasn’t confident that Avain would get through Tempest unscathed, so she used the array instead, channelling it through us since we’re her champions. And left me with a copy. As to why she did it at that point I’m not sure, she didn’t actually say.

Yes, you said that much last night.” Myne gave her a look. “You however said something about statues. There was more to it than just a conversation, and the pull of mana happened well before the array activated. It was used for more than just that – there was something else that we all felt.”

Oh, yeah, sorry.” Crystal paused, not sure exactly how much she wanted to say. She would definitely tell Rachael everything, but later when they were alone. “Part of me got pulled into the Shadow Realm, to the area where Velvet is currently residing. Like last time, when we got the summons to Brightswater. Velvet met me there. She is certainly something! So much more radiant than her statue in the ruins.”

“That much I am aware,” Myne replied with a ‘I know and you’d better not have any lewd thoughts’ look. “She is my soul-mate and lover after all.”

She was in a place called the Dawn Temple. There were statues there. Of her, Arcane, and all of us. Alison and Dudley as well. And a large dragon that sat protectively around them. Not like the familiars either, but something else again.”

Rachael looked thoughtful. “If Arcane was there, perhaps it was Dragon. From Children of Dragon?”

Crystal mirrored her expression. That made a lot of sense actually, but also carried along with it additional complications. He was protectively watching over all of the statues. Probably not the larger ones of Velvet and Arcane, but definitely the rest. “Could be,” she finally answered.

“Why us?” Saylin questioned.

“Velvet said something about connections. But I think there is more to it than just that.”

“The Ancient known as Dragon is the aspect of Races, isn’t he?” Fairweather asked.

What makes you say that?” Rachael queried. “Though I do suspect that you are right on that.”

Because most of us aren’t human any longer. Just like you two. It’s more obvious for some of us than others, and it’s taking some time to manifest, but we’re not definitely not Ferals.”

Are you sure?” Rachael asked.

Yes. There’s this deep certainty within me, an instinct, that is telling me what I am. I’ve been thinking on it over the last few days, trying to work it out, but the sense has just become that much stronger. Granted, I’ve only briefly met one Feral, Kyla, but I am pretty sure the magic has changed us in different ways than how it manifests for them.”

she is right on that.

she is no longer human, in the same way that you aren’t either,

while ferals are still, at their core, human.

for the moment at least.

while others are still adjusting,

her transformation is complete.

she is the first of the ghostkin-catfolk.

What are you then?” Saylin asked, her face a mixture of emotions.

“Ghostkin-Catfolk.” Fairweather stated it with pride.

“That is exactly what Warrior just stated too,” Rachael mused. “She confirmed it.”

“I’m not disbelieving you lass, but it’s a bit to swallow. Not any more than anything else mind you,” Vorsce piped up. “But I know that at the moment that I don’t have the same sense within me. Yet.”

“Perhaps it’s because Fairweather started off as a Touched?”


Rachael nodded. “I think that is likely the reason.”

“What about myself and Clocky then?” Saylin asked.

Rachael shrugged. “I have no idea what the Ancients have planned, but there is no reason to think that humans will cease to be. You don’t have other features, so perhaps you will remain as humans with magic. The pinnacle of humanity.”

again correct.

“Aww.” Saylin flopped back against the Grazeye. “I’ll still love you no matter what you are,” she stated to Abigail, who blushed in response.

“If this becomes widespread, then it’s going to cause all sorts of issues, more than just the touched.” Vorsce ran his hand through his hair. “Folk generally aren’t that accepting at the best of times.”

Crystal nodded. “Yeah, I’ve seen plenty of that first hand. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see on that one.” She then bowed over. “I’m sorry again for dragging you into this.”

“Hey, hey, as I said before, I’m not blaming you kid, nor do I resent it either. The magic has been a gift, a powerful one at that, and the more I learn of it, the more I appreciate it. It’s just part of a package, and times are changing. Just in ways that none of us ever anticipated.”

I wonder why she wanted you to see all of that though,” Myne mused, and then shrugged. “Nothing more said though on the next part though?” she then asked.

Crystal shook her head. “No.” What else she had learnt wasn’t for everyone’s ears, not at this point at least.

