52. ~ker-thump~
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Panting, Sasha approached Yatsu's home and without knocking, she opened the door.

Yatsu's mom -holding a basket of clean clothes- spotted Sasha taking off her shoes.

“Oh, Sasha! I didn't hear you knock,” she said. “You here to see Yatsu?”

Sasha paused. “He's not here?”

“He's in his room,” she held out the basket. “Could you take this with you?”

Sasha recognized the clothes, some of them Yatsu wore to school a number of times.

Sasha took hold.

“You should wear a dress more often, you look cute,” Yatsu's mom winked and walked back toward the laundry room. “Have fun.”

Sasha swallowed the compliment and rushed upstairs, nearly bumping into Rika.

Rika looked her up and down once before grabbing Sasha's shoulders and backing her to a corner.

“What did my little brother do for you to dress up like that?”

“Nothing, I-”

“I'll hurt him if-”

Sasha glared at her.

Rika flinched.

“I wanted to wear this today,” Sasha said. “Now let me go, I have his fresh clothes.”

Rika glanced at the basket. “Fine.” She said, releasing her and mumbling something to herself as she retreated downstairs.

Free, Sasha stepped forward and knocked on Yatsu's bedroom door.

“Yes?” Yatsu called out, not sounding excited that he had a visitor.

Sasha trembled. It's been a while since she's heard his voice.


“Sasha? One minute!”

Sasha smiled, listening to Yatsu's curses as he scrambled to prepare himself. Curious, Sasha tried the doorknob. The door inched open.

Sasha couldn't wait, she pushed the door open. “I'm coming in.”

Yatsu froze in place, sitting over his bed, holding a pair of pants pulled up to his knees, staring at Sasha with wide eyes.

Sasha placed the basket of clothes beside the door and moved toward him. “I can help you.”

Yatsu's cheeks turned dark red but let Sasha help. She noted he was still sore, wincing when he pulled up too hard.

“T-thanks,” Yatsu stuttered. “Why're you...” he looked her up and down.

Sasha smiled. “I wore it to school today, do you like it?” She twirled for him.

Yatsu stared at her.

Sasha's cheeks heated up.

He finally nodded approval.

Sasha frowned and crossed her arms. “Do you seriously like it?”

Yatsu stepped forward. Wrapped his arms around her and squeezed gently.

“You’re so adorable.”

Sasha blushed, and a wave of pure fuzziness washed through her from his touch.

Yatsu leaned back a little, his face close. “Can I-?”

He leaned closer.

And closer.

His lips mashed into hers and she nearly colapsed.

A wave of electricity overcome any pleasure Sasha’s ever experienced. When he pulled back, the feeling lingered but faded every second. Sasha leaned forward for more.

She wanted him closer, she wanted more of it. More of Yatsu.

Instinct took over, she kissed him back, adding another wave. She kept kissing him until he moved too far away for her reach.

Sasha didn't hear what Yatsu said next, she just lost herself in pleasure. She tugged at him, wrapping her arms around his waist, resting her head against his chest.

His heart ker-thumped over and over again.

“-asha... Sasha? You okay?” Yatsu asked.

“I-I’m fine,” Sasha stuttered, burying her face into his shirt so he couldn't see her. “You know. I don’t want to wear a dress ever again after today.”

Yatsu flinched, but then pulled her tighter.

“You are too cute in that one not to wear another,” He whispered. “Would you wear them on occasion?”

“No, they get in the way and-”

Yatsu pushed her to arms length, his dark eyes demanded attention.

Sasha shuffled her feet in discomfort, and looked away embarrassed.

The electricity dissipated, the fuzziness faded too, barely kept alive with his hands firmly resting on her shoulders. Will he… again… if I… “I g-guess... if it was for you I could... on occasion...”

“Sasha~” The way he said her name made her knees weak.

Sasha met his eyes as he leaned in again.

Another wave. Sasha couldn’t think anymore.

“I love you,” he said in between. “-and I'll take you up on that offer-” he kissed her again. “-on occasion... for me...”