Chapter 117: One Month Vacation (Peaceful Everyday Life, Or Not)
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Note: Sorry for not posting more chapters for such a long time. I had to undergo a surgery and after that I had to take a break. to compensate today I'll post three chapters.

After returning from the mines, Leona the lord of Akud, and every one of the influential people who went with her to the mines started spreading the news about their findings. They told the people of Akud about everything they have witnessed and about the nerve the people of the Love Faith had when confronted by Soma claiming that what they were doing was a holy mission given to them by the Love Goddess even though what they were doing was nothing but stealing.


After that, everyone in the town started working frantically to assess the situation and draft new rules and assign the proper people to make sure that the huge amount of abundant resources are used properly. Their first course of action was to use a lot of the iron they got to reinforce the buildings in the town and to build new homes for the people who lost theirs because of the Nobles. All of this started an employment rush rendering the problems many people in Akud had that stemmed from them not having jobs nonexistent. Seeing that the town was in a frantic mood to rebuild and advance motivated the people coming from Elk to help them by providing training to the Hunters of Akud and by providing a huge amount of monsters’ materials they got from all of that hunting.


The Noble families who were still in Akud at the time escaped from Akud during the influential people’s absence, as they went with Soma to the mines. This incident caused a lot of stir at the start because when they escaped they didn’t take the merchants, thugs, and hunters that worked for them and used their backing to do whatever they wanted. Those people left behind by the Nobles were promptly and brutally purged for all of their crimes and cruel misdeeds.


Soma and his party spent all of their time after coming from the mines, relaxing and absolutely not taking any part in all of the things happening in the town. And as the time went on, the vacation ended and the Third Quarter arrived… or not.


Three days before the start of the Third Quarter, an arrogant man with long red hair arrived in the town and started screaming at the town guards to bring the Lord of Akud, Leona to him as he refused to move from the center of the town and go to meet her in her office. The guards who were angered by his attitude and request of course refused to do as he ordered causing him to fume in anger.


“You Lowly riffraff dare to insult me like this?! I Razen am one of the five Royal Guards and refuse to heed my orders?! How dare you!! This is an insult you will die for lowly insects of this trashy town!!”(Razen)


Razen started screaming angrily at the guards who refused to follow his absurd orders and then unsheathed his twin swords intending to lash out at them. But before he was able to attack the guards, a fist-sized stone struck him squarely on the face with enough force to send him falling on his back. Shocked Razen stood up right away and looked in the direction the stone came from as drops of blood dribbled from his nose.


“You are annoying so could you shut up your mouth?”(Soma)


Soma was there reading from his usual book. Getting annoyed at the loud and arrogant man, Soma kicked a stone that was laying next to his foot at him, and that was the stone that struck Razen in the face.


“H-How dare you?!! A dirty insect like you throwing a stone at my face?! Die!!”(Razen)


The injury on Razen’s face healed as if time was going backward as he dashed towards Soma, slashing at him with his twin swords. Soma stood up and swiftly took a step forward getting close to Razen before he was able to slash with his swords and swung his fist sideways at Razen’s face striking him with the back of his hand and flipping him upside down. Right as Razen’s face struck the ground, Soma sent him flying with a frontal kick to the stomach.


“You bastard! How dare you-!”(Razen)


“No Razen, How dare you ask for Duke Leona Akud to come to you herself? How dare you try to attack the guards who were just doing their jobs? How dare you inconvenience the people of this town with your pity arrogance?”(Rimi)

Razen stood up right away and the same as before, his injuries healed up by themselves before starting to scream at Soma again. But as he was about to lash out at Soma again, he was stopped by Rimi’s reproachful and angry voice. Rimi had appeared suddenly out of nowhere along with Marina and Alice next to Soma looking angrily at Razen.


“Tsk… your highness, I Razen was sent to accompany you back to the Royal Capital”(Razen)


“On whose orders?”(Rimi)


“…On our captain Zora’s orders, your highness”(Razen)


“Then that’s not going to happen, you may leave”(Rimi)


“Wha…. May I ask why?”(Razen)


“I already have the permission of both Father and Mother to start a new life as a hunter with the leader of our party, Soma here. Of course, my brother supports my decision on this matter”(Rimi)


“…With this dirt-..”(Razen)




“You better hold your tongue!! I will never allow anyone to insult Soma-san! You better take your leave!”(Rimi)


“…Yes, your highness”(Razen)


After receiving Rimi’s slap, Razen left the town of Akud stomping angrily as he swore to himself to teach this insolent girl a lesson once their plans are in order.