9. ~Yatsu~
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Sasha ran late for her last class, but had a note explaining her absence.

She used the stolen time to figure out the school’s layout while the students were in class.

When Eva showed her around the school yesterday, Sasha was lost the entire time but did her best to memorize landmarks. Now she realised the school was just one big square with two floors and branching hallways.

The small cafeteria explained why the students ate in the hallways. Different from her previous school which had a huge cafeteria, big enough to house the entire student population and more.

Sasha rounded a corner and slammed into a moving something, bounced off of it and flew backwards landing on her butt. A clatter of books and papers hit the ground.

Sasha cursed and searched for the cause, not surprised to find a boy already picking up dropped papers. Some of which had no doubt fallen out of a familiar looking binder.

That's mine, why does he have- oh.

The enormous amount of papers had fallen out of her pack.


She shook off her pack and helped the boy clean up the mess. Her binder pretty much ruined as far as her organization went so she just tossed the papers into it. I’ll re-organize it later.

Sasha picked up paper after paper until she found only one left and reached for it.

Another hand found it at the same time.

She looked up at the boy, big dark blue eyes stared back at her, but only for a moment.

He averted his eyes to the floor and held out his collected stack of papers.

“Sorry! I didn't mean to knock you down, please forgive me.”

His hand shook, was he nervous or frightened? Sasha couldn't tell.

Sasha took the stack of papers, but before she could thank him he stood up and walked away in haste.

Her eyes grew wider as she watched him walk further away. He then turned a corner, out of sight.

Sasha wasn't entirely sure if her eyes were playing tricks on her or not.

Surprised? In shock?

Could I have found someone without-?

Usually it would have- it didn't...

I have to find him, to confirm it...later.

Sasha shoved all the papers into her now messy binder, threw it into her pack and set off toward her last class.

She found her classroom but stopped when another person opened the door and walked inside, the boy.

I guess I don't have to look very hard. She walked up to the door and opened it.

Sasha earned the stares of the entire class, no surprise there.

The boy sat down at the back of the classroom.

A thin, tall man with short dark greying hair, pushed a pair of glasses back on his nose and accepted Sasha’s note before continuing his lesson.

She sat down.

Sasha would have to wait until later to confront the boy. She sat in the front so she couldn’t keep her eyes on him, therefore she tuned into the lesson- or would have until the teacher ordered the class to pair up, and individually called Sasha and Yatsu over to his desk.

Yatsu turned out to be that boy, and still didn't have that bored hypnotised look. Even as the teacher instructed the others to begin, while explaining what they’d all missed, Yatsu still didn't have that look.

"-assignment where you write down ten things that interest you and share these interests with someone you don't know. This is an exercise to simply ease any nervousness about standing up in front of strangers when sharing future assignments with the class. You two will pair up."

"Do we have to go into detail?" Yatsu asked him.

"That’s up to you."

The teacher gave us each a page with one to ten numbered down the left side. With little room, they silently decided to sit in front of the teacher's desk. The first thing that came to mind was Eva, so Sasha jotted down my newest friend in the number one spot.

She glanced at Yatsu and found him with a blank page.

Was he drawing a blank?

"I made a friend my first day," Sasha shared, trying to get his head working.

Yatsu looked up at her with those really dark blue eyes. If his dark brown hair wasn't so messy, if he wore anything other than casual clothes, and he put on some muscle he would be a boy of many girls' dreams. His eyes told Sasha otherwise. They gave off the feeling of being lost, and he didn't know what to do.

"I-I like your eyes," he said, almost a whisper, before snapping his eyes back to his paper.

That surprised Sasha.

"I'm an idiot," he quickly said when she didn't respond. "Forget I said anything," he attempted to stand but dropped his paper.

Sasha reached out to pick it up for him.

A sharp shiver spread through her when he touched her, a shiver that turned her arm numb, a shiver that made her forget everything else.

What is this? I’ve never felt...

The closest thing was when she had a hold of someone, ready to hear the beautiful sound of a limb about to break.

The paper slipped out from her grasp, his touch gone. The feeling faded, but lingered.

"Everyone back to your seats," the teacher called out.

Yatsu weaved his way across the classroom, sat down at his desk.

Sasha got up, tried to shake that feeling from her arm before she took her seat.

She didn't know what happened, but the boy named Yatsu was added to the list of things that interested her.