Hello or good evening, I suppose? I am Aliwai but you know it from the beginning hehehe ...
So, before reading, I wanted to apologize in advance, because this story was often written during a long sleepless night! So, maybe finally some spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes or maybe some badly organized ideas have crept behind the lines, soldiers ! I am counting on you to help me in this battle against sleep!
First of all, it's a story I've been wanting to work on for a long time, although the ideas have mixed up in my mind, the practice of the pen doesn't make it easier for me. Moreover, my inspiration goes from right to left without stopping, so it's difficult to stop and make a point. In fact, I write on my phone ...
As far as the story is concerned, I think that in terms of length, it is medium, so not too fast and not too long (logical!), if it is not to your liking I can change the pace. The main character develops better and faster after about ten chapters. The beginning may seem boring but I'm sure you'll potentially enjoy the rest, fingers crossed!
Character to remember :
Well, as far as the broadcast schedule is concerned. I will publish one chapter per week with an average of about 2000 words (even if I had a hard time keeping to the schedule). Depending on how the chapters were written, I may be late or early. The possibility of having 2 chapters should not be neglected.
At the end of the different tags, although it's a kind of bender with classic fantasy, you can find scenes you've already seen. I didn't add the love of girls or even romance because I don't know if the subject will be more developed than that. If you really want to see them, just ask, I am listening and answering your messages in general. Even if I have already drawn the line as far as the story is concerned, some modifications are possible.
Despite the language and writing flaws, I hope you will enjoy this little story!
I highly suggest for you to grammar check using Grammarly, in just a few minutes you will get rid of most of the grammar errors in your text. Though be sure not to get too dependent on it and rather focus on learning how to spell and write correctly from your mistakes, otherwise you will not improve!
Hi, thanks for the suggestions, it made me happy
To tell the truth, I try as much as possible to write in English but it's not easy at all
I'll post the prologue, you'll tell me news, maybe the writing will not be good, to see
@Aliwai For your title I thin that 'dhampir' and not 'Dhampear' if the race of the MC is a demi-vampire
@Stonelight Hi, unfortunately this isn't exactly the case!
We can say that we're almost there but not really. You'll see soon enough. Hoping that it will not be too bad as an explanation.
But if in the end, it really does not go I'll refine the title.
@Aliwai Actually I wouldn’t recommend using grammarly since apparently they get complete ownership of everything you write with it on, or something like that. Kinda not that important if you’re writing an essay or something but really shitty if you’re an author.
I don't think that's the case, though not sure if they can get your revenue by going through a loophole in copyright laws