Meeting The Villian~
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Under the soft stream of sunlight sat a man in a wheelchair. His pale and rigid face softening under the hazy glow. His entire focus on the sketch that lay before him, his deft hands never stopping to rest. Only when soft knocks could be heard from behind the door did the man finally stop, his cold gaze shifting from the drawing to the door. 

"Master, we have found the person you're looking for." The polite voice of an elderly man could be heard from behind the door. Although slightly muffled, one could still hear the slight disdain that seemed to have escaped by accident. 

Xiu Mo could understand why, after all the person whomst he sent them to find was the adopted son of one of his relatives. This relative being a money hungrey man who had tried many of times to trick or kill Xiu Mo. However, what is unknown to these people was that the little adopted son was this worlds little villian. 

A young boy who was tossed around by uncaring relatives till he ended up in a orphanage. However, this wasn't the end to his misfortune. After that, he was adopted by Xiu Mo's relative, who was even worse then the little villian's relatives.

After all that, one could probably tell how he ended up a villian. However, sadly enough that wasn't even the worst of it for this tragic villian.

Distressed, Xiu Mo had the servent open the door and lead him to where the boy was. Seeing the little guy silently sitting on the edge of the couch, Xiu Mo could feel his heart going soft for the poor boy. 

The boy whore clothes too big for his body, and his hair was too long to even see his face. Faint blue and yellow marks littered the boys arms, making Xiu Mo even more distressed. 

What hurt Xiu Mo the most however, was that the boy didn't look frightened or anxious, but blank and indifferent. It was like he had given up, like being treated kindly wasn't an option, only pain was.

Shooing away the elderly servant, Xiu Mo slowly approached the boy, a gentle smile lighting up his usual cold and detached face. Unexpectedly though, the boys reaction to seeing that smile was to shiver and scrunch himself into a ball. 

Freightend by him, Xiu Mo couldn't help but try to reach out to the boy only for his hand to be slapped away. At that moment, both Xiu Mo and Sheng Li froze. Staring at eachother for a minute, only when the suprised shout of a maid began to echo inside the large room did Xiu Mo and Sheng Li finally come back to the living.

Seeing that the maid was about to scold the boy, Xiu Mo immediately shooed her away before shifting his gaze towards Sheng Li. Speaking in the most gentle and comforting voice that he could muster, he asked, "Is your hand alright?"

                                            –Xiu Mo's diary–

Meeting the cute little villian, so excited~ 

(There seems to be a cute little drawing of the cute little villian here.)