23. Spider Boss
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The spider was still not moving. I was extremely focused on every movement the spider would do. I mean I didn’t really have a choice if he somehow manage to slap me with his legs or worse get me into the fangs I will most likely die.

No matter how much hp, I don’t think I can survive that because even if it didn’t deal much damage it would be a dead lock for me. I would not be able to move and therefore eventually die. I also think that the web the spider is using is off limits. I don’t even care if it has any tricks to it but purely because it can hold onto this titan spider I will not doubt its stickiness.

I even scratch that web with my body I will be stuck for sure.

Even if all this is true… the spider has one insanely big disadvantage because he cannot move. He is locked in place. Well he could maybe move but it would hurt him way more likely than me. So he is immobile and I know exactly what to do against spiders as well. It was just bad matchup bro I can easily off you any time I decided.

The plan was simple the second I got the chance to jump on the big fella back and use its biggest weakness of the spider body. Already proved very effective even when I was way weaker than I am now.

Yeap. He is dead. No way he can do anything.

The spider seemingly very calm is definitely watching me with its many eyes. He seems amused by my brainstorming session and doesn’t really care much.

I was about to jump on his back already because it got on my nerves that I am basically a prisoner. No one can tell me what I can do. Not anymore.

Full of confidence I almost jumped with my signature move on the dude but something wonderful happened.

It was weird. IT WAS REALLY WEIRD.

I didn’t realize I am such a crybaby.

The spider was doing some weird vibrations very shortly before I jumped. He was probably somehow communicating with its children or something but the longer I felt the vibration the more they made sense.

I knew what he was saying. I knew.

¨ildren, d not stp ito my lair right now, I will call uon thee if I eed any aistance¨

For sure it is hard to understand but the missing part amount to little hindrance to my understanding. Easily filling up the blank spaces I know he or she is just making sure none of his spider friends enter the place.

I don’t know why I can understand this spider but I don’t care. I am so happy that there is a way for me to communicate that it brought the tears.

The spider also noticed this. I mean he noticed the tears obviously. Don’t really know what he thinks about it but he isn’t doin anything anyways so who knows.

I have sort of naturally mimicked his way of talking. Pretty sure it has to be something unconscious for me but it works for me so that’s good.

¨You can talk?¨ I asked the spider. Very proud that I managed to properly use the vibration talk on my first time.

The spider was very taken back by this. But not so much of time passed before he answered.

¨Of course I can talk youngling rat.¨ Very amused by the implying that the spider wouldn’t be able to communicate with his own kin.

¨The question is how can YOU talk young rat¨ I had no idea anyways so I just answered honestly.

¨I don’t know I just can¨ Again the proud feeling damn I am so cocky.

¨I see¨ A long pause, very depressing for me but the spider then continued.

¨Why have you come to my lair young rat?¨

Damn what should I tell him. I mean I was just about to jump him and kill it. Does he know? He had to have any idea because he warned his spider friends. Or maybe he himself wanted to kill me. That has to be obvious. We are different monsters and I should be decent snack for him.

¨Honestly I wanted to see this floor and maybe descend lower, but you locked me up in there so I had no choice but prepare for fight¨ He was taken a bit back by this but not for long.

¨I appreciate the honestly young rat, I really do and that’s why I will not destroy you and will allow you to pass for exchange for something, you will be granted free passage any time you wanted.¨ This time it was me who was a bit taken back… like does he really think he can demand anything out of me??

¨With utmost respect you don’t get to decide what I do big spider¨ He clearly got amused again. It pissed me off even more.

¨You locked me there and you demand something from me? I didn’t wanted to fight, you basically forced me to, if I didn’t realize we can talk I was about to kill you.¨ The spider was weirdly vibrating and it took me a while to realize what it meant.

¨Hahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah¨ Does it amuse him that much huh?

¨Little rat my offer still stands.¨ A very short pause and then.

¨Just know this. I have lived for over a thousand years. This is one of my many lairs thorough the dungeon and despite many of my lairs such as this even has me impossible to move I can freely move between my webs on any of the floors. There is just no way that you can defeat me little rat.¨ He shifted his gaze a bit more on me so that it would be looking straight at me with every eyes at his disposal…

¨If you managed to jump on me which I have no doubts you would attempt to I would either kill you on my back or if you proved difficult to get rid of I would shift to a floor way lower than this where the space is so massive that I can freely move there and I am fairly sure the mana is so dense you would surely die from the pressure alone.¨ His eyes were really menacing.

¨Little rat I can feel great power flowing through you and that is why I attempt to negotiate¨ I think he tries to look a bit more nice at me now.

¨I am very strong but my reach is limited. My growth was too big and before I knew it I couldn’t do a lot of things I need to do. My children are too weak to step in for me and some of the stronger ones would be again too big for me to help me with this.¨ A short pause again… she sure likes to be dramatic.

I think from the talking I realize it’s a she just now. Probably because of the way how she address the spiders her children. Still it could be just overly protective father I guess. Haha.

¨Okay I got it. You are strong. Surely you would win our fight. I accept whatever is it that you want me to do. No harm in making friends I guess.¨

She replied immediately.

¨Smart decision young rat.¨ I interjected at this finally got enough of this young rat calling.

¨Its Felix, my name is Felix.¨ She was so surprised that I almost could feel her shock.

¨Very well Felix. My name is Candace, it is an honor to meet you.¨

Wow that was a very sudden change of behavior. Whoa. It made me instantly like her.

¨Likewise, please don’t be so formal with me anymore when you are clearly my superior. Just tell me what to do for you. I will gladly help.¨ I think that she recognized that I finally give her some respect. Then proceed to talk to me again.

¨The task is simple. However I don’t want to tell you yet. First you have to descend to a floor fifteen. It is going to be a hard journey and you have to be careful. There are many great danger in the dungeon. Even I could be fatally wounded in floors that I can no longer freely move into. Despite my strength dungeon monsters should not be underestimated.¨ Her trademark pause for dramatic purpose I guess.

¨Dungeon itself has some purpose that I do not know of, but know that you will be challenged and if not careful you will die and serve for others like you to descend.¨ What the hell does she mean others like me?? Reincarnated??? Whoa no way she knows about that.

¨Whatever is it that you think right now about dungeon discard it. Realize your own weakness and make sure to get rid off it or compensate for it.¨ I can clearly see some of the tunnels unblocking of the webs.

¨Go past any of these tunnels it will lead you close by to the entrance lower. Once you get into floor fifteen my child will find you and maybe even assist you but do not endanger her life.¨ I could’ve sworn that if anything happens to that little spider she, that awaits me there. She would make me pay probably with my life. This is the first time she looked at me with intent to kill. And it froze me for a sec.

¨Now go don’t waste any time, it is important that you hurry, if you do well I will even reward you.¨ She moved her leg to point at the tunnels again.

¨Go Felix and get stronger, we will meet again.¨ She was getting restless about something. Definitely seemed she is in hurry just a few moments back she was so calm and had seemingly all the time in the world and now she is so restless as if… maybe her webs on the lower floors caught something? Maybe.

¨See you soon Candace, was nice to meet you, I will try to be there as fast as possible. Have a nice day.¨ She was happy to offer me fast sort of smile and then disappeared.

Well she wasn’t kidding she can move freely between her webs I guess… that was definitely a teleport of some sort.
