55. Restart
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I am still waiting for any kind of response… it is hilarious really. Every single one of the humans are now interacting with their fairies and some of them even tried to attack them! That’s so funny.

The monsters are also curious about them but oddly enough they probably value listening to my order a bit more.

Some of them though already became my followers so that confirmed my suspicious that fairies can sometimes make that happen. Not sure how but it doesn’t matter that much for now anyways.

Meanwhile Aine was back and I could tell she was ecstatic.

¨Master this is amazing. So many! ¨ Yes, yes I can see that pretty well myself. If you want… go speak with the fairies from the monster side… but don’t get involved with the human side just yet. It might be dangerous.

¨Suuuuure! ¨ She wouldn’t probably even listen to me if I told her not to mingle with them but I hope she is at least smart enough to not risk pissing off the humans.

Now listening to all of the boring chatter would be bothersome so I was making sure to only really focus on the party in front of me.

They were also unsure how to go about their respective fairies so I interjected. I just had to, seeing as everyone is so suspicious… I was the same after all. Still might have some doubts myself but I decided to trust Aine so I will try to calm everyone down.

¨HEY EVERYONE! CALM DOWN. I REALIZE THAT COMING FROM ME THIS MIGHT NOT BE MUCH BUT STILL, YOU MIGHT HAVE SOME SUSPICIOUS ABOUT THIS BUT I CAN ENSURE YOU THAT THEY ARE YOUR OWN POWER NOW! THEY WOULD NEVER BETRAY YOU AND YOU SHOULD GET ALONG! ¨ My voice was probably too much domineering for them but at least they somewhat calmed down and started to properly address the situation.

I really hope they can get along but that’s not really my agenda for now.

I think making my own fairy happy is probably the only reason I even did this. I want to try to persuade anyone from these humans to become my follower trough the ritual. There might also be something important about the ritual other than the huge amount of experience I get.

I was also pretty sure the confusion wouldn’t last much longer so I need to think about what I do and how I act. I don’t want them to describe me as a monster leading world ending threat. That would be my doom sooner or later.

I mean I know from experience there is a lot of humans and I doubt this world is any different.

Well that’s for sure… considering the past events and most importantly spotting the underwater city so deep in the dungeon. I would be crazy wanting to battle humanity as a whole. No way. Even if I wasn’t a reborn human that wouldn’t change if I had even a sliver of my current intelligence.

Now, Roland seemed to be pretty wise dude. His party was still somewhat confused but he was already pretty chill about it.

That’s pretty smart… honestly they are all very carefree in a presence of a monster like me.

¨What is the meaning of this? And most importantly… why have you done this? What is your goal? ¨ Oh come on Ronald… I want to make friends.

¨Well I already said to you all… I wasn’t sure I was presented fairly because of that brawl with the last party. I was almost sure I would be described as inhuman monster that would murder you on sight. So it was a pleasant surprise hearing some truth in the chatter from before you got fairies. Do I seem to you as a hostile vicious monster? Despite knowing too well that you people are probably just farming us for body parts and some experience¨

Now he was very surprised by my remark and overall he probably had hard times believing I would risk fighting so many people just for a chance to befriend someone.

Despite what I thought about him he was not a dishonest person and his feelings were being shown trough his body movements. I highly doubt this person has any experience in lying. Well that’s a plus for me.

I don’t know how I would respond to my passive aggressive statement myself in his shoes. So I will make it a bit easier for him.

¨Oh come on. Don’t worry that much. I am sure you know I am not that easy to kill and I am confident in my ability to escape. Additionally I have other reasons to be friendly to you people… don’t you know? ¨

I think he understood what I meant immediately.

¨HA! So you are indeed as smart as I thought… well that’s a surprise. Yes I think I understand you a little bit more now. However how do we go about this? We are used to hunt monsters no question asked… is there any benefit for us that would make us even consider not murdering you for said parts and experience. ¨

Hmm… well there is. Do I tell him though? I don’t think it would be smart to reveal it but how else am I going to convince them to even consider it?

¨Well, I guess fairies are not enough as a gift to convince you? Well anyone that makes a pact with me gets part of my power. Also I require nothing else than mana at the time of the creation of the pact and that’s it. No strings attached. ¨

I could clearly notice that he wasn’t the only one listening to my words and people were already whispering about what to do. Most of them wanted to kill me just to make sure… That’s a bit depressing for me but sure.

