Chapter 14 – A new companion
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The new ‘Dark Attribute Magic’ spell that I created is called ‘Brainwash’. As its name suggests I can brainwash any being. I can even get rid of the opponent’s memories, and I can change and replace people’s memories, but that is too complicated for now.

This spell can only work if I make eye contact or through sound waves of my voice. I can also write something that allows me to alter their minds.

This spell was made with the thought of something ‘dark’ as in evil. So, I thought of spreading ‘Dark’ mana through people’s minds and manipulating them. Thus, it worked, I wanted to test it on a human to see if I could use it, but I ended up using it on an orc.

“… ORGHH…”, the orc groaned. “Oh, I guess I should end this quick right.”, I said in a manner of fact tone.

My mana was recovering, little by little. I didn’t want to wait for my mana to recover. So, I ordered the orc to kill himself, the thought of making another being kill itself didn’t bother me in the least.

Orcs were considered as monsters by the guild, that’s why it wasn’t wrong for me to kill it.

The orc picked up its huge club, and bashed its head with The club. His head broke into a mush of brains and blood and fell to the ground.

I used the ‘Brainwash’ spell to make him loyal to me, I replaced its personality to one that makes him obligated to every word I said without question.

I turned around and looked at its corpse, it was already starting to rot, since orcs meat does not last long nor tastes good. ‘I could use this’, I thought as a scary thought flashed through my mind.

I walked over to the orc, I extended my claws that were growing at the tip of my fingers and started dissecting the orc


<< You have acquired the Skill ‘Dismantling’ and ‘Enhanced Muscular Strength’ >>


The orcs skin was tough, it was known for being able to even break metal swords by contact.

The orcs stomach was opened in half, you could see the internal organs. The scent of the orc’s organs were spreading all over the place, it was nauseating to the point that even the birds had to fly away.

I was looking at the organs and blood hesitantly, I was planning on eating the organs and meat to gain skills. There was a chance I could get the Skill ‘Illness Resistance’ and maybe another one I might have not known.

I picked up an organ and put it in my mouth and chewed it and swallowed it instantly. The scent was disgusting, a normal human would have vomited it out instantly. But I needed to get a way of acquiring skills against poison and illnesses if something ever happens.

“Urgh… it’s disgusting.”, I groaned as the blood spilled of the organs inside my mouth.


<< You have acquired the Skill ‘Illness Resistance’, ‘Nausea Resistance’ and ‘Bloodsucking’ >>

<< The Levels of ‘Night Vision’, ‘Fast Healing’, ‘Pain Resistance’, ‘Poison Resistance’ and ‘Fast Eating’ have increased >>

<< The Skills ‘Poison Resistance’, ‘Illness Resistance’ and ‘Nausea Resistance’ have fused into the Skill ‘Status Effect Resistance’ >>


My body started twitching in pain, I could feel the vomit gathering in my mouth together with the poison.

“Argh…. Worth it though.”, I mustered to say.

After a little while, my body started recovering itself but slowly. The blood ended up dirtying my clothes and mouth, the organs of course didn’t taste good, but the blood didn’t taste like metal. It tasted differently, kind of like stake but like liquid.

I was surprised by the good taste of blood. Am I sure I am not a vampire? I did not know, my race was ‘Dark Ghost’ nothing more nothing less. I wanted to know but I could not as of now.

My mana recovered a little, I walked through the small forest, it was not the ‘Spirit Forest’ it was a normal Forest like any other.

I remembered the shape of the forest from above, so I wasn’t lost, and I knew where to go.

As I was walking through the forest, I felt the sound of footsteps closing in. It was the sound of one person, the footsteps were not heavy, they were as light as a feather, yet you could hear it from afar.

‘Is it a human or a monster?’, I thought as I tried to find the source of the footsteps. I looked through some bushes and then found a little girl.

The little girl hat cuts and bruises on her petite feet, and she had silver hair and eyes that matched her once been a silver dress. Her eyes were hallow almost dead, and her body was petite you could even mistake her for a child.

‘What’s a girl doing in a forest at night?’, I thought. She was human and she didn’t look strong so she could easily be pray to monsters.

“Hey.”, I said in a cold almost mechanical voice. The girl did not react at first, but then she realized that I was in front of her. Her hallow eyes met mine.

She did not say a thing, she didn’t move not even a sound did she make. “Would you tell me your name?”, I asked.

“…” The girl did not respond, not even a word much less a sound. “Alright, the I’ll be leaving then.”, I said trying to push her to speak.

“…Ath…..Athena.”, The little girl finally responded. “What brings you here?”, I asked.

I did not have any intentions of help her, I was really just curious as to why she was here. Had she been an adventurer I would have figured, but she didn’t look like an adventurer. She did not have any gear nor any weapons with her.

She looked at me, her eyes pointed towards the blood around my clothes and mouth. She must have thought I ate somebody.

