Chapter 182: Political Positions
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Despite the panic of the residents of the illusionary realm, the situation didn’t change and time continued to flow. As the situation worsened and clarified, a meeting consisting of the various important leaders within the government and military was called at a secret location.

The meeting contained nearly fifty people and a variety of uniforms could be seen within.

An older fellow spoke once everyone had arrived and directly asked for the most recent information. “Status report.”

“No change.”

“Situation unchanged.”

Various voices around the meeting room spoke at the same time, the content roughly the same. Everyone reporting that there had been no change in the situation. Hearing the information, most people had a reluctant and disappointed expression.

“General…” The older fellow indicted for the general to speak.

The general stood up and began to summarize the situation for those unaware. “According to recent reports, everyone who has died within the last two week have had their weapons of power disappear mysteriously without any clue as to why or how. Nearly a hundred weapons of power are missing.”

Some people previously unaware of the situation around the room frowned.

The disappearance of a weapon of power is akin to a bomb suddenly going missing from the arsenal.

While it couldn’t be hidden in some cases, this wasn’t exactly information that could be easily reported and obtained by the public due to the possibly of panic. Some weapons of power had been reported to have disappeared to the public, but the information that none had been recovered during the last two weeks was a highly classified secret.

Although everyone in the room had clearance to know this information, there were people that had paid little attention to the specific situation for various reasons. As a result, they hadn’t been aware of the actual situation beforehand.

“Additionally, all efforts to search for newly spawned weapons of power have failed.” The general picked up a report from the desk. “Seven expeditions to common spawning locations of weapon of power at the cost of 182 lives has resulted with no weapons of power being found.”



Various people around the room shuffled in their seats and looked at each other.

They all had ugly expressions on their faces.

All expeditions into the wilderness carried casualties.

The causalities were to be expected. The disappearance of weapons of power at those spawning location was not.

Nobody was happy to hear this news. This was a matter of their own personal interests. Everyone had underlings and factions that they needed to ensure were distributed with weapons of power.

Weapons of power spawned at semi-regular times like clockwork.

Although there was a small possibility of no weapons of power being found, the chance of finding no weapons of power in these locations for two weeks was similar to winning the lottery.

That is to say… the likelihood this was unrelated to the mass disappearance of weapons of power upon the user’s death was almost nonexistent.

“None of the weapons that have disappeared upon death have reappeared. Nor has any monitored group during this period of time mysteriously had an increased number of weapons of power.” The general continued to report.

“Due to the mass disappearance of all unclaimed weapons of power, we must strongly consider the possibility… that the disappearance of these weapons of power is permanent.” The general concluded before sitting back in his seat.



Hearing those words from the general, everyone changed their faces in surprise before quieting down.

Before this point, everyone had been working under the assumption that the weapons of power could be reclaimed. Although the losses and casualties caused by the disappearances were serious, they were of little consequence for humanity overall as long as they could be reclaimed.

The main issue at hand had always been the face of the military and government for the blight of their disappearance.

It wasn’t arrogance or misunderstanding.

There had simply never been a case in history that a weapon of power had disappeared permanently. Although some weapons of power disappeared for a periods of time, taken by a various criminal groups or lost within the wilderness, those weapons of power showed up eventually.

Some people had vested financial interest causing them to subconsciously ignore the possibly. Others had simply never considered it.

Despite their surprise, it didn’t take long for everyone to calm down.

The general had only stated that the possibility that permanent disappearance needed to be taken into account and that was an actual possibility.

“Since unclaimed weapons of power are disappearing, various reforms and countermeasures need to be take place and procedures need to be changed to ensure the safety of everyone currently holding a weapon of power and prevent their weapons from turning unclaimed.” The older gentleman reaffirmed the situation.

By taken steps and actions to prevent the unnecessary deaths of those holding weapons of power, they could preserve their strength to the greatest effect.

In fact, the various reforms and policies to implement had long been created beforehand. People in various positions of power had been attempting to reform the current government’s approach that was unconcerned about the life of those carrying weapons of power for a long time.

Many situations that could be handled by normal military are instead handed over to those with weapons of power. Many times causing unnecessary causalities amongst the members without a strong background in the military to 'push' others up the waiting list.

Those with vested interests prefer giving those with weapons of power having dangerous responsibilities. Giving the dangerous jobs to those without a say in the military will remove the weapon of power from their hands and allow them to put it into their own pockets.

None of the people with interests in those policies had a chance to speak so far. The meeting so far was a self-directed show, attempting to inform the neutral parties within the military and government of the necessity and to begin having them implement those reforms.