¨That all sounds too good to be true? How much power are we talking about? We don’t react kindly to being deceived either… rat. ¨

Hmm… well no shit. No one does. I mean I already decided to not reveal it upfront. So I will just lie a bit.

¨Well… not sure how to word it properly… but let me just say, that casting at least a single spell, that is not high level would be easy. ¨

Many people widened their eyes in disbelieve. I mean that’s not that crazy is it? I would expect everyone already having decent mana after deciding to enter dungeon but apparently… that wasn’t the case?

A quick check also revealed that was basically true? Like not even a single person had low amounts of mana. The least I could estimate was still in the thousands range. I also highly doubt that was a mage. Proly a warrior or so.

Eh? Okay… I don’t mind being a bit more valuable than experience though so there is that. At this point I wouldn’t even be that surprised if some of them decided to really try it out.

Just as I was thinking about it, I had my first volunteer.

No other, than Ronald himself.

¨Okay rat. Prove yourself and we can believe you. Hurt me and you know what will happen. ¨

YES! This is perfect. I have no doubts that this will be start of something important for me. Probably a huge achievement going into the future.

If I prove myself to them right now I might really get a chance to get truly strong.

Everyone had their eyes on me and wanted to confirm my intentions.

Ronald came closer to me without a weapon but his party followed him close too and ready to fight any second if they think I am trying to hurt him.

Some of the people could also be heard.

¨Hey dude! Confirm what is happening… if it is only really mana he wanted we don’t kill him but if he is trying to suck his soul or curse or anything else to him we will murder that pest. ¨

Well I could clearly hear them but I doubt they knew. Anyways here we go.

I started to do the ritual and everything was going as usual even the humans were clearly aware that I am indeed proceeding as promised… and then… then… then everything stopped.

I couldn’t move! I was still thinking and I was completely aware of the entire situation but the whole world seemed to stop moving. Me included.

Did someone just pause? What? Like legit…what the fuck is going on?

¨What the fuck is happening? WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE? ¨

YOU TELL ME! WEIRD VOICE IN MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It wasn’t really inside of my head… but I could hear it from all sides and wouldn’t be able to pinpoint where it is coming from. Really annoying.

¨This is… this is about three months??? RIGHT? Just HOW?! What did he do? ¨

Seriously… what the fuck is happening? I also vaguely remember the voice from before. I am pretty sure I heard it sometime. Hmm…

¨What the hell? I cannot even read his mind? Does that mean… WHOA! Okay! HELL NO! ¨

I am getting irritated to the extremes but nothing I do has any effect. I tried a bunch of things already but to no avail.

¨NO NO NO NO NO! This… this cant be! This is impossible. ¨

This is truly ridiculous. I don’t know what this is about but I really hope that it will end soon. I have not felt this powerless in a while. It is also quite boring.

¨Alright. Now I just have to do this… and then this? Now… there? Should be okay? Hey Tony! I know you can hear me. Try to focus on eh… well try to imagine shooting your thoughts or something… really figure it out yourself! Just talk to me¨

Eh? Okay… so I tried many things and even the shooting style? After a while…

¨So does this work? ¨

¨Yes! Finally I can talk with you… WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!! ¨

Eh… I mean sure I can totally understand you… invisible voice… I totally know what you are asking about? Jeez.

¨Eh? I am sorry but I don’t understand the point of your question? ¨

This type of conversation is pretty cool though. I feel like my voice is omnipresent. Very neat.

¨Of course you don’t! Of course…¨ I get a feeling he didn’t like my answer much.

¨Listen Tony. I don’t have anything against you. I really don’t. So don’t take this personally. Please don’t. However I wouldn’t allow this. Not like this. Not this fast and definitely not with a fairy bound to your soul. ¨ He paused a bit but continued without giving me much space to say something myself.

¨I must have done a lot of errors and honestly this is kind of even the point of having you over there… sooo… thank you? ¨ I don’t have a good feeling about this. I really don’t…

¨Tony. While I would like to know what happened from you, I am not supposed to meddle with you this much. You already got a present from me for your whining and I did a horrible mistake thinking you had trouble integrating to your new world. ¨ Holy shit… if this is what I think? Really?

¨I thought you would break down and complain about everything for at least few months so I decided to ignore you for a while. I was a bit busy with eh… other things. Anyways to get to the point. You are too powerful!!! And also can do something that shouldn’t be allowed so easily. You probably abused some knowledge from Earth games or so and I like that you are adapting so well but this wouldn’t do. I wouldn’t do a proper job allowing such exploits to exist. ¨

Oh shit… my hunch was right. This is probably a god. Also I am starting to get even worse feeling about this. I thought he might hurt me… but I think he is going to do something far worse… much… MUCH WORSE!