Right, then it’s time that we started travelling again. On Light this time. She says she wants to stretch her wings.”

Light appeared to confirm this, stretching her wings and then giving them a couple of beats, blowing sand everywhere.

I’m not sure if I should be impressed or terrified,” Rachael stated as Light circled around Odinsphere, apparently evaluating which platform she was going on land on.

Crystal couldn’t agree more. She was surprised that such a thing existed, even with Spectre having been with her since she awoke in this age. The massive black sphere, easily the size of a city and probably larger than Brightswater at a minimum, floated high in the air above an otherwise empty countryside, casting a long shadow over it. It had been in their sight from mid afternoon, steady growing larger as they approached, which took longer than she had thought given their speed, and even Light felt small once they had finally reached it. They had taken a short break for lunch, Crystal taking the time to talk to just Rachael privately on the rest of what had happened the night before. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust the others, it was just that there was a heavy weight attached to the connotations of it, and in this case she was sure that ignorance was bliss.

Odinsphere’s smooth exterior was constructed from large black metal plates, glinting in the sunlight, with no sign of wear or ageing. There were a dozen platforms placed at regular intervals around it, though at varying heights, just large enough for Light to comfortably land on. Most of them appeared to be occupied by colonies of birds, the surface covered with guano and nesting material, the birds scattering in fright as they caught sight of the dragon.

She could also feel it’s pull on the leylines around it. It was sitting over one, it’s power decent enough for the Outerlands, but certainly not one of the more potent ones. It was using that power somehow to keep itself afloat, the drop in mana noticeable as Light finally selected one, landing on it with more grace than she had seen from Ashling.

Light says that Odinsphere is in better shape than last time she saw it,” Myne informed them once they had dismounted from Light and were standing on the platform, the dragon now in her smaller form and perched on Rachael’s shoulder.

“That almost scary, given that it’s over a thousand years old,” Crystal commented. Mind you, Spectre had come from here, and she was leagues about what Crystal had thought possible with technology, so anything was possible she guessed.

“It hasn’t done anything at all over that time either,” Clocky added.

“Except spit out some Arkchildren to selected individuals over the last decade,” Myne also pitched in.

The door at the end of the platform was around two thirds of its width and height, a small panel sitting off to one side, a pair of lights on it, one blinking red, the other green. It had the feel of a hanger bay for airships or the like, which she highly expected to find here. After all, Clocky had mentioned skimmers, and while she didn’t know exactly what he meant by that, she could guess. He had also mentioned defence bots, and they’d already encountered one like that in Old City. Hopefully they weren’t attacked by any here – they were a pain, and it was highly likely that any that were here would be in a much better condition and probably without the need for a pilot. But on the other foot, Angel was here, and she had been the one that had put them to sleep and woken them again. She had a purpose for them, and killing them wouldn’t serve that at all.

The group gathered right in front of the door, Crystal glancing up with some apprehension. This was it, another significant landmark in their journey here. She grasped Rachael’s hand tightly, standing close beside her.

Let’s do this!” Rachael declared, sliding the clear cover from the panel and placing her freehand against it.

The red light changed to green, and with a loud clunk and a hiss the door slowly opened, cool air rushing past them. They were standing at the edge of what indeed appeared to be a large hanger bay, and while it had the length and width necessary, it lacked the height for Light or Ashling to be able to take their full forms. It was clear through the middle, the edges lined with an assortment of wheel-less vehicles of various styles and sizes, some resembling cars, others much more angular or chunky and boxed shaped. What they were was unmistakable. They were the skimmers that Clocky had mentioned. Somebody had obviously experimenting with different designs, as no two were the same, and Crystal wondered if some of them were even capable of flight.

Standing amongst them were four defence bots, these ones looking more advanced than the one that they had encountered, but still rather primitive compared to the designs of the Arkchildren. It was almost as if there had been different teams involved in the creation of each, with no communication at all between them. Large lights in the ceiling illuminated the room in a harsh white light, a couple of rooms with windows facing out onto the hanger bay located at the end of it beside a door that went further into the massive floating sphere.

They just stood there, unsure what they should do next.

“Should we go in?” Crystal asked.

Yeah,” Rachael said with a grin. “I don’t sense any mana running to those bots, but if they do power up it’ll be an interesting fight.”

