42. ~Lie~
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The final bell rang and Sasha latched herself to Yatsu. Eva followed them outside and it came time to part ways.

"Did you want me to walk you home today?" Yatsu asked Sasha.

"Actually," she felt him tense again. The stalker? I'm going to beat this guy to a pulp. "I'm going to walk Eva home today," Sasha lied.

Eva, having already taken the first few steps home, perked up.

Yatsu nodded. Understanding. "Then I'll see you tomorrow?"

She smiled and turned towards Eva. In silence they rounded a corner together and immediately Sasha put her senses on high alert.

"Ummm…?" said Eva.

"No, I'm not going home with you. I need to find out who’s following Yatsu," said Sasha. Judging no one followed her, she turned back and peeked around the corner.

She barely caught a glance at Yatsu walking into a shortcut. Either he wanted to get home quickly, or he was being stupid.


"Oh ok, then I'll see you tomorrow?" Eva asked.

Sasha faced Eva and found hurt in her eyes.

This is not what I need right now. Sasha sighed. "I'll walk you home Friday," Sasha promised.

Eva nodded but still hung her head before continuing on her way.

Don’t feel bad. Don’t think about it now. Sasha watched and waited a little longer, and finally she was rewarded. A shadow darted across the road, a blur.


Sasha followed in silence. The shadow darted from one side of the street to the other and finally stopped in a corner.

Can Yatsu really sense this person?

Sasha crept closer to the shadow, but it was glued in place. Crouched down, slim figure. Sasha made out male features on his face, his eyes unblinking, staring in Yatsu’s direction.

Sasha crept closer and pounced. Her arm snaked around his neck.

"Don't hurt me!" he shouted.

It's just a kid! She spun him around.

The kid shivered, scared. He's-

"You're my sister's spy," Sasha said, releasing him.

He nodded, recognizing her.

"What are you doing here?" she asked him.

"Following your boyfriend," he turned and pointed at Yatsu.

Sasha followed his gaze, and her eyes grew wide. Three bigger guys slowly surrounded Yatsu.

"Were you following Yatsu yesterday?" Sasha asked the boy.

The boy didn't respond. He vanished.

Sasha cursed, that was the one chance I had to interrogate him. She could try and chase him down, but Yatsu needed help first.