I didn’t even know about that but I was starting to release my aura into surroundings and slowly getting able to move around again… well very slowly.

¨Okay… this is a bit worrisome. I need to hurry. You don’t even know about this huh? Good. I will tell you some more then. ¨


¨Tony. I will update the world. I will also do a clean restart. You will be included at the same period with the same race but obviously I cannot allow for such monstrosity to exist. So I will take away all your power. Fortunately it is still possible for me and we don’t need to battle to the death. Tony don’t hate me for this. I never wanted to hurt you and be careful. The update will include many changes. Don’t blindly trust your former experience. Experiment and adapt again. Also I have to put you somewhere else than you started the first time. You would probably just exploit the heck out of the beautiful but random Stonehenge. The people you met and their fates will be the same but you will be far… far away. ¨

I think I barely recognized that I am about to get control over my movements and started to do everything in my power to speed up the process but it was horrible. It probably sped up but so little that it would still take hours to be free from whatever effect is holding me up.

¨Also I will be busy and because I am sure you wouldn’t forgive me easily I don’t have any plans to monitor you often. Don’t expect me to give you any helping hand. I will now banish you into the void until I am ready to plug you in. Good luck. ¨

I was being sucked up by something invisible and it felt insane. IT HURTS! I AM SCARED! I DON’T WANT THIS!

All of my efforts were immediately shifted into defensive mode. I was trying my hardest to protect myself from this deadly thing.

It probably only made it worse for me. I struggled so desperately only to realize I am simply not getting out of it. It is going to consume me and it is going to hurt as fuck. I have shifted all my efforts to generate all of the displeasing emotions that are currently overwhelming me. I wanted him to fucking know. I wanted him to feel at least a percent of what I do right now and I wanted him to understand. I will fucking kill him. I don’t care what I have to do. I don’t know how. I don’t know when. I don’t care. I. Will. Kill. You. I WILL!

I obviously cannot tell if it has the desired effect but that was all I could think about.

¨Lastly… You were right. Games should have status screen. Have fun Tony. ¨

That was the last thing I could’ve heard and then… no matter how many words would I use to describe this level of pain… it would still be not enough.

I felt every atom of my body screaming in pain… individually. I have felt so many emotions… from which a lot of them weren’t even mine. I don’t know what exactly is happening but I can clearly tell I don’t like this.

All the negative emotions in existence are currently eating away at me within an insane space full of complete darkness. This process is seeming taking an infinity amount of time.

Fortunately… it ended after a long time. I have no way of telling how long exactly but I have felt at peace. I am somewhat happy.

I couldn’t really formulate thoughts properly and that still is happening but I knew. I still hold on. I am me. I exist. I don’t feel my body. I cannot think but I exist.

After a bit shorter time than the process of insane torture I was starting to weirdly drift inside of my own mind…

I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!

The process seemingly same as from before I died for the first time was not even important for me. All I could think of was how fucked up this bastard is. I was never so sure that I wanted to hurt someone. Never.

I have used to know some extreme dickheads. I was even bullied for a decent amount of time in school. But I never felt this much hatred. All the suffering I felt. It must have been the followers that still believed in me.

The insane pain I felt… I couldn’t forget and forgive for that alone but he did something far more vile. Far more unforgivable… and it wasn’t even the fact I have to start all over again. It wasn’t even the fact that he is probably using me for his own benefit. I couldn’t care less about that.

It was simply because he took my love from me. I am sure I truly loved Aelin… I was never so sure before in my life as a human when it came to love but I felt like this for the first time.

He took my followers, my friends and the love of my life.

All my efforts and struggles...


That bastard even made sure I couldn’t meet with them.

Even then he still decided to reincarnate me as a fucking RAT! A FUCKING RAT! AT LEAST LET ME CHOSE IF YOU ARE SUCH DICKHEAD! I FUCKING HATE YOU!

I could’ve clearly felt the pleasant implosion and it was only a matter… if mere instant before I would be reborn…





My head hurts a bit. I was starting to see again. Blinded by a light, I had some trouble getting used to it.

I was also a bit startled when I realized I see… well probably my siblings and my own GIGANTIC mother. I don’t get to really see that well yet so I just assume that is the case. She also started doing something very embarrassing but I had no strength to fight back at all.

At the point where I was the most confused what the fuck is going on… I heard a voice that made me cry.