Crystal wasn’t so sure of that, but she couldn’t deny the appeal that it would have. Hand in hand they cautiously stepped forward into the hanger, Crystals heels tapping on the metallic floor, echoing around its expanse.


Really? That’s how you’re greeting them?”

--I’ve always wanted to be able to say that to actual adventurers. It’s my prerogative after all.--”

Such unnecessary flair, amongst the inaccuracies.”

--You are one to speak, Angel.--”

Crystal couldn’t help but stand in confusion, her mouth open somewhat. The voices echoed around the chamber, coming from speakers that she couldn’t quite spot. One voice was emotionless and mechanical. The other two however were quite different, and not quite what she had expected. One sounded human, and while it had definitely been the same voice, it had spoken with a slightly different accent between the two instances. The other sounded human, but not, with a haughtiness to it.

The first is the announcement and alert protocol system of the Odinsphere system,’ Spectre informed her. ‘The second one are the aspects of Odinsphere. Each accent is a different one, such as Guardian, Mother, and so forth. Even I don’t know which is which when hearing the actual voices though – normally we get direct communications which carry the appropriate tags. This would be my first time hearing them too. The last, as named, is Angel, though she is manifesting her voice through her own means.’

Well, as you say, it has been a journey,” Rachael stated, talking out to the room in general. “It seems that there have been numerous issues with our awakening, but we are here now.

Indeed that you are. You have grown, Rachael, Chris.” Angel’s voice echoed around the chamber again.

It’s Crystal now,” Crystal hissed at Angel, not at all happy that she was being referred to by that name. She had definitely said the male versions as well, there was no mistaking it. Way to start dialogue with your champions. Given the data syncs that had happened between the cat-foxes and Odinsphere, Angel should have been well aware of that, unless the system hadn’t been sharing all the information with her.

Given all the interference, I assume you are aware by now why you are here?”

“The return of the Dawn Angel, also known as the Avatar. Velvet,” Rachael replied.

“In essence, yes.”

“Why?” Rachael asked bluntly, her grip on Crystal’s hand tightening.

You question my motives? You have become bold child. She desires her return, does she not, as does the Hellfire, whose presence here confirms that.”

“What’s in it for you? I’ve never known you to do anything that didn’t serve your own purpose. And what about this place? Why is the Odinsphere helping you in all of this?”

--She has promised knowledge and energy. To be able to become what we were meant to be, and fulfil our purpose. She has delivered on part of that, the rest lies on what’s ahead.--”

“And you trust her? A being beyond our understanding?”

“--Trust is earnt.--”

I shall humour you with an answer, since you are my champions. Her influence is necessary, her aspect and power integral to the change that the world is undergoing. You have seen and felt it first hand. A new age is coming.

Rachael sighed. Crystal could see it too, that Angel hadn’t actually answered the question. They’d been expecting that to be honest.

So what is our role in all of this then?” Rachael asked.

A large amount of power is required for the ritual, such as that within the Tempest Storms. Given that it is more than what a mortal body can bear, and the arrays complex, Odinsphere will act as the conduit for her recall. You two will facilitate getting in Odinsphere there, and in activating the arrays.”

How exactly are we going to do that? Given the issues with your shift array, I doubt that is an option, ignoring its share size.”

“The more mundane way of course, travelling across the land. The current leyline that it sits over provides it with the power that it needs to float and function at a basic level, but that is it. You will provide it with the additional power that it needs to move by shifting the surrounding leylines to join with this one.”

“We can do that?” Rachael sounded surprised.

“Yes. As the Champions of Dawn, Aspect of the Leylines, you can pull on and influence the leylines, more so than what a Channeller is capable of. With the correct knowledge, they can also be shifted. I will teach you how to use the arrays.”

“Is the shift permanent? Moving leylines will not be without its effects on the environment...”

“It is temporary.”

How long will this take?”

“Time. It all depends on your competence with the arrays, and how much you have grown into your own power. Make no mistake, it will be draining on you. It is fortuitous that you have brought companions. They can assist you.”

