[4] Bedtime Story
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                                                Location: Middle of a Freaking Forest                                                      Year: 1060 AD




(POV: Brother)


*Wind Howling*


It is cold, and it gets much colder further east, hiding behind a thick tree and waiting.


'Wild beast attack', It happens often, Ruins few farms, and or kills a few idiots who get in its way, most of the time we do nothing, who cares about those shitty commoners. Even if we don't meddle with them those beasts would leave eventually after they lose interest in crops or human meat, We'll only clean up those that stick around.


Only during rare occasions do we deal with them before they cause trouble, and this is one of those occasions.


The one we are waiting for is a Direboar, this one is not a normal one, but a variant. 'Dammit!, I'm gonna fuck some whores when I get back'. Father is hiding behind another tree 50 meters away from me, these trees are stupidly thick to cover even my dad's figure, who's 7 feet high, few guardsmen with spears scattered near a clearing without trees, its a path used by wild beasts for coming towards or leaving from human dwellings.


If I was in his shoes, I would have made few traps during this time waiting.




'It's coming'  trees that can't withstand the charge are falling down at visible phase. Earth seems shaking from the charge.


Seems Pompei made it out alive then, Pompei is our bait cum runner, I still don't understand why he still works for my dad,
Seriously no one can catch him if he decides to run away from our dangerous territory.


"Seems like it is plus two" father said while readying his battle axe.


Running from afar Pompei, behind him were three big masses, each one was two times taller than an average man, The bigger one in the middle is our Main Guest. *ROAR* unlike a Boar's cry this one roars like a lion while kicking out snow and dirt in the air, shiny golden mane and fur covering the entire body, anyone with a sane mind would doubt, wondering whether, if its really a Boar or a lion, That's the Golden Maneboar, the variant that we are after.

Pompei ran past us, his job is done and now it's up to us, I launched the spear along with others just when it was almost past us, few hit the target and some pierced their skin and most of them hit the ground before the beasts, and got broken by their charge, the aim was not to hurt them, it is to break their charge and we succeded in it, guards jumped out of their hiding place and surrounder the beasts, Boars that were chasing a small fry switched their target because of the annoying barrage and sudden encirclement of small fries. In truth, it is not hard for them to break out of the human encirclement.


Using the moment confusion Father launched himself towards the prize while swinging his Battle axe in an arc, the 100kg pig-iron axe heavily struck toward the Boar's right eyes diagonally, the momentum made it stagger and it nearly fell, father immediately backed away with battle axe still struck on Boar's skull, the boar's entire body shuddered and twitched for a moment, and that was its brain's last few glitched commands before it finally fell, luckily only one strike needed, the boar didn't even have time to scream.


Seeing its leader being taken down, other boars panicked and tried to break out, guards just moved away letting them go, no one wants to stand on their path of retreat. The main purpose is achieved, no one has the strength to chase and catch them other than Father himself.


Father stepped on the Maneboar's Corpse and started laughing maniacally, everyone else cheered and shouted looking like Barbarians.


Not all noble live their life without bloodshed like some spoiled son of bitches, there are also people who live the life of a knight or Barbarian, and my Father 'Baron Payn D'kman' is one of them, a 'Warrior Noble'.


Looking around, I silently muttered, "Pompei must be home by now".






(POV: Me)

"...He smote the beast with his sword, but the dragon poured poison on him and his armour split in two. Once more he refreshed himself from the orange tree and then, with his sword in his hand, he rushed at the dragon and pierced it under the crotch where there were no scales, so that it fell dead at his feet. After freeing the kingdom from the dragon's terror, The knight and Princess got married and lived happily ever after" ~ Mom finished the story.

*Heavy Breathing*


'How?, how could He?, First of all, it was just an Innocent Dragon that was minding its own fucking business flying over kingdom like any casual crow would, how could that be considered terrorizing?, It did not imprison the princess, it just saw that sky was cloudy that could rain at any moment, so it did any gentleman would, it 'let' the princess inside so she wouldn't get wet, But do you know what he did? that Retarded Bastard Knight murdered its whole Fucking Family in an unsightly manner and let half of the kingdom burn for it, For what? a dumb princess decided it was best to go alone in a dangerous Forest, You should thank the Dragon for saving her from becoming a potential Orc Breeder!. The whole thing is messed up. It's just a crazy love story of two psychopaths who don't care give a fuck about other people's lives.


But I personally like it though, especially the way the author explained how fucked up the whole world is and everyone is just okay with it, minus the cringy cliche romance scenes, and that's my review on this story.


"Mom, Ah Dagons yeal?" I asked tilting my head, "Don't worry, mom and dad won't let anything harm our sweet little boy~" she replied sweetly.


'wait, that's not the answer to my question, Ahh whatever', I hugged mom saying, "I-I wul alsho potek mom".' Especially this position of getting pillowed with warmth, I would kill anyone, even if its Dad!'.


"aww, look who's the brave boy?", 'Yes praise me, praise me more'.


"look at the time, it's already this dark, you should go ahead and sleep honey, mom has work to do.", 'No shit her eyes look so tired, she must be desperate to escape from my story nagging, I shouldn't hold her any longer'.


"Okee gooj niyt mom, pees take caye of yusef thuu", I almost split saliva on last part, my baby mouth can't help but to water if I talk too much. I'm still getting used to new body,


"Oh, good night honey and don't worry for me, mom will be fine", she wiped her eyes realizing, they don't look so good now.


After mum left, I laid on 'my bed' with a wool mattress which was perfect for this type of climate and keeps warm.


I'm almost 2 years old now, now that I could speak, I started learning a few details about the world I live in.


First, Mom's name is 'Anabelle D'kman', Dad is 'Payn D'kman' and my brother is Galeron D'kman, We're living in 'D'kman Barony', Manor house.


My dad calls brother 'Gale', it sounded like 'girl' when the first time I heard it, maybe some kind of intended dad joke or maybe not.


His status is of 'Baron', just above Knights and below Viscounts.


Our Territory is a part of the 'Ravaeyn Kingdom'. Fun Fact, Queen's name is Karen, as for King's name I haven't been informed yet, but they have a lot of kids, maybe too much that my dad and brother don't know which Prince to suck up/Favor to, arguing about it again and again without any conclusion, its kind of menu paralysis with too many options.


And Monsters, a lot of Monsters are out there in this world affecting traveling routes and stuff. there's a forest east of our territory that has monsters such as direboar, direwolf and direbears, it's said that no one went past that. I'm planning to get my hands on direwolves, IF I COULD.


As for Magic, It doesn't seem to exist and anything about magic always leads to miracles of God, which are a bunch of Usual Religious stories of the church like Walk on Water, swim on Land, and Jump on lava.


Guess I had to swing swords in the Future to survive then.


And Finally, my attributes have increased randomly and my skill has leveled up, I now have 'mini-map' feature from my skill. That's all for now,




I Checked the Status one last time before falling asleep.







Full Status
General Attributes
Name Aymar D'kman HP (1->3) STM (1->3)
Gender Male MP (1->3) STR (1->3)
    SPD (1->3) WIS (1->2)
    DEX (1->2) INT (1->4)
Type Name Features
Passive [Info Processor] Lvl (1->2) [System], [Status], [Memory Replay], [Social Management] & [Mini-map]
Active - -




[Social Management]


Family List

- Annabelle D'kman (Mother)

- Payn D'kman (Father)

- Galeron D'kman (Brother)


House Servants

- Sauze (House keeper)

- Valter (head Butler)

- Gracia (Maid 1)

- ???? (Maid 2)


Strangers List

- ???? (Stranger 1)