¨Would you like to access the tutorial? ¨

I was physically unable to do so and it was extremely unpleasant. The amount of sadness that this brought was overwhelming and even to my surprise. I didn’t realize I was so attached to her. I think if I wouldn’t compose myself soon I might even suicide by crying.

Even my supposed mother was distressed by this because it happened while she was busy cleaning me by licking and she also bit something off me that slightly hurt. She might think there is something wrong with me… I don’t want to risk that she would get rid of a defected children so I really tried my best to calm down.

At this point the voice kindly interjected again. I could swear I feel emotion coming from that voice but I am sure that’s just my imagination.

¨Would you like to access the tutorial? ¨

This voice was the same as Aine used to have. Only a bit cleaner and it was very similar to the omnipresent talk I had with the fucking god.

Just out of curiosity I tried to think about fairies as much as possible but nothing happened. I have no doubts that he changed that too…

As I was deep in thought and luckily for me I didn’t even realize I was so hungry I started to drink milk from my mother that was closest to me, probably because I was the last to clean. I was soon joined by my siblings and enveloped in the little rodents. I think I was born last. Not that it matters that much but I am the youngest from my family… family? Huh? Maybe… maybe yes.

I don’t know what the future has in store for me but I know one thing.

This right there is my mother.

And these little ugly creatures around me are my siblings.

Obviously I wouldn’t give up my revenge but that is a long road ahead.

Right now I should protect these creatures. Or at least I think so.

For now…

Anyways the voice was not about to give up.

¨Would you like to access the tutorial? ¨

Yes, yes please!

¨Welcome! ¨

¨Current location… Perpetuus Jungle! ¨

¨Current race… Small Black Rat! ¨

¨Generating status… done! ¨

¨Welcome to Solaris. ¨

¨You are a monster. ¨

¨Your race is a rat. ¨

¨Now accessing the tutorial information… done! ¨

¨Additionally your current location is a dungeon. Please! Caution advised. ¨

¨For access to your personal status just think about status in general. ¨

¨Welcome otherworlder. You are currently in the growing phase. This phase is natural for every newborn race with parents. You will be defenseless until you mature. Good luck. ¨

¨This concludes the tutorial… have a pleasant stay. ¨

¨Would you like me to end the tutorial? ¨

Eh… so the tutorial is… just… stupidly shortened explanation about something that I could already tell… huh? That’s it?

I mean I get some useful information such as knowing I am the same specie as before. I also know I am still in a dungeon but this time I am dependant on my parents until I grow up a lil. Sure that’s fine with me but that’s it? No explanation about anything just a little bit of info to calm you down… hmm… sure.

¨Would you like me to end the tutorial? ¨

Hmm… oh well… no use thinking about it this much. I guess I should be happy that I know what kind of rat I am and that I still have status.

Also Perpetuus Jungle huh? Sounds kinda scary.

On top of all that… I really hope my mother is strong enough to guard us properly or at least smart enough that we are well hidden. I still cannot confirm shit myself. Slowly getting better though.

¨Would you like me to end the tutorial? ¨


And don’t bother me with that ever again. You are stuck there with me. Deal with it.

¨…..understood¨ I could’ve sworn I hear a thank you ever so slightly but that again is probably my mind playing tricks at me.

Well this milk IS some gourmet shit good.

I like it.

Well… it is time for me to confirm my status.

I hope for the best. I really do.


Monster status

Name: None                                                            Combat Power: 1

Race: Small Black Rat                                           HP: 3

Level: 1                                                                     MP: 0

Fame: 0


Skills: Bite lvl.1, Jump lvl.1, Scavenger, Alpha test player, $@&*.

Evolution: None

Ver. 0.5
Alright everyone. I really hope you love this. I was a bit hesitant and was even contemplating making an entirely new novel.

Ultimately i decided that this is not a bad decision. I would like this to be sort of an official shift from low to medium quality. I still have a long way before me to become a better writer but i want this novel to be a great journey of my growth as a writer. So that maybe sometime in the future we can have the official shift from medium to high quality.

Now. I really hope you guys liked this chapter and i will be making chapters around this big. 3000-4500 range once per week. There might be changes but i want to be a bit more consistent. Thank you all for reading my work and i really love you all.

PS: please if you like my story even a little bit... give me some favorite or put this story in your reading list or even follow me. Reviews are also a really good thing and of course do those even if you dont like my story! If you decide to review that you indeed do not like my story please give a reasoning why is that the case. Thank you all really and cya