Skill Creation
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After taking a second to recover my hp I continue further into the forest, but instead of pushing with no plan I sneak through the forest before finally coming across another cub. This time the cub doesn't see me so the fight doesn't start right away.

Circling to the back of the cub I silently move behind the cub. When I get into striking range the cub seems to notice something is wrong and starts to turn around. In the end, I was faster though, moving his dagger through the air he stabs it straight in the eye and backs up before it can counterattack.


This time the cub was ready, but the disadvantage of only having one eye threw off its perception which he took advantage off by feinting an attack at its remaining eye causing it to panic to protect the eye only to switch the dagger to a reverse grip and slice it across its throat which ends up finishing it.


Congratulations to Player Shadow for creating B Rank Skill Feint!
Feint- Send out a fake attack toward anywhere on the enemies body while launching an attack that deals 125% Physical damage to a different part. Mana cost 15. Cooldown 1 minute.

While grabbing the copper coin that the cub dropped I contemplate the immense potential that creating skills carry. While thinking of the countless options that come to mind a thought crosses my mind and I pull out my dagger and get into a combat-ready stance. With the fastest speed my character can muster I forsake all defense and put all of my energy into a 3 strike attack.

While swinging the dagger I lose myself in the feeling of using the weapon and a distant memory awakens.

A dark figure stands in front of a man with a cut on his shirt but without any injury. They both gauged their opponent. The dark figure with one dagger in his right hand against the imposing man that held a longsword. The imposing man smirks at the dark figure before getting in a battle-ready stance.

"I can do this all day. After your initial sneak attack failed you haven't been able to breach my defense once. Is this all you have? Disappointing."

The dark figure doesn't respond to the obvious attempt at provocation.

"Hmph. Fine, this will be your grave you fool."

As they dash at each other unbeknownst to the imposing man a smirk appears on the dark figures as he whispers the words "Unseen Massacre". After the sound of clashing passed silence filled the area, as only one figure remained standing.

The sound of a notification rings breaking him from the memory.
Congrats to host for creating S rank skill. What would you like to name it?

A sigh escapes my lips as I realize that I truly can't move on. With a defeated look I name the skill Unseen Massacre.

Unseen Massacre(S rank Skill) - Strike three times at a speed so fast that the enemy won't even know what killed them. Each sword strike deals 80% Phys damage. Mana cost- 50. Cooldown-5 minutes

Congrats to the player for being the first to create an S rank skill. Would you like to release your name in the world announcement?

After pondering for a second, he decides that there is no harm in releasing his name... oh how wrong I was.

***Player Shadow is the first player to create an S rank skill!***
***Player Shadow is the first player to create an S rank skill!***
***Player Shadow is the first player to create an S rank skill!***

After taking in a deep breath I continue into the forest to resume my slaughter.

Elsewhere waves were being formed with this announcement. Guild leaders were sending out subordinates to find out who exactly this shadow is. Was he just an old hermit that decided to come out of hiding, or a new player in the game? Either way, his threat needed to be assessed.

Unknowing toward the waves that I caused I continued further into the forest slaughtering all of the cubs that he met with. After an hour of slaughter, I managed to level up to level 3 and decided to take a break in the forest to glance at my stats.

Name- Shadow
Level- 3
Race- Human(Normal Tier)
Title-Lucky(Special Tier)
MP- 100/100
Luck(Hidden Stat)-5
Unused stat points-4

I decided to dump 3 points into agility and 1 into strength so that I can move faster and hit harder.

A deep growl rips my gaze away from his stat sheet.

Mini-Boss Event Started!
Due to your cruel slaughter of wolf cubs, the mother has come seeking revenge. Be careful, a mother fighting for her kids can be very scary...

Looking up from the notification I find myself locking eyes with a sleek black wolf with piercing black eyes staring back at me. Those eyes held so much hatred in them that it was practically tangible.

Level 5 Wolf Mother
Current Status- Enraged

'Well... I guess I deserve this.'