21. ~Pervert~
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Chapter Three

Someone jerked at Yatsu’s doorknob, finding the door locked. Then that someone banged on the door.

"What the hell, Yatsu! You have a girl in there or something?" Rika called out.

Yatsu's face heated up. He never locked his door, never needed to. He just didn't want to talk to Rika because she’d find out in seconds about Sasha and he’d never hear the end of it. But if he didn't respond, she might believe there really was a girl in the room.

"There’s no girl in here, just leave me alone."

"Awe, but I was going to help with your love letter!"

"I don't-" he stopped himself. If he said he didn't need her help would she jump to the conclusion that he already gotten himself a girlfriend? I guess it wouldn't hurt to see her idea.

He recreated a rough copy of the letter he used today and slipped it under the door, only it had a different time and location. Even if Rika was in a different school altogether, she’d known more about his school than he expected her to at times, and he didn't want her to guess who he liked. "T-that one okay?" He asked her.

"Pfft!" She started laughing. "You'd be lucky if she decided to show up! Give me your pencil."

Yatsu slipped the writing utensil under the doorway and glanced at his window, trying to keep an open mind. He'd gone over and over what happened, what Sasha said to him, it was unreal. I didn’t daydream the whole thing, did I?

"This is what you should use," Rika slipped the paper back under the door, with the pencil. Yatsu read it over, and paled.

He crumpled it up, tore it apart and tossed it in the trash.

"Oh com'on! Only something as bold as that would ever get my attention."

"I'll never ask for your help ever again," Yatsu deadpanned.

"Aww, let me write it again?" Rika asked.


"Please!" She begged.


"You're no fun."

Rika sucked her teeth and stomp off down the hallway.

"At least I’m not a pervert," he whispered before flopping on his bed with his eyes closed. His mind continued to race through the day. Over and over again until he fell asleep.