A temporarily reforms that lasted until the crisis was over was a possibility, but often temporary reforms tend to became permanent.

How could those with vested interests against it possibility let that happen?

Currently, those policies provide them with a large amount of say that can help build their own factions and supply them with resources. It could be said that regardless of the situation, someone would take the opportunity to push their own political agendas.

Their words would always be reasonable and believable, though. Just believable enough for those with interests similar to have an excuse to the public and convince people.

“It’s too hasty to be considering drastic reforms. There’s no evidence to show the loss of the weapons of power is permanent.” A younger gentleman interrupted their self-directed show. “We need our military focusing manpower on the criminals that have stolen from us to reclaim the lost weapons of power, instead of uncertain assumptions.”

“Any time wasted on implementing reforms could allow them to escape.” A woman spoke up in agreement.

Another person on the sidelines added, “Our defensive line has been shrinking. If we do not recover those weapons of power soon, we will lose several cities to monster raids.”

It could be said that their course of action was entirely correct for protecting their own interest. By refuted the possibility and stating that we need to focus on other aspects instead, they can claim that their opponents are working with the criminals to help them escape or countless of excuses to refute the other’s argument.

Personal interests have more to do with changes in policy than reason.

The words protesting the previous arrangement for reforms caused several people in the room agreed with him.

From another perspective, their words were indeed reasonable.

If a criminal group had stolen the weapons of power, every second was precious and no time could be wasted on reforming the political situation. The army needed to be focusing on finding clues and preventing the criminals from escaping as soon as possible to recover their defensive line. They didn't need to focus on learning an entirely new set of policies whilst trying to find the criminals, doing so might even increase the casualty rate.

“The reforms are necessary... If unclaimed weapons of power are disappearing permanently, we need to take immediately preparations to prevent irrevocable damage.” The general stated.

Other people in the room nodded in agreement, but none of them spoke. They did believing that this was indeed a situation to prepare for and prevent from occurring, but none wanted to take drastic action. It touched to many the bottom line of many people in power and none wanted to directly be seen opposing it.

Whilst the remaining people were neutral, simply listening to the arguments.

To be honest, this situation isn’t particularly surprising. The fundamentals of any situation and interaction between those in power are entirely based around the interests of the powerful parties.

Those parties disadvantaged by the idea of weapons of power permanently being gone will never believe it.

Those that are neutral have a tendency to listen with reason and compare the advantages and disadvantages.

Those interested in changing the status quo and want to take advantage of this opportunity will wholeheartedly believe that the weapons of power are disappearing permanently.

All of this is to be expected and is an unfortunate side-effect of people in power… being people.

Unless those in power are incorruptible saints that have decided to dedicate themselves to the human race, people will always believe what is advantageous to them until shown irrefutable proof otherwise.

Even if a civilization is lucky enough to have incorruptible saints serving as leaders for a generation… how long can that last? A single generation? Two generations? It’s simply a matter of time before corruption seeps into a political system.

Whether outlawed or not, corruption is an irrefutable part of greasing the wheels of power and influence. Even if it’s not blatantly accepting money or support, acceptation donations to support specific industries and changing the laws to their own personal advantage is enough.

By the end of the meeting, no decision had been made and nothing had been confirmed.

Only benefit was the idea of reforms had been planted into people’s minds. Those in the neutral position decided to wait for more information before making changes. As always, it’s easier to maintain the status quo than to change it.

As time will go onward and causalities in battle increase without the situation changing, those in the neutral position will begin to support taking reforms and the situation will slowly change. Those with vested interests against the reformation process will never be convinced.

It could be said the debate between the two opposite parties was never against each other. They were each only trying to convince those neutral parties to make a decision that benefited them.

Both sides of the debate understood that the other party could never be convinced because it would violate their own chain of interests. If you’re getting paid millions of dollars to support a specific position, can anyone possibility convince you with mere words to change your position?

Obviously, it’s completely impossible to change someone’s position when they’re paid to support that position. It’s pointless to naively attempt it.

In actually, any debate is only intended to convincing those neutral parties listening silently on the sidelines.

Understanding the audience that you’re attempting to convince is an essential part of the debate process.

If someone mistakenly believes that the party they are trying to convince is the person arguing with them, they’ve already lost the debate. Too many debate tactics can be employed that make them unable to convey their point. They’ll only get frustrated and angry that the other party refuses to listen to them.

They haven’t realized… the other party was never going to listen to their reasoning to being with.

Only by providing them with greater benefits would their position be changed and that’s pointless to do. It would be cheaper and easier to sway the neutral parties involved instead of attempting it.