“Hey, don’t worry I’m not going to eat you, this is just orc blood. Okay. Just tell me why you are here?”, I said in my unchangeable emotionless voice. The girl Athena looked at me and said. “We… I….”, Athena started remembering something and started panicking. Her body started to tremble as if the shock of remembering what happened came to her.

“Mother!!! Father!!!”, Athena started crying, she held her head trying to remember even more. “Hey! Stop you’re going to attract monsters.”, but she wouldn’t listen to me.

I held her close to my chest and hugged her. “It alright. It’s alright.”, I said trying to comfort her. I was blushing since I never had a girl this close to me.

Athena then slowly stopped crying, she then told me what happened.

She was a noble’s daughter and the heir to her family’s name. However, one day her mother and father were killed by her tutor whom she had known for two years, she didn’t know why he did that. Not just that he also murdered the nearby village next to her mansion. She was confused and did not know where to go, her mind was in chaos. And the last thing she remembered was her tutor trying to kill her as well. That is what she could deduct from everything that happened to her.

Something seemed wrong with her story, her mother the one known as the ‘Sword Saint’ was killed by a tutor or rather an assassin I would call him. In this world where the status system exists, she should not have died that easily. That meant that somebody must have probably tried to poison her instead.

Humans are not well known for being born with the skill ‘Drug Resistance’ or ‘Poison Resistance’, unlike humans, monsters have higher affinity towards gaining unnatural skills. That probably meant that Athena’s mother probably did not have any of these skills.

“I have a question is there anybody who hates you or your family in particular?”, I asked as emotionless as always. Athena searched through her memories. “There was a nobles daughter who didn’t like me in particular.”, Athena shortly explained.

I could grasp what happened, the nobles daughter probably hated her to the point that she order an assassin to make her suffer, or maybe I watched too much anime. The assassin’s mission was to assassinate Athena and her parents, that was the probably their plan. Them killing everyone in the village was probably so that she could suffer even more.

The only reason Athena survived was because she was able to resist the poison or the drug.

It was pretty much all to make Athena suffer.

“It must’ve been that noble’s daughter that you were talking about. He must have sent that tutor to you on purpose.”, I said. Athena looked at me as if in disbelief. “Are… you…. telling me… that they…. all died because of that ‘her’?”, Athena said, looking down on the ground as if she just figured that out.

“Yeah, you haven’t figured that out yet?”, I said. Athena was clutching her hands, she clutched them so hard that even blood started dripping down. “Hmm… I guess you’re like me then.”, I said nonchalantly.

Athena looked at me in the eyes. “Did the same thing happen to you?”, Athena asked. “Yeah… the village I lived in, my friend everyone….. they were all killed.”, I said in a cold almost mechanical voice.

“Hey, I’ve got an idea. Why don’t we help each other with our revenge?”, I said with a small devilish smile. “You want that noble girl dead, don’t you? They killed your parents, and even those innocent villagers.”

She was just like me, everything was taken away from us. So, I’ll use her and get my revenge and I’ll help her get her revenge, it’s a total win-win situation.

“If you help me get my revenge, I’ll help you. It’s a win-win situation.”, I said trying to make her decide.

Athenas expression did not change, I couldn’t see her eyes between her hair, but I could I hear her say.

“Yes, my master.”




We ended up falling asleep, I kept my ‘Dark Aura’ on to keep the monsters away, as we slept. I woke up first as Athena still slept, she has been walking for who knows how long to get here.

I looked at my clothes, they were stained red with the orcs blood. “Eww….” I whispered to not wake up Athena.

It was morning, you could hear Athenas soft breathing as if she found a new reason to live, unlike before.

‘Going alone to kill a bunch of enemies would be impossible.’, I thought. I was grateful for her deciding to go with me. Now, we can start our revenge, not.

We first needed to get stronger, I doubt I could kill many enemies that are as strong as your average adventurer.

Athena woke up soon after me. “Master, are we going already?”, Athena asked still tired. “Yeah, we’re going soon and also could you drop that ‘master’ thing.”, I said. Go in public while somebody is calling you master, they might think you bought yourself a slave.

“No, I can’t.”, Athena said stubbornly. “Uhhhh… Okay, whatever floats your boat.”, I said not caring anymore.

“But we need to do something first, we need to take a bath.”, I looked like a monster who just ate somebody, Athena looked like she fell into a puddle of mud in the middle of a bloodbath.

Athena blushed a little and said. “…..Pervert.”, As if judging my whole being. “No, you got it wrong, I don’t know whether the guards will even allow us in like this. Thus, we need to clean up beforehand.”, Imagine you find a boy and girl, one of them is covered in blood of god knows what, and the girl was dirty from head to toe.

“Of course, we can still try to enter town like this, they might think we entered a fight with a monster, or we ran away from a battle.”, I said. Athena nodded as if saying that that idea would be better. “Alright, well try getting into town. Then, let’s get going, shall we?”, I said.

Athena nodded again and said. “Yes, let’s go.”