32. ~Echo~
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On his back, Yatsu opened his eyes and squinted at the dark purple sky.

Strange, he couldn't recall a sky like that, ever.

Yatsu tried to raise his head to check himself but was unable to move.

Immobile, he could only watch the black and grey clouds float by.

Time didn't matter, two seconds, two hours or two days, he couldn't tell the difference. Then footsteps echoed toward him, feet dragging across rough pavement. A boy about his age walked right past him, Yatsu attempted to call out to him but the boy’s arm... thick red liquid dripped down from his shoulder, like his arm wasn't entirely attached to his body... Still, the boy kept walking and it wasn't long before he left Yatsu’s view and his footsteps ceased.

What happened to him?

Yatsu shrugged.

Time passed and more footsteps approached, this time they came from the opposite direction and they didn’t drag. Yatsu recognized both approaching people.

Braxton, Eva's boyfriend, approached Yatsu.

Brandon stopped back a ways, barely in Yatsu’s field of vision.

Unlike the guy that dragged his feet, Braxton walked right up to him. No blood dripped from his arms, he was all intact.

"Yatsu," Braxton whispered, his wide eyes still roamed the landscape.

Brandon too watched for something. The unusual behaviour made Yatsu shiver.

"The Queen comes for you," they whispered together. "She is not far."

"She will devour what is left and toss you away when you are completely dead," Brandon stepped forward, passed him and kept walking, leaving Yatsu's vision.

"Heed our warning, Yatsu..."

They left as quickly as they’d arrived, one step at a time.

It wasn’t long before Yatsu heard something new. Instead of slow moving people, something scrambled about.

"Where are you~" The sing song voice reminded him of two different people. "Where are you~" The scrambling sound continued.

"I'm here, Sasha!" Yatsu called out.

The scrambling grew louder and a female figure suddenly stood over him.

"There you are~" said the figure. Her voice belonged to something not human. Her eyes blinked black, her single pink pig-tail, bobbed side to side, and extra limbs extended from her back. Three hands held knives that she rose in the air. A fourth held something else, she opened her hand and a third eye, pure white, stared from the palm. "I found you~"

Yatsu panicked and screamed but couldn’t move.

Three knives came down, stabbing Yatsu in the chest.