“--We have scanned the immediate surrounding area, and located the necessary leyline in order for the initial movement. Assuming that we are able to secure a similar power level for the entire journey, then we calculate that it will take around a month for us to reach the coastline. The final leg is unknown, as the ocean will cause its own complications. However you may also be able to tap into the tempest to aid there. If more power is provided, we will move faster. Less, slower.--”

“--Not to mention that the movement will attract attention.--”

That was an understatement. Given it’s size, its movement would be impossible to miss, and as it hadn’t done anything at all for the last thousand years, it suddenly becoming active would cause a stir at the least.

--We do not know if the Hellfire will be sticking around, but if the dragons are unwilling/unable to provide transport to the area of the leylines, we will allow you the use of the skimmers. Crystal and Rachael, you two should have enough power to utilize them. As for the others...--”



--It appears that you all are capable.--”

Saylin screwed up her face. “No thanks.”

--You may use the facilities off the hanger bay as well, though you will need to provide your own sustenance. Anything that remains has long expired, and the eggs of the Dylite breeds are for Kyla’s harvesting. Because human curiosity is insatiable, you may explore Odinsphere if you wish. Locked areas are off limits however.--”

Okay. Thanks I guess.” Crystal wasn’t sure what to make of the offer. Having somewhere to stay while Odinsphere made its lengthy journey was kind of nice, but on the other hand there was always the potential that they could end up stuck here. It also felt all artificial, more than just the cities of old, and the lack of ambient mana just heightened that feeling. She didn’t have anything against the place, but she was beginning to realise that her inherent nature meant she had a very strong preference towards certain conditions for where she made her home, temporary or permanent. Glancing at Clocky and Fairweather however she could see that they were excited by the prospects of exploring Odinsphere.

I know that you weren’t going to ask us, but we will do as you require of us,Rachael finally stated, her grip still firm and body tense. Crystal leaned into her, giving her a reassuring hug.

Correct. But still, you will find me grateful. Rest for tonight, tomorrow we start.”

Crystal sat on the edge of the platform, swinging her legs off it, the ground far below. If it wasn’t for the fact that she could summon wings she wouldn’t have even dared, and as it was, it was just her and Rachael that were doing so, the rest of the team sitting just behind them, away from the edge. Following the conversation with Odinsphere and Angel they had retreated back outside. While they could probably still be heard out here (Spectre had informed them that yes, they could), it did make them feel a little better about talking about what lay ahead. Sure they could have left Odinsphere completely, but given that they were likely to spend the next month or so with it, they needed to give it at least some trust. Spectre and Kitsune also had stated that it would keep to it’s word, for them at least. Odinsphere needed the better source of mana, and they were after all the key to that happening.

A month isn’t that long in the grand scheme of things,” Fairweather mused.

“And yet forever when compared to the now.” Rachael sighed. “For all the time that has passed, I don’t feel like the Core, sorry Arcane, has actually changed that much. She has her own agenda behind it all.”

“Any idea as to what it is?” Clocky asked.

Something she doesn’t want to say, for whatever reason,” Crystal answered. Not something that they should actually be talking about here though. “Do we know what Odinsphere’s purpose is?” she then followed on, looking at her cat-fox.

The survival of human-kind,’ Spectre said after a moment, his eyes briefly glowing. ‘Yes, it does include all of the Races, now that I have informed them of their existence. Librarian in particular is rather curious. Shall I pass on any further details? I’ve been largely restricting what data I send back.’

“Umm... just the essential details, what they can already see or work out. Anything else can wait till we’re done here,” Crystal answered, before passing on his answer to the rest of the team. Spectre gave a cute cat-fox nod.

That’s a rather dangerous purpose,” Clocky said, wincing. “Good that it can be updated, but still dangerous. Lets hope it runs off intent rather than literal interpretation.”

Does your ability help with that at all?” Myne asked.

No, it’s outside of its scope. I did try, and now I’ve got a splitting headache. The good news is though that I can’t find any ill intent from its offer of hospitality. There is undoubtedly more to all of this than we can see though.”

On that Crystal agreed.

So the number one lesson learnt from all of this...

...treasure your time in actual beds. It may be short lived. ^^

After so long they have finally reached Odinsphere. But as always, there is much going on.

As always, thanks for reading. Comments are welcome.

The next Chapter (56 - The Art of Leylines) will be up early next week.