670 A Real Conundrum
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Back in the Hei Dian Sect, Jing Yi had no idea what to feel. He had hoped that asking Shen An De and Hong Ai about the demons would not only help with finding out what Sect Master Yuchi wanted to know but also help with diffusing his troubles in regard to Yawen’s end. But after watching the Grandmaster’s demonstration, he was just even more confused.

For one, Hong Ai seemed genuinely happy with her husband. If there wasn’t some kind of wicked magic spell going on that he knew nothing about, then he felt like they had run into a wall with their investigation.

On the other hand, he had never seen Yawen use this type of energy at all. Well, his own attainment in cultivation had been incredibly shallow at that time. He had barely been able to perceive spiritual energy and he hadn’t known about dark energy at all. Even if she used it, he might not have realized the difference.

With that revelation, Jing Yi found himself back at square one. Had she or hadn’t she? Had Liu Cheng seen something he hadn’t? Then if that was the case, why hadn’t he told him? Had he just thought that as a disciple of the Yun Zou Sect, Jing Yi should know about that? It could be. But it could also be that everything was different, that Yawen had never used that dark energy and Liu Cheng had made his decision some other way. Neither of them was there to ask so Jing Yi could only try to think things through by himself which really didn’t help.

Being preoccupied with his own thoughts, the table fell silent soon. Shen An De wasn’t sure if he had done anything wrong. This time, there hadn’t been any type of plan. He had just tried to answer the boy’s questions. But it seemed he had still stepped wrong.

The Grandmaster felt like there was a headache incoming. Don’t mention Jing Yi’s scrunched-up expression, the dragon king didn’t look like he liked the subject being discussed either. Well, he probably should have expected that. The feud between the dragons and demons went far into the past.

As the current dragon king, Qiu Ling likely didn’t have much nice to say about the demons and whatever spawn they left behind, even if it was half-human one. It was already a wonder that he was able to sit at the same table with him quietly despite knowing that he was not only part demon but also related to the demon king. Others likely wouldn’t have reacted as well.

Then again, Qiu Ling probably knew that he couldn’t be used. The demons didn’t value familial relationships, only benefits. To Jin Ling, somebody like Shen An De was nothing unless he would be willing to mobilize the Hei Dian Sect for his sake. Since he had refused to do so, that uncle of his could likely care less what happened to him. Instead, he might even applaud and call it just retribution if the dragon king still decided to take his head.

Well, never mind. Right now, Qiu Ling didn’t seem interested in aggravating their relationship. He didn’t know what he really wanted but as long as it didn’t put his family or sect in danger, that was enough.

Thinking things through, Shen An De just pretended nothing had happened and focused on dinner. Even though the other side stayed silent pretty much throughout, he could at least still have a lovely conversation with his wife. Thinking of that, he was quite happy.

Meanwhile, after the two of them had left, Qiu Ling also turned to Jing Yi and the two made their way out of the palace as well, leaving Hong Bao behind alone. She sighed, feeling that things would be so much better if Liu Cheng was with her. Maybe she should ask him to come over so they could have some fun together. As long as he didn’t have a mission at the moment, that shouldn’t be a problem.

Even though she thought of that, Hong Bao naturally wouldn’t rush to do so immediately. Just like before, she didn’t have a sense of urgency and figured that she might as well eat first. By the time she finished … what had she thought about again? She really couldn’t remember. Thus, Liu Cheng and the Chun Feng Sect were once again not informed of her whereabouts. It probably wasn’t surprising.

On the other hand, Jing Yi — who was more meticulous than Hong Bao — was already preoccupied with his mission again. While it was important to him personally to figure out the matter with Yawen that had time. In any case, her death couldn’t be changed anymore. On the other hand, the mission Sect Master Yuchi had given him should be finished as soon as possible.

In fact, he had already found out what he needed to find out: The reason for Hong Ai and Hong Bao to stay in the Hei Dian Sect was simple, there was no plot against the good faction, nothing they should worry about. But could he just report this? Probably not.

If he was the Sect Master who had been approached by another sect and asked to find out what had happened to those two disciples, he would think that this admittedly absurd story sounded made up. Especially since the person he had tasked with this mission was someone whose marriage depended on the results. Wouldn’t such a person be eager to show results?

So even though he had the answer to the question, that answer couldn’t be given. This really was a conundrum and he had no idea what to do to